[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

We’ve never had LOS mass rez. You’re being willfully ignorant and It’s making you less and less respectful. Please leave I hope no one ever listens to you.

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If we only reverted to Season 3 Mercy, and didn’t change Ana, then would she have Season 3 Ana to contend with?

EXACTLY! We don’t know what Mercy would play like without that Ana she was given invulnerability at the same time to compete with Ana as Ana was being nerfed. We have NO idea how Mercy would play with the current Ana if Mercy never got buffed.

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Actual facts in this post

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Well also, Dive got a lot sharper, which heavily punishes Ana.

I wish people would look into things further. If Mercy never got that res buff (which I hated from the start considering what I enabled) Ana might not have seemed like this horrid healer for so long. She did need buffs after her nerfs but she might have been more viable than she was for so long.

Please define mechanically challenging. I just dont get this

This is what it comes down to. To many elitist feel she’s low/no skill and thus shouldn’t be in ranks over 3k. Only “high skilled” heroes like Ana, Zen or Lucio should be allowed in high ranks.

P.S. I’m being half sarcastic. Some people really want this. They also want heroes like Junkrat and Brig kept in low ranks only as well. They got what they wanted with Junkrat and even Symmetra. Well Symm was there already and I don’t foresee her being used over 3k anymore than what she was with v2.0.



Yes… Sure he’s not that great right now but people are asking for some buffs for him. However when they buffed his wall riding the forums were full of Lucio players hating it because he now “easy” to play. He’s no longer the “high skill” hero he use to be.

He went from brain dead to ok.

Better than season 3, worse than seasons 4 and 5 in regards to balance. Mercy was still worse than Ana in seasons 4-5.

Your suggestions without compensatory buffs would put Mercy in a spot about as bad as season 3. That said, I would take that over what we currently have as A) I would be willing to play that version of Mercy, unlike the current version, B) that state will only result in further buffs to Mercy, and it’s better to start low and receive buffs than it is to start high and receive nerfs.


I would just much rather revert her to there, add the changes I suggested and go from there. If she needs buffs after that, then make it happen. But current Mercy is underpowered while also being overpowered. She is a must pick while being a chore to play. It needs changes.


Can you explain this? Because that makes no sense to me.

I hear ya, I just see this mechanic word thrown around so much and want to know what it means because it seems as if these other heroes who have all these mechanics should be doing a mortal combat style button mash. Mercy presses the exact same keys as other healers and actually probably has the most key input of any healer. But she doesnt aim so that must be the “mechanic” aka “skill” she doesnt have.

She’s the most unfun support, the nerfed sucked the life out of her. It made her unexciting to play, taking away any chance for a game changing play. I consider that underpowered since her game changing plays are rez which is incredibly unenjoyable to use and it feels un-impactful while it’s actually the most impactful ability. People used to say her kit conflicted with itself and now it does so even more.


Ah. You’re differentiating power and impact.

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I personally like the new her more than old. So I guess that’s a matter of prospective. Personally I fine Ana and Zen boring. Ana you just say stay back and pew pew shots into your team. Zen is kinda sorta the same only you’re closer to your team.

She was fun because she had the potential for a huge play and they took that away when they started rolling out nerfs for Valkyrie. I’m not saying it wasn’t needed, I’m saying they took away her chance for a game changing play while also taking away her excitability and turned it all into one ability that feels horrible to use.


First of all you see where the GM pickrate is?

Can we all take a look and see where that GM pickrate is.

Ok perfect.

Now that it’s pretty clear that Mercy’s pickrate in GM was suboptimal and she was a niche pick alongside Ana it’s clear that a revert is a great idea.

You also can’t start getting mad over Mercy’s pick rates because she is THE most popular hero in the game. So people will play her. ALSO being an entry level hero she is very easy to pick up mechanically but hard to master when you climb through ranks as you can tell by the graph.

Edit: You should move that graph over a little bit and take a look at the MOST played DPS.

Edit x2: Anyone want to take a guess that it’s Tracer/Genji?