[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

wE aRe VErY aCtIvE oN tHe ForUMs ANd ReAd YoUr FeEdBAcK dAiLy.


Ask that to many people in this game who donā€™t know how to do that sort of stuff. Who can barely understand her base kit to spread the healing around, even in the poke battles.

She is mechanically easy character to use, but to use her entire kit to itā€™s fullest potential takes a lot of work. The kind of work that Valkyrie and E Rez managed to take away from her.


All 4 of them!?


Itā€™s more than 4. I canā€™t even begin to count how many atrocious Mercy/support players I have seen.

Playing a support well often requires someone having true care for their team.

The kind of Mercyā€™s that could barely reach over 10% team damage healed a match, can now reach about 18% because of Valkyrie. Thatā€™s not good. Especially when on base kit alone, a good Mercy player can achieve 30-50% a match, depending on the skill levels present in a match.


I havenā€™t played Mercy in about 6 seasons and Iā€™m easily winning in low GM games rn.
(I usually get 20% team healing :I )

I can reach 30-50% in quick play games and usually the same in comp games.

Well obviously, getting that in silver isnā€™t much to boast about. I got 30% in my 3.9k rated game 30 minutes ago - does that mean Iā€™m the best mercy ever? No it means the enemy were garbage and could barely do over 40k damage total.

But I am performing at a far greater level than other people at my rank, I am more likely to win then they are because of my performance and I have lost so many games by playing with people that perform the way they do.

At lower ranks people take more careless damage, so if I am managing to use my skills to salvage their mistakes compared to other Mercyā€™s, than I am doing a better job then they are at my rank.

So yes, getting that done in SILVER AND GOLD is something to boast about, because at my highest I am gold and I only started losing more games because of the recent healing nerf and even then I am still performing with those same percentage statistics.

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So you think itā€™s more difficult to heal in lower ranksā€¦?

I think you have more chances to heal a lot more damage across a constant, because your team mates are more likely to take damage that they wouldnā€™t be taking at higher ranks.

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You realize the enemy teamā€™s skill also scales with the allyā€™s team skill right?

Yes, but at higher ranks there is greater coordination, so you are more likely to have people not out of position as often which means that is healing that is lessened the higher you go because there are less mistakes made that you have to make up for.

Not to mention, your fellow support is also likely to have a significant increase in what their statistics are because all supports are considered harder than Mercy and therefore gain more value the better you are. This would also prevent some of the numbers going your way.

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Yo how is everyoneā¤ļø

Hope you guys are well lolšŸ˜


I am doing pretty good for the most part, how are you? :heart:


Not bad at allšŸ˜Š

Letā€™s do this people, stay cool


Iā€™m tired, exhausted, andā€¦ tired

I need sleep I think

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This thread definitely needs more memes. And what better meme than an entire video ?

What ? Mercy feedback ? This thread is already a joke, so let's make it even more funny.


Whatā€™s up, are we still fighting for Mercy?

Nah, weā€™re just fighting for ice cream now


Sounds about right. buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut Mercy