[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Sure, let us ignore the fact that Mercy has been meta for 11 seasons.

Sheā€™s been meta since season 7 soā€¦ 5 seasons actually.

Iā€™m a flex player. Of all heallers I mostly play Ana. And I donā€™t think Mercy is OP.

Her mobility is what makes her Mercy. She is supposed to fly from teammate to teammate to keep them up.

IMO the only broken thing about Mercyā€™s kit is how damage boost affects ult charge. The problem is the extra damage counts twice charging both damage deallerā€™s and Mercyā€™s ults.

I think it should effect Mercyā€™s ult. Idc about it effecting teams ult

The suggestions iā€™m reading right now is what iā€™m thankful that Blizzard doesnā€™t implement changes on just the forum feedback.

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Wrong. There is a difference between meta and mandatory.

She wasnā€™t meta seasons 1-3 (you would be reported for playing her), she wasnā€™t meta season 4-5 either. She became meta season 6 when she replaced Lucio in dive. Season 7 the rework happened. Youā€™re giving facts that are based on your own interpretation and memory that arenā€™t real. Psycho.

It doesnā€™t feel so fast for me but that may just be me. But I can say that that mobility can work against you, such as accidentally flying into the middle of a fight and not being able to cancel or evade it. So it kinda balances itself imo.

Like you would know. Youā€™re the one claiming her pistol needs HUGE buffs, which is absolutely absurd.

Iā€™m saying she would need buffs if you want her mobility removed. Iā€™m not biased, or ignorant like you clearly are.

Anyone whose played the game since launch would know that dear :man_shrugging:

Way to descend into name calling. Iā€™m done with you.

If you want to talk facts you should at least get them straight. Mercy has been underpowered for several seasons and was a low tier pick compared to Ana / Zenyatta.

Iā€™m not name calling Iā€™m stating a fact. If you canā€™t handle it then maybe stay off public forums.

Not a bad comparison. Take out your pistol as Mercy in a comp game and see how that goes for you. Donā€™t worry Iā€™ll here and wait for you to let me know.

The amount of salt flowing through forums in mercy threads isā€¦ Impressive.

All the BS talk about a ā€œMercy defense squadā€, yet OPā€™s the one fabricating things about Mercies history in Overwatch


The Mercy Defense Squad showed up and derailed any meaningful discussion, as usual.

Youā€™re making up information to push your own agenda. If anyone derailed this thread itā€™s you.

You derailed it yourself when spouting obvious lies like ā€œMercy has been meta since the beginningā€.