[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

So nerf her nade healing boost and let her heal through barriers

Or don’t let mercy heal through barriers

If no healers will be able to heal through barriers, we risk new tank meta. Nerfing biotic nade won’t help Ana: her self-sustain already is very low, healing unreliable, and mobility is lacking.

And even then, resurrect is too high utility to not use.

After more than 10 nerfs without being balanced at all, with an E ability that currently, even if it’s balanced (which it isn’t) contradicts the entire character, and with an ult that simply makes Mercy almost free to play, there is no mid ground anywhere. Her current design is a wrecked train, and there is no possible balance when the design is just bad. A rework is needed. Q valk and E rez need to go.

Well, good luck trying to balance the unbalanceable. There are not other options but a rework or a revert. Otherwise, nothing will be fixed. Never.

Just a few problems with your suggestion, even though I’m more or less okay with it:
1- Resurrect’s cast time seems a bit too long. I wouldn’t give it more time than the time her ult voice line “Heroes never die!” takes. That’s between 1-1,5 seconds.
2- The decay system would need a high cap, because if not, you would create a new exploit called “hide until rez is gone” (it explains itself). You could make her that if she keeps healing/boosting, no matter the target’s situation, her ult wouldn’t decay, what that would be a bit weird, because it would force you to overheal/overboost (doing pointless things in order to keep your ult ready).
3- I would simply remove the chained beams. Reducing them to only two could sound good, but then you would have a problem there. If you have different targets at the same distance, how would you make those beams to choose the right target? You could use rng for that, but as we can see with E rez, that’s not good design. Finally, I honestly think that Mercy should have her biggest weakness back: single target support.
4- Maybe the self regen is too much.
5- As somepeople is saying, bunny hop already brings to Mercy that mobility not so reliant on her teammates that she needed before, so maybe, having more mobility in valkirie is not the best solution. Don’t know, but that ability is a huge problem wherever it goes atm.

It’s very sad, but it seems that Blizz’s purposes have changed. When they made the game, it was marvelous, a bit bizarre, but fun and funny af, with plenty of unique characters, each one with its own identity and signature. Suddenly, they decided to focus it only around the OWL, so we have had horrible reworks, like the Mercy’s unending nightmare, and the busted Hanzo.

I don’t know when will this end. By now, it seems that Blizz is not having the results they wanted with the precious OWL (if not, why that exclusive Lucio’s emote?), and according to different sources, it’s losing followers with each season. Maybe if they see that turning a so young game into a es-ports one was a bad idea, they will start doing the right things and not messing entire characters in order to appease a very tiny bunch of players.

By now, Mercy’s rework is a dead end. Blizz has designed a mass rez’s counter (Hammond’s ult), and a huge amount of people are calling for changes. I don’t know how much time they will need to realise that more nerfs won’t do anything better than the others did. I hope they will finally rework her for good, she really needs that.


The pros want to play Ana not mercy

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They will play what is best at the moment. Unlike regular players, choice of hero isn’t up to them.


Moira is most definitely a main healer.

I encourage you to give some suggestions for a potential e ability for Mercy :slight_smile:

She could be main healer, if her healing wasn’t depending from enemies. Ana or Mercy don’t have to hit enemies just to keep their healing, allowing them to be where usually is best place for healer - at the back lines of team.

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She is a main healer, and isn’t as dependent on enemies as you think. moira can still damage enemies with her alt fire from her team’s backline in most cases too, seeing as it has 22 m range!

I have nothing in mind right now but i can tell you that it’s overall very difficult to find a E ability for her which would not overpower Mercy or which wouldn’t be useless/pointless.

I’m thinking about that now for a very long time and so far only one idea really seems possible. But for that she would need a complete rework and Valkyrie would go to the trash bin (where it belongs).


We can all agree Mercy is overpowered in some way (except for the Mercy Defense Squad).

I don’t think the real issue is her resurrect, or her boost, or her combat healing.

I think it is her ridiculous mobility. Guardian Angel moves too fast, Mercy is rarely punished for continuously being out of position because of it. It allows her to get in and out of choke points and scraps with a consistency no other support can even dare to match.

Moira is toast after Fade is set on its long cooldown. Lucio is an easy target because his path is usually predictable and unless he sacrifices healing, he doesn’t even move that fast. Even with Amp It Up and the speed boost, he moves slower than Guardian Angel. We all know Ana and Zen have zero mobility.

Reduce the speed of Guardian Angel (current 20 m/s) to at least 15 (to be roughly in line with an amped up Lucio) or give it a REAL cooldown because 1.5 seconds is virtually non-existent.


I’m not an Mercy main at all, but she isn’t OP at all. Can’t help that other main supports have potentially bad kits overall.


Thanks for your feedback.

Who tf are they? Luul


I’m not suggesting this but I want Mercy to stop GA if she collides with someone but deal impact damage.
Make it an explosive if you really want to make me happy.

I agree, her mobility is too high, and her healing beam length is long enough that she doesn’t have to be in a direct fight to heal.

Give it a rest.
You guys want to gut her.
I’ve seen posts about nerfing her damage boost, mobility, healing, ultimate, regeneration, beam auto lock. It’s funny, ressurection is the least complained about as it does have a counter.

Seriously, 90 percent of the people that complain about her are people who jump on the bandwagon hate against her.

Before her rework she had all these things, the only thing changed about her was her ultimate and a ressurection on a cooldown.
Gut her, and Lucio becomes a must pick again; you won’t win.

I’d like to also point it, Mercy does ABSOLUTELY NO DPS unlike all other healers who can fend for themselves.

You want to end Mercy having a high pickrate, buff Lucio. It’ll drop massively. Lucio synergies with Ana. Buff his aura radius, it wouldn’t hurt.


For someone with almost negligable self defense, I think her GA speed is fine. I’d rather they bin rez tbh. Or restrict it to valk.

There is one in here already. Talking down to everyone with an opinion contrary to theirs.

sigh Her GA is not the problem, her base kit in general is fine. The problem with her is having rez on a cd on in addition to her base kit is the problem.

Dont fix things that arent broken, actually address the problem directly instead.