[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

its a catch 22 tho

now the pro’s use her so much she is an even bigger issue then she was when she was weaker but more fun for many people.

I prefer weaker heros that are fun (old sombra,mei old symmetra…) in some distinct ways

Mercy has been flattened and doesnt do really remarkable things,she is just solid with no wowfactor

every potg i see of her these days is boring. No adrenaline.

or its battle mercy

I disagree. Mercy may not be flashy or have a wow factor like sleep dart an ult Genji, but with Mercy I feel like I have more control to change the tide of team fights. Just damage boosting at the right time at the right place could make a huge differences. I don’t really find Mercy boring at all. I like to stay active in a team fight and flying around healing /damage boost. I played Medic in TF2 so a mobile version of him just makes it more fun for me.

Now I don’t mind for another rework. I’m down for it as long as Guardian angel gets an increase cool down with 3 charges without tethering to teammates, remove rez in general, remove valk, a skill shot ability that gives invulnerability for 3-4 second, and a new offense ult. And since falloff damage is getting buff for hitscans, her pistol should be a hitscan with 50% distance falloff.

They also said that deathmatch doesn’t belong in Overwatch. Jeff also said “Never say never”.

Our hopes are high :grin:


Mercy is the eternal sidekick, the marketing for this game was built on the idea that everyone will feel heroic but Mercy does literally nothing that only she can do
Her healing isn’t big enough to get lifesavers like Orb, healing combo or bionade dart combo’s and her rez is eiher a cheap ability used before a fight or it’s used by an enemies incompetance/babysitting from your teammates.

There’s a reason Mercy’s on fire rate is in the toilet and you can say “I can shift a team fight” all you want dosen’t make it true, Mercy has nothing that isn’t just a little minor boost to others that is reliant on them. Unlike well, lliterally every other hero in the game.


Oh look yet another mercy thread about the SAME thing…id say pit it in the megathread but there’s already 3000 posts there saying the SAME thing


almost like SOMETHING needs to happen to Mercy that gets rid of E rez and a revert is the simplest answer some people can give.

i mean you want to argue to change Rez…fine…but you’re delusional and/or clueless if you think the solution is mass Rez…it’s NOT coming back


A fixxed mass rez is A solution, now it’s not the one I’d go for realistically but I’m not about to bad mouth anyone who wants to spend their time explaining how it’s a million times better then this crap.

I’d imagine equal, if not larger amounts of players would leave.
Mass rez is one of the most annoying things in the game. I’m glad it’s gone.

(And don’t anyone DARE to tell me to “Focus the mercy”. I know. It doesn’t make it any less annoying when your concentration dips for a second and all of a sudden 3 people who engaged poorly are rewarded.)

I was gonna tell you to not have 6 players mash the Q button in what is clearly a 5v6


It’s not even that.
(Obviously, this is a cherry-picked situation, but it shows my point well)

Once, I was playing on volskya (attack, point b). 3 of the enemy team had just tried to 3v6 at the choke. The mercy was dead (and in spawn/respawning) We push them back WITHOUT USING ULTS BECAUSE OF THE MERCY. They die, because they tried to 3v6. They deserved to.

But of course, guess who shows up, revives these three, encouraging further bad play, as they’ll just be rezzed. (True, we have this now, but to a lesser extent).

All 3 then “Mash the Q button” and win. Brilliant.

You said you had ults, and mercy rezzed, so why not use your own ults.


Something about a reaper wiping us before we could get any use out of them.

I mean, how’s that Mercy’s fault? They were rezzed right in front of you so uuuuh… yeah.

It could’ve been the exact same situation minus Mercy.

What about the mentality of “we can’t use any ults…they have a mercy”…I suppose there’s nothing wrong with that

No, without mass rez, they wouldn’t have been encoraged to play poorly, and we wouldn’t have bloody died to people we already killed.

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You can use ults, you just have to use them smartly. Don’t blow them all immediately, save something for backup.


Right, sure. Mercy ressed the enemy, you never used you ults, and you still died.

Sorry you couldn’t kill the people while they were rezzed right in front of you. Mercy doesn’t even have anything to do with this, you just got outplayed.

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You seem like a really weird person.

If the Rez returns with counterplay integrated (which probably would) like a cast time and self-heal/dmg reduction instead of invulnerability, that mentality would be gone.
“just hold your stun/nade for her”
With Hammond/Mei you can easily just keep that singular ult in reserve and throw that in if she comes for rez. Nothing quite like being ressurected into a blizzard/minefield.

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