[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Cause OWL is seemingly more important then the game’s actual balance issues, which affect OWL just as much as everyone else >.>


Lets see, maybe when “THEY” finally take us seriously and FIX THE GAME. An yes, other Heroes need work such as Ana, Bastion {been ignored for over a year}, Torbjorn, Roadhog {nice Nerf… oops “Bug Fix”}, Reinhardt {nice animation to hide the flaws with Earthshatter}, Symmetra’s 2nd Rework that is SUCH a total success, etc. etc. etc…
Anyone else notice the pattern, “THEY” REWORK Heroes that were not broken and make the heroes broken either by being Over Powered or Under Powered but almost never correct right out of PTR?


At least he received something in return xd

Why was this reopened? It was better with this closed because atleast feedback would be on front page rather than in this dumpster bin

The cycle of false-flagging ended, or they blocked it.
Either way, what brings you to this dumpsite? xd

I think this thread has derailed so far offtopic the train has landed on the moon.


Well, to get back on target, here is what I would like to see happen to Mercy:

  1. Rez off of “E” and back to ultimate (max 5 man Rez), with tweaks. Line of sight modified so it doesn’t go through walls BUT can go around payload, signs, lattice work, etc.
  2. “E” ability Valkyrie of 5 seconds, no chain healing, just flight. OR something that helps Mercy in another way.
  3. Healing back up to 60.
  4. An stop with all the Nerfs to bring her down to the Nerfed level of other healers. Bring the other healers up a notch or 3. Heck, DPS seems to get a LOT of power creep to where healing is mostly negated. That should really stop…

Oh hey, its up again.


I would be fine with these changes, although I think that chain healing should stay with Valkyrie.

I wish all the Mercy threads/discussions were moved into this thread again. Then it would make space for other interesting threads that keep getting lost to a lot of unnecessary drama.

To those who have kept posting here, staying on topic and overall have remained civil, huge thanks to you.

They probably WOULD if any of our comments, in here of the previous Mega-Threads, were even looked at. It’s easy enough, with the new forums, to prove they are not since the amount of posts read by “THEM” and the powers that be are no where near 20K posts, much less the 40K posts since this new Forum started. Currently there are over 100,000 posts in 9 Mega-threads, starting with the PTR posts about how OP the reworked Mercy was, with only 2 posts saying in effect that Mercy is fine due to “Pick-Rate”. Which neither one was in the current Mega-thread, much less any thread about Mercy to begin with. 14 Nerfs later and we are still waiting for answers, and even “Your Overwatch” is asking “Overwatch: Has Blizzard NERFED Mercy Too Much?” here:
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=573P5jdjl8M&t=609s


I’d rather die. Jokes aside, that would be pointless because this thread has already hit 20k posts anyway.

More room for ideas in another mega-thread C:

Highly doubt they’d though that if they already disregarded this one.

You never know ¯\(ツ)/¯ I’ll always remain hopeful.

All the good discussion has long since moved to titaniums thread.

Its better this way anyhow.

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Revert Mercy’s nerfs for Plat and below, keep the current Mercy for Diamond and above.

Problem solved.

Hi there Mercy Megathread Dumpster! Long time no see.


Then maybe it should all go there :slight_smile: either way less spam in the GD!