[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

this isnt even about mercy anymore its about how long until it locks lmao

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y’know that valk mercy’s aoe heal is outdamaged by winston who has aoe dmg, right?

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When it comes to Devs, it was never about Mercy. Just to keep forums clean. Needless to say… They failed even in that one :joy::ok_hand:.


also hell yeah when the next lock mr. powers??? silence the swines who go against OW’s perfect game balance plssssss

I want this thread to get deleted

Nice one, lad. Huh, wait, you weren’t joking. LMFAOOOOO


Mercy definitely needs another rework.


Or a revert with tweaks, knowing how lazy they are, that will suit them better


#ThreadsNeverDie #Mercy4Lyfe

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Whoever came up with this sheer fisting of an Sombra skin can go enjoy themselves. Do me a favor so I don’t waste my time on this again, send me an email at when you decide to A) Implement an skin that wasn’t designed by a chimp chained to a cubicle A.)Get a Quality Assuarance Department C) Actually release the thing and D) Patch it live. And please for god’s sake – do it in the order I laid out for you. Don’t worry, I won’t charge you a consulting fee on that one. And for good luck you might as well E) Pull your heads out. While you’re at it rename the game to Sombrawatch since you’ve used up you’re allotted false advertising karma on taking a junkenstein skin and the $40 price. Fix the price. Fix the leaks. Rethink your time-sink. Don’t have the resources to fix this stuff? Move the ENTIRE Overwatch team over to patching in a new gamemode AND DO IT NOW. If you don’t fix this game, you will be the only ones cheering for yourselves at Blizzcon.

Can we please make her beam disconnect after an interval of time when she breaks LOS of the hero she’s healing/damageboosting… basically similar to when it breaks when an object is between her and the hero the beam is connected to, thank you.

More nerfs? No, please. :-:

That’s already the case…


It already does this though? Unless you mean it should break when she looks around, which wouldn’t be LoS as it’s not actually defined by the player’s sight. It would also be a harsh nerf, not something she really needs right now.


It’s not a nerf if you’re a good Mercy player, I believe this change will make it much more distinguishable between a good and a bad Mercy player, as you have a limited amount of time to scan your surroundings for possible threats or allies needing to be healed before looking back at the target your healing and breaking LOS again, it should imo make Mercy more fun to play.

I believe you haven’t played the game in a while so you might have forgotten, but if you do a full 180 breaking LOS of the hero you’re healing your beam does not disconnect, you can try it out in training ground thingy.

Do you think that should also apply to Zen and his Orbs?


So you want Mercy to stare at teammate’s behind whole time? That would kill her.


Mercy’s playsyle is based on healing while avoiding enemies with the use of GA. If she constantly has to stare at the teammate to heal she would 1) not be able to do this and 2) it would make her even more boring. Why not exchange her for a healing station at this point, she’s already cosplaying a flying Supercharger while in Valkyrie…


We’re discussing Mercy here, would I apply to Zen? I’m not too sure as Zen is an off healer he also does have to deal damage as for Mercy her job is primary to heal her targets. You can’t have to focus on dealing damage while having your los on the teammate you’re healing most of the time.

Not the whole game, no.
That’s why I said it doesn’t disconnect instantly.

I think I answered your comment in the above statement.

Edit: ooof i can’t reply to everyone… I’ll wait a while and gather up all the comments lol

I see.

Your inconsistency clearly shows you have an anti-Mercy agenda. Guess what Ana main? Not everyone has to be forced to heal with LOS like you do. Get over it.

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