[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018



Ah, the cursed, infamous megathread.

My advice is to revert. Evidence has ALL already been said. Just please listen to us, I’m begging you, Blizzard.


Oi, this thread really is never ending eh.

Actually wanted to post, though. I feel mercy should revert back to 60hps or at least 55hps. It felt like the other healer buffs were enough to actually balance the meta out. 50hps mercy makes focusing on healing feel really tedious and slow, especially with tanks. It’s really jarring overall given how the tempo of the rest of her kit (outside of rez) is.


Pretty much like Moth’s stats right now xd


Mercy’s current state is boring and dumb.



And basically it goes worse every day.


Mei is bae, fight me!


Wonder if Blizzard realize: their meta shifts cause extreme levels of toxicity. We don’t have abundance of players willing to play support as it is, let alone when your hero can get twisted and destroyed at any moment.


Resurrect mercy as an ultimate should go up on the PTR to test it out. But two iterations of Mercy up and see which one gets played more Valkyrie or Rez Mercy


@ Tom Powers.

Hey I don’t like to discourage developement ever. Creativity should never be discouraged. It’s artistic work and hard work that makes someone feel inspired.

I really can say I do not understand why the re-work rolled out. Here is the deal in shorthand and I believe it it follows with your previous game called “world of warcraft”. This is kinda a gauging point here. But let’s start with some basics.

In the team games, the healer is usually the player that requires the least amount of “aim skill”. These people that play these classes might not be the best at aiming. But it at least brings them INTO the game no matter what. My Sister, included. ALWAYS played mercy. She wasn’t skilled at aiming, but was able to do SOMETHING. Some sort of participation made this a “whole group” game. Since the re-work and the mechanics changes on Mercy. This means she is “washed out” from ever playing the game again.

I understand that Mass Rez is the big topic hear. It really is. I RECALL when you rolled that out on the WoW servers. it served it’s purpose. Because having that one extra chance to continue a fight in WoW was fun. It actually gave groups 1 more chance at NOT having the RAID wipe. Then you adjusted it, so it wasn’t 100% health back. But something along the lines of 25-33% of the player’s total base health returned to them.

I’d say you really need to read external poles out there on this and perhaps if you do decide your revert ( A BIG IF). That you would consider LOS fixes, (which IS difficult because of level/object collision and consider M/R to be a 15%-22% of total player base health restored.

Anyway thats my 10-25 cents there on some of my OBSERVATIONS.

Cheers. :slight_smile:


Resurrect needs to be removed, it can’t be balanced.


Removing rez is removing Mercy.

This is out of the question.



An ability doesn’t make a hero.

I feel like I should Contribute… Ahem.

Gengu Seys: Nerfcy bad. Pls fix. Thenk

(not trying to be mean. :joy: I just don’t have any good changes in mind behind the typical revert.)


Well it actually does.

Remove dragon blade from Genji. He is no longer Genji. Same for most of the cast. D.Va wihtout “NERF THIS!”? No.
Zarya without graf? No.

And rez is on 40% of Mercys spray, its on her overpriced 150$ statue in the blizzard store, its on an even bigger statue at the OWL, its in the first Overwatch trailer, its everywhere.

Rez is the biggest and most important part of Mercy. Well at least mass rez was.
This abomination of rez fits the abomination Blizzard turned Mercy into.


I wish Blizzard would admit that this rework was a failure.


Am I the only person that enjoys playing Mercy in her current state?

No, there’s like, ten others.

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Well, as your profile says you liked to play a trash character for ages, so probably is normal for you to like the trash mercy we have now.


I miss the old mercy, when people would tell me to switch to another healer at the beginning of the match and then proceed to carry and have significant impact in every fight.

(inb4 HiDeAnDrEz OP)