[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Nah, ice cream is better

Be careful what you wish for.

The thread itself is already a meme so would putting more memes into a meme make it a tier 2 meme?




“Just know that we really don’t like Mercy. We think it’s wrong for Mercy mains to have fun.”


meme^2. I may not be good at math, but either it will become a serious matter, or the universe will implode. Either one is bad.


We need someone eating cake, I personally don’t know who, but I’m sure one of you can come up with it.

It’s okay. Rework itself is one giant meme so we might as well go all the way with memes.

this thread isnt locked?

So, this thread is still around as some form of cruel reminder that Mercy is not going to change the way any of the people posting in this thread wants. Mercy is only going to receive number tweaks and no change to her primary kit. If you do not enjoy the state Mercy is in now, then you will never enjoy Mercy again. Having this thread appear as the flying dutchman to haunt Mercy players ever so often is a cruel curse…


More like a monument to Blizzard bending for “pro” players, and changing heroes they will never play in foolish attempts to satisfy them.


Could you imagine how many megathreads we would have if it were still a thing? I mean, three (or more if you could the old forums) looks bad enough.

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Please delete Rez. It’s taking up way too much design space and power budget. Give Mercy buffs to compensate.

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Or just properly balance it on ult and give her an e ability to compensate instead.


20k, that’s crazy

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Hello Megathread. Glad to see you up in the front page. Glad this “feedback” is certainly being discussed.


I don’t like mercy, she is not fun to play, I hope she gets the further nerfs she deserves for making the game less fun. /Over :robot:

If it’s cruel to not do what you want to do then you are entitled.
Again, seeing this thread as a curse? You may need to lay off of the video games.

Dude…they’re not being entitled. They’re pointing out that this is still up and going instead of just being closed down like the other feedback threads.

That this thread itself hasn’t been addressed during it’s psuedo-permalock; NOR is it having Mercy threads being merged into it like like before.

It can be taken as just a reminder of feedback and threads not being read.

Is it over-dramatic? Yes, but still the fact that they aren’t bothering to merge threads like they did before sorta goes to show that not even the moderators care about using this thread anymore.

Do you, like, actively seek out Mercy threads to post to them?


One of these days mercy will feel impactful.

Until that point. I will continue to post here.

Not that anyone in bliz cares about commenting here to shed some light on the 20k posts that have just gone ignored.

There are so many posts lost in this thread that really give mercy some meaning and make her feel more impactful. I’m not just talking about mass rez before people quote me.


Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.


Jeff so impresses me with that thing he does with his voice and even changes shirts in the blink of an eye. No wonder he is head of OW :slight_smile: