[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018


You are wrong. Mercy is mustpick only after rework. Before this she was real trash.

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She’s more hard to play when you can just play mercy and you will have more impact in pretty much every situation.

She wasn’t trash. and the rework happend like 9 months ago its time for change.

If you look at the qualifying stage of the 2017 World Cup, you will see that there was almost no Mercy there.
And why every body say this about Mercy? How about Zen, who is mustpick from ancient times?

Why is it a problem when a main healer is picked more over another one, when Ana was released she was constantly a better pick over Mercy, even if you were bad at Ana yet no one wanted her nerfed so Mercy could be viable, they wanted her nerfed because she was aggressively powerful, unlike Mercy who is passively powerful. Fast forward to today and apparently Mercy was never worse than Ana and it’s not ok that Mercy is picked more than Ana, despite Ana being picked more than Mercy for quite awhile.


Ana+Lucio meta was ages ago and existed for only one or two seasons. mercy is meta for so many seasons.
The problem is not that mercy is meta is that the Ana+Lucio meta lasted few months and the mercy meta lasts forever.
Zen might be a problem as well but if you compare pick rates Zens pick rates are much lower.

Right… I get your point man…

Oh look, they dropped a thread in here.

Maybe before she starts to glide, there can be a “space” ability with 5 sec cooldown to dash upwards and make gliding longer, but not long enough to dash into high ground.

That explains why the discussion happening in here was suddenly broken in half… I’m new to forum-posting. Does this happen often?

That’s a good question. It starts with should the whether or not the utility should be unique to Mercy or give her an evergreen effect like Damage Boost. This might step into Lucio’s Territory, but maybe giving a single target a speed boost could be the way to go. Giving your target a speed boost would synergize well with the rest of her kit too. Like I said though, that would be taking away Lucio’s uniqueness of speed boosting other players. However I will point out that Ana’s old nano used to give the target a 50% speed boost, so it’s not like it has never happened before.

Blizzard doesn’t want a bunch of nerf mercy threads on the forums so they move them here.

If someone makes a thread about Mercy changes, the forum moderators merging that thread with this. Thats why sometimes we get hundreds of new replies in one minute.

Why not make the utility FOR Mercy? Maybe a self-cleanse, another escape, etc. Again, with a strict cooldown. I think powering up others in any other way than dmg boosting would break Mercy again, while making her harder to kill will just make her own niche better. She’s so good at staying alive and pumping out constant heals, just give her an E to empower that, I’d say. Don’t “step” into other supports’ roles… that’s just my opinion after playing a lot of Mercy… I really like her niche. Hard to kill pacifist main healer.

Well in a sense it will give Mercy more mobility too. It would just tie into the sense that in order to get the extra mobility you have to be around a teammate. If you are playing Mercy you should always be near a teammate anyways.

I was thinking a lot about possible E abilities for her and i can tell you that we only have a very small window in which a new E would not be pointless or too strong.

At the end of the day, the only typs of abilities which could work are offensive, defensive or CC abilities. We have more than enough CC in the game so that goes out as well and a offensive ability is just no fit for her.

So the only, most balanced type of ability i can see work for her is a single target def ability.

Other stuff would just break the balance.


I like it, damage resistance would be pretty cool if balanced properly. Also I agree Mercy shouldn’t have CC or any form of offensive ability. It doesn’t fit into her playstyle.

The only problem is this would make her less fun and appealing than she already is. People hate playing Mercy atm, and with Mass Res Mercy, you DEFINITELY had an option to play other healers if you wanted. Now, you’re forced to play her or you’re already at a disadvantage, especially with snipers being so heavily in the meta. Mass Res Mercy also allowed initially picks to be EXTREMELY powerful and game-winning, whereas this Mercy does not, adding too much power where she shouldn’t have had it. If they move Resurrect just into Valkyrie and call it a day, she will be even more boring and less impactful feeling than she already does (even if she is extremely powerful, it doesn’t FEEL like it). That is why so many people are recommending a Mercy 3.0 with Mass Resurrect back with restrictions and E Valkyrie/a “rocket boost” type of ability to help her position without bringing invuln frames back (which is what really tilted people).

Some type of Resistance Kit as an E ability that prevents any cc ability to work, like Orisa’s Fortify, but Mercy can give it to the other teammates. Or give it to herself if there is no teammate in the line of sight.

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