[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Would you stick with your team and potentially die or hide and potentially save your team from a lost team fight?

‘hun’ she was REWORKED , all those tweaks brought her closer and closer to where she needs to be, reworking again/reverting would be a mistake, as they’re so close.

As to the OPs original question…100% no

I find this very hard to believe considering the fact that when reworked mercy was put on PTR she was broken beyond belief. Reworked mercy’s first time in the PTR kinda shows how unplanned she was.

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To the people who liked old mercy, watch the first 2 minutes of the vid, thanks.

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She was trash before her rework, not only was she trash, she was annoying as sh!t. AND easy. The first 2 minutes of the linked video explained it better than I can. ^

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Pick one… She’s either annoying and disheartening to play against or she’s trash and garbage to play with. Having both of these apply to old mercy would make no sense.


Both. She was both. That’s very possible, look at Mr.BadTierGenji, everyone calls him annoying, but hes trash tier right now.


God, I hope not. Old Mercy was kind of irritating. Getting that big ult, while satisfying when you did get the big ones, was not fun. I have not missed it for one moment, and while I’m not super keen on Mercy as she is right now, but I don’t think the proper answer is Mass Rez Mercy. She’s not perfect now, but she’s much, much, much better than old Mercy.


Are you even comprehending what your saying?

Firstly, not everyone thinks Genji is annoying. You exaggerated this to fit your narrative. Secondly, if she’s trash and garbage as a hero, how on earth can she be annoying and disheartening to play against. It’s like saying DPS Mercys are trash but you want her damage nerfed because she can get kills easily…

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No she wasn’t trash tier with her ultimate. It required Mercy players to actually think on when they wanted to expend her ultimate. Whether that be to Resurrect the boosted Genji or Rein player that decided to 1v6 into the enemy team because they have ultimate or wait for the next teamfight where ultimates are sure to be thrown on both sides.


I respect your opinion but we really need a second counter to gravdragon other than zen because if you don’t have a zen you’ve basically lost…


I don’t know how to make this easier to understand lol…

She was bad, to the point where Ana was picked more than her.

It was the peak of the 1 trick mercy problem, too, so every team just HAD a mercy.

So no one played the better healer, everyone was at the same disadvantage. It was disheartening to have everything erased, but both teams had to deal with it.

Make sense?

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Mass res had many problems with its value versus output. My go-to example for summarizing the issue is this: Imagine every kill you obtain is a paycheck, and to get that paycheck, you’re investing abilities, manpower, and other resources. Normally, once you “cash the paycheck,” that’s it. You walk away with the profit. But ressing throws a wrench in the equation; while other abilities will make cashing that paycheck more difficult or stop you from cashing it in, Resurrect takes that profit away post-cashing. So when this happens on a mass scale due to one button press, the balance feels off; one team spent resources to cash several paychecks, and Mercy un-cashed those paychecks at the cost of one resource, one button press.

This is why singular resses is much better for the game. Having one paycheck un-cashed every 30 seconds, and at the cost of requiring more resources (namely time and space to cast the ability) is much more manageable, when the goal is to make for a more engaging experience. Mass resses weren’t very engaging, because in many ranks of play, (even though… tons of people deny it for some reason) hide-and-seek was the mini-meta Mercy encouraged whenever she was selected. Baiting out enemy ultimates and abilities, draining them of their resources, and then un-cashing those paychecks all at once was just, in many occasions, the best way to use that ultimate, and it wasn’t fun for anyone involved.

Then there’s the other problems mass res had. It was a strong ult regardless of most circumstances, making it super adaptable, because ressing even two people could make a huge difference in a play, but it also had the potential to do more with five-man resses; it put weird pressures on players, namely forcing Mercy to disengage from the game more often while the enemy had to task out a seeker to hunt down Mercy – if either of these two failed their job, the toxicity spewed at them from their own team was immense; it simply wasn’t a good idea to make an ultimate that encouraged players to die on purpose; and many more.

I think I should clarify that single resses are healthier for the game in contrast to mass resses specifically. And while I don’t think Mercy’s current Resurrect is necessarily unhealthy, I would argue that it does need some fixing. However, the concept itself, putting Resurrect on an ability that has consistent mid-game power and gives Mercy power plays that she can make during the mid-game, is the right direction. It makes Mercy’s power output a lot easier to handle. Mostly I think what res needs is internal competition; there needs to be another healer with the ability to resurrect teammates in some fashion, or there needs to be mechanics that deny resurrects – or both, preferably.

Considering Mercy is already considered mandatory as of now, I don’t see how patching her for this specific conundrum is good for the game, either. Mercy doesn’t need to be the one that counters (sorry, “counters”) Grav-Dragons, she’s already prevalent in every game so I don’t understand why we need a reason to see even more of her. The problem with Grav-Dragons isn’t Mercy or her ultimate, it’s… Grav-Dragons, the heroes that make Grav-Dragons happen, and more specifically it’s Hanzo. Every problem with Overwatch right now is more related to Hanzo than it is anyone else, really…

Mass Res cannot work with LOS restrictions because there’s simply too much in the game that can block LOS and interfere. Mercys shouldn’t have to wrestle with obtuse map geometry just to tick one number up, and applying LOS restrictions only encourages “group up and die” strategies since Mercy would want less to get in the way of using her ultimate. Not sure what you mean by decay in this instance, sorry.

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Umm no. Mercy was picked just as much as Ana was so I’m not sure where you are getting this data from.

Mercy had around the same pickrate as Ana did back in the day and Ana was close to where Mercy is currently in GM pickrates. So where did you pull this data from?

It was only fun for the Mercy who could just poke her head out of spawn and rez the entire team. Other wise the game mechanic just sucked all the air out of that room, it was that stifling to play with/against.
Teams being told to just die on the payload as your mercy stops healing, running counter to what her role should be as a support.

Playing against her at certain stages of maps was about hunt the mercy, where is the mercy, look for the mercy. Then kill her but not too soon or it was worthless, as she floated out of spawn and rez the entire team. So you ended up with this very tiny 8 second or so window you could “play the game” as your reward for hunting down the Mercy. A hero at the time who was the lowest skilled hero in the entire game (since replaced by Brigitte of course).

Huge Rez is never going to come back.
I don’t see anyway the bulk of people want entire chucks of game play, team effort and tactics to be wiped out/reset by a low skill hero who hide in the spawn for a few seconds.
It’s just not going to happen.
The only players who liked it was Mercy mains being for the rest of us it was a reactive only ULT. It’s not bringing anything to your own game play, it was just a reset after you failed. It also had little to no counter play dynamics and that is what really signed it’s death warrant.

being most Q presses have decent play/counter play and it makes beat them interesting. Huge Rez from a hidden mercy or mercy from spawn was just sit back, watch it happen.
It was terrible.

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That’s what I said. One trick Mercy’s couldn’t play Ana, lol, and having 2 main healers is suicide, I don’t need data to prove that STILL made Mercy a higher pick than Ana, because I was THERE.

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She’s bad but her res is OP so she’s disheartening to play against?

She’s picked less than ana but her res is OP so she’s disheartening to play against?

Every team had her (lol this is a bigger lie than Jeff saying the report system is effective) so she’s disheartening to play against?

I honestly lost brain cells processing what you’ve just wrote…

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Reported for spam. Please keep false hope for mass rez consolidated into the Mercy megathread so the forums stay clean.

Thanks and have a good evening.

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