[Feedback Thread Continued Part IV] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I never saw it as chaos. I saw they nerfed something. I looked into it. Figured it wasn’t a big deal and went on.

You people are just too sensitive and over dramatizing things, sorry.

You didn’t. The most of us did. Sorry but you’re under-exaggeration at the moment.

Yeah, the most of you also want mass resurrection back, I am aware of your kind.

Most of you still think “Hide n Res” was a viable strategy. Good day to you and your kind sir.

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Yeah well, I’m not the one that started the discussion about how viable hide & res was back then. It was YOU who started that topic with me.

But yes, hide & res was viable. I saw people winning teamfights left and right with it in grandmaster on twitch. :slight_smile:

Quoting this from one of my threads.


No thanks, I read enough of this nonsense.

Have a nice day. :slight_smile:

Casually ignored the proof that “Hide n Res” wasn’t a viable strategy at all… Good day.

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Proof? if I wasn’t so lazy to look up old streams from the past of pro players on twitch who won many a teamfight due to hide & res, I would show you some actual proof with video footage. If hide & res wasn’t viable, then surely people wouldn’t have won as many teamfights with it as they did.

Try harder next time.

Clearly those streamers were up against garbage teams then. You need to try harder next time and maybe read the points given rather than disregarding them because of your own personal interpretation of the successfulness of a garbage strategy. Also, make it clear if you’re leaving the conversation or not.

Yeah, right.

Next time you will make a comment on any of my posts, I will just ignore you. Your arguments are as empty as my coffee mug right now.

Literally describing your arguments. Have a nice day. This conversation is over.

Not really sure why people are still discussing hide’n’rez. We know it was used by some. We know it was disliked by many. As a 200 hour Mercy player I can tell it was a suboptimal playstyle, though if you could pull off the rez without dying I suppose it would work to conquer the objective. But more importantly, it would have been so easy to fix rather than giving us a boring, unengaging, and super-overpowered rework.

I don’t want a revert, but I think most can agree that the rework has been problematic for Mercy at the very least. She’s been overpowered, she’s been nerfed 10 times consecutively or so. And whether she is balanced or not right now her pickrate is still preventing healer diversity, which is also a huge problem for the game. I think Blizzard need to revisit Mercy as well as the other healers. They need to make changes, they need to consider the enjoyment of playing the healers when they make the changes, and they need to finally start to listen to input from people who actually play the game to have fun, not only those who play the game to make money (streamers and OWL professionals)


And what exactly they can do? Mercy is dedicated, aka reliable, healer, while all other healers supposed to combine damage with healing, making them unreliable by nature. Most likely they will destroy Mercy, so she is never picked.

This game never had actual healer diversity, it was always meta-dependent. At best there will be choice of 2 healers for same meta.


Hey Casdir, super sorry about any arguments I have started and whatnot. But I have my own reasons to want Mercy changed/reverted. I go over it a bit here:


I have read your arguments so many times by other people before, it’s nothing new to me anymore. You just want mass resurrection back, that is all you people care about. You couldn’t care less about anything else.

This is my last comment in this thread. At this point I find my brain cells too valuable to waste them on any further conversations with you people.

Sorry for apologizing… and saying why I care so much .-.

The reason I brought it up was the fact you brag no one was able to argue and debate with you so here I am getting involved.

Valkyrie maybe balance right now, but it isn’t an Ultimate that can provide Swing or Impact unless you are a novice Healer and lack the ability to keep up with your entire team.

In fact some Mercy’s don’t even bother using Valkyrie because it just isn’t worth it unless the team is taking too much damage and they need to make the task of Healing easier. But going Valkyrie can be a signal to begin the Ult Exchange.

In regards to Resurrect, there was a whole Ult Economy going on when Mercy had it.

The Teams that one, were the team that could team and manage their ults the best.

If Mercy Resurrected too Soon at the start of Engagement, then that gives the opposing Team a signal to counter attack with a wave of ultimate. Even if Mercy survives, she will not have Resurrect Ready, unless she has a Healing target to build up an Ultimate, so technically Mercy cannot be inactive during the course of a fight. (The current skill is a freebie, you can literally do nothing and Resurrect is given to you.)

If it cast during the middle of engagement, then it can erase any unfavourable disadvantage and it can still go either way until someone critical dies.

If cast at the end of engagement, it can sometimes be too little too late but at the same time it is a good opportunity to res because it will allow your team to return to the fight whilst the opposition is exhausted.

Valkyrie on the other hand is more of an Enabler or Stall type Ultimate meaning it is best used at the start or mid way through engagement to allow teams to gain an edge.

However, Valkyrie cannot counter any ults and with her HPS nerf, Mercy will be inconvenience with slower overall heal rate as the match plays out.

So if Mercy can die during Res, that alone isn’t a massive advantage? You are kidding right? Some fights can be easily won by killing Mercy, she is too big of an impact as a Healer, not as a resurrector.

Yes Resurrect is powerful, but a skilled Mercy’s can drag out and exhaust a fight through sheer healing alone.

Therefore, Jeff brilliant rework was a step in the wrong direction because, turning resurrect into an ability was a mistake from the very start. You lot, the DPS community, the Pro Community and Jeff was too up themselves to notice we were clocking triple to quadruple the amount of res on the PTR without actually trying.

I was shunned a lot because I was against the changes. When changes went life, more and more people began agreeing with me and voicing opinions that I have already said.

Resurrect doesn’t belong as a Skill. To make it skill worthy, you have to apply enough handicaps on it to make you question its use. Right now, it is better to not Resurrect at all, unless it is absolutely safe. There is nothing worse than losing your healer as they cast resurrect.

Also in regards to the Pro Play, if Mercy was so uber awesome, they would have used her prior to her changes. Yet they didn’t because the Pro’s know that Mercy cannot survive on her own, if she is isolated and skilled, she becomes useless and a waste of space.

Yet this hardly ever happens. I play other heroes aside from Mercy and you know… I discovered it is most likely my fault for getting distracted on her resurrected target.

If the team is equally balance between the two teams, Mercy can exhaust the team, so teams are generally caught off guard or exhausted from trying to kill the opposition before Mercy’s return.

Also because of Invulnerable, she cannot die during the process of resurrection. That is a huge advantage for Mercy, like yeah it improves Quality of Life as we don’t die giving you guys a second chance, but it also means Mercy is alive to farm another res to give her team a 3rd and 4th chance to claim a point or push a payload.

During the early 2016, Mercy was not an issue because she can die giving you that second chance, when they removed the aspect of her dying… then yeah it was a mistake. Blizzard recognises this because the current skill is a Die on Res feature, which contradicts their whole philosophy that Mercy should never die during res.

Yes but players like xQc has contradicted themselves shouting at the Mercy to hide and then shouting at the Mercy for hiding. There is no satisfying the DPS ego.

Your comment suggesting she shouldn’t hide means Mercy should jump into a Tactical Visor and get auto aim to death.

She should jump into Reapers Death Blossom and die

She should jump into Zarya’s Graviton Surge or Reinhardt’s Earth Shatter. Because Hiding is bad

Sorry, but Disengaging is a tactical strategy. DPS have the luxury to hide and flank around and take out the back line… why can’t Mercy? She still heals but there are times where 60HPS cannot burn through the damage you are taking.

Also that isn’t always true… Mercy dying is a significant lost to the team compared to any other hero because Mercy herself can keep the team alive and going until they respawn or until resurrect as a Ultimate is fully charged.

If the DPS is constantly dying to the enemy DPS then they need to correct themselves and stop making mistakes. Either change heroes or switch roles.

No jokes, there are games where the Support player is better than the DPS player that is locked in and playing as DPS. But because said DPS player is selfish and up themselves, they refuse to play anything else.

Yeah but the Big Res thing is a joke, even the best Mercy in this game had an average of 12~15 res.

High Tier Mercy had a average of 9 Res and Mid Tier had around 6 res average.

Mass Res isn’t always a great idea, because the no one realistically dies in one neat pile for you to resurrect unless they were Graviton Surges.

Tempo res of around 2~3 people resurrection was more common because it keeps the swing and momentum going. Mass Res was more rare because the condition to fulfil it isn’t always there.

Everyone dead and within 10 seconds of respawn. Everyone is within 15 meter radius and everyone is immediately ready to fight back as the enemy has 2.25 seconds to re-position themselves.

I hope you are realising your own contradiction right now.

Mercy are accused of Hiding to get their Big Res.

Yet Res cannot be gained without charge up from healing.

Mercy has to disengage, which is an act of hiding because it is common sense. Yet you claim Mercy SHOULD NEVER HIDE that alone is a horrendous contradiction and a argument that been ongoing for 11~12 months

An independent ability to survive on her own can technically help remove the need to make her invulnerable during resurrection. She doesn’t have to be constantly babysat and she can be more engaging since that is what all you DPS wants.

Yeah sadly… too many people ignore her and Moira can do the job better than Mercy since Moira gains Healing resource by dealing damage and Mercy can’t always pistol whip and chase a Mercy. Moira has more independent mobility and ability to survive a 1 on 1 fight. Same with Brigitte.

Because you wanted a debate. You have already lost this argument by contradicting yourself and you are chickening out because there is no way to argue back at the facts.

You claim:

  • Mercy should always Hide because she always does that. But this doesn’t make sense since she has to heal to gain res ult therefore she has to engage.
  • Mercy shouldn’t hide yet you claim she should be hiding from enemy ultimate because it is common sense and you can’t afford to lose Mercy during that engagement.

So which is it? Should Mercy engage or disengage? See it isn’t a simple accusation of Mercy always hide because that in itself is a very vague and false accusation made by Jeff.

Also none of you have ever complain when we come out and bust out that res to bring 2 to 3 of you back from death.

I don’t hear DPS or Tanks going, MERCY WHERE WERE YOU DURING GENJI’s DRAGON BLADE!? WHY DIDN’T YOU HEAL US!? WHY WERE YOU HIDING!? No, instead it was thank you and we carry on whilst getting frustrated at the other team who are putting up a good fight

Ironically, should teams trickle in and lose their lives during over time, there is nothing Mercy can do, even with Valkyrie. If half the team dies, then it is game over and DPS needs to understand that Mercy no longer has mass res, so they should never over extend or needlessly give up their lives.


Not keeping up with the current conversation, but the 10/PS heal reduction is a breath of fresh air for other supports. Although she doesn’t have the burst heal of Ana or Moira, she now has less of a must-pick title above her head.
Rez will continue to be a vital ability though.

The only two aspects of Mercy you can farm SR with was damage done and eliminate or Resurrection.

High Tier Mercy had around 9 res average and best Mercy’s in the game had around 12~15

Moment 2.1 rolled out… any decent Mercy could get 18 to 24 Res and I will admit, I purposely allowed people to die, because it did not matter.