[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

The thing is, even back then it wasn’t OP. It just wasn’t, Mercy always had a low pickrate on high-elo(you know, where people pick what has the biggest chance of win). The Meta was Lucio and Zen. then it was Lucio and Ana. I was there, I remember.

Yes, Rez could be obnoxious, but 1 - we do want it to get tweaked to have more counter-play, and 2 - So many ults are obnoxious too. Hearing Tech Visor or High-Noon when you have nowhere to run to, or getting vaporized before you can even get to cover is NOT fun either, but its an ult. Zen can negate ults with Trans, why can’t Mercy? Hell, D.Va can eat ults with an ability…


Is this open ? am i dreaming? is this an illusion


Maybe a cap at 3, Her ult is bringing back 1, and if she heals a ton she can charge up an additional 2 charges and bring 3 total back? Decay system like Zarya’s beam to discourage hide n res (like it ever happened anyway besides SR exploit). LoS, smaller range, but god PLEASE that movement reduction needs to freaking GO.

The other option is single instant rez on ult, and another midfight ability/something else as an ult as well. Personally I like the idea of having more utility instead of just heal heal heal. Some kind of cleanse, burst heal, or Pacify like titanium suggested?


I think it was backwards
But still the thing is that she was niche at higher elo

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Who woulda thought? definitely not the balancing team


I don’t think so? Before Ana was released everyone was playing Lucio and Zen on High-Elo because of Discord. Then Ana came out and it was Triple-Tank(Ana and Lucio), then they nerfed Ana, and it was Lucio and Zen again. Mercy wasn’t OP or Must-Pick until her Rework.


Oh, then you are right, I forgot to think what was before Ana and Lucio xD


It’d be cool if she said her English skin specific ult lines in German if it’s an enemy. Just like Doctor Junkensteine, Oni, and Baihu skins:

Helden sterben nicht… Aber für einen Preis
Meine Diener sterben nicht!

Also, why was “Onwards to Victory” removed a while back?

Oh goodness I know. I was there for the old days, and my god I miss them. Being borderline UP but having to put all my focus on just staying alive to help my team, and with the chance to turn things all around - it felt so good. I fell in love with that Mercy, and I miss her terribly.

But things have changed, and I can’t see a situation where the current community would embrace mass rez in its previous incarnation. Personally I loathe tac visor - oh yay, aimbot! That’s fair. But the whole Mercy situation has become such a mess, with so much vitriol on both sides, I’m trying to find a middle ground. Putting rez back to her ult, with tweaks and a cap (maybe 3?) and giving her some other type of utility as well. I know I’m repeating myself a bit, but damn I’ve given this stuff more thought than I should :joy:

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First off, those ults weren’t guaranteed to bring back up to 5 players, they had to get into the right positions and do them at the right times., and they didn’t have invincibility. When an enemy team died, you had a very small window of opportunity to kill the Mercy before she got her rez off. Sure you could try to tweak that, but the reason that the added invulnerability back then was because she kept having to sacrifice herself just to have a chance to rez her team. I think that they should either try to make Valkrie more viable, or just come up with something better for the character.


Wait how is this still open? :thinking:


Oh look, the censorship thread lurks it’s head again.

Guess it’s just in time to lock all of our threads and redirect us here. Aka the “mercy mains are second class citizens” thread.

So fun feeling alienated from the community of a video game we all play.


We’re all as shocked as you are

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Then what about giving her damage reduction :thinking:?


This is unlocked now?

i guess

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You’ve done enough, Blizzard. Resurrect our once wonderful Mercy!!

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Well, we have been unhappy with Mercy for an year, I think they can take adjusting to Mass-Ress. Then they might even see it’s not hat big of a deal, since they have way more tools to deal with it nowadays.

I would be happy if Mass-Ress, aside of removing its invulnerability and requiring line-of-sight, only healed Health(not shields or armor). That way tanks wouldn’t be brought back with full health and everyone in general would be easier to kill.

As for her E, maybe a mini-Valk where she can free-fly for 5-6s so she can reposition and her healing output increased to 90, so she has SOME burst healing for tight situations.


I think 90 is a bit strong for an E unless we keep her base healing at 50hps.

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makes thread about how to improve the reporting system

thread deleted, silenced



Well I know where this thread is going.