[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

please, tell us more

They made a developer update for the rework that literally explains anything you need to know.

Be sure to check it out if you havent yet.

please enlighten me more on how to understand it


Yes they did made a developer update to explain it. Than scrapped half of the changes and what… series of 8(?) nerfs? And it’s still not “solved”. I’d say that is the moment we used to say “back to the drawing board”.


We clearly take it in the wrong way, please do explain me more


I got over that console problem by moving the jump binding to rez and vice versa it’s cut down my accidental rezzes alot

All of this looks like we are planing a new world war XD

Wait, did I say something I shouldn't ?

Replying to this so I have a saved copy. The bookmark option isn’t showing up anymore for me.


I’m loving the “No she’s not, you complete toerag.”

(I probably should have done this first before “bookmarking” the earlier post, but whatever)

I’M BACK BABY!!! I have returned from the land of the suspended! Let’s roll up our sleeves and kick some ignorance and anti-Mercy toxicity to the curb!!


There has been an exodus since you left us… but never fear, there are still boats going to the West.

You will hear more soon I suspect…


Hey Quizzy! It’s good to hear from you guys again. I had actually burned out on arguing with willfully ignorant Mercy haters a while back, but after a Mercy Rant Hiatus I’m full of energy again. I know that if we keep up the pressure, we can get interest in Mercy kickstarted again.

Alrighty, It’s time for me to campaign on Mercy’s behalf again! I wrote this next part in a google drive document about a week ago. Now that I can post again, It’s time to put copies on the mega and and the main forums!

(Brace yourself for a duplicate post to appear once the “main forums” copy gets dumped here).

Reinstating mass rez would actually be a huge nerf.

…And that’s a good thing. I know that hearing “bring back mass rez” has some of you guys immediately bringing out the torches and pitchforks, but hear me out this time.

Mercy is currently too general-purpose. She gets way too much value for too little effort. She’s overshadowing all the other supports.

We can agree on these things, right?

Valkyrie is a crutch that makes even genuinely bad players MLG Pro Healers for 15 seconds. Rez on cooldown is still effectively an ultimate, but now it’s handed to the player every thirty seconds regardless of their personal performance. The enemy cannot hinder Mercy’s progress toward a rez because it’s on a cooldown - whereas pre-rework, they could starve her out of it with sufficient harassment. You can’t generate your ult when you’re dead, after all.

It’s Mercy’s consistency across all parts of her kit and ease of use that makes her so powerful. Her base kit (beams and GA) is easy to pick up and use, so mastering them comes down to having the reflexes and mental acumen to juggle them appropriately. That’s okay… so long as her ult is considerably more situational and harder to execute properly as a trade-off.

It used to be. Now it’s not.

I despise E-rez with every fiber of my being. Using it is a black-and-white decision of “will using this kill me”. If the answer is “no, it won’t”, then nine times out of ten the correct decision is to use rez before your window of opportunity closes. After all, why save it? You’ll just get another charge in thirty seconds.

Valkyrie wipes away all of Mercy’s former weaknesses: which USED to be not having the self-defense needed to survive a competent dive aimed at her, and not being good at healing groups of allies that’s taking lots of damage all at once. Pre-Valkyrie, if Mercy was getting dove on a lot and/or her team was taking lots of AoE damage, she was officially getting countered and was better off switching to a healer to someone more suited to the task.

But now we have Valkyrie. You don’t need to switch to Moira or Lucio, since Mercy can just fly into the skybox with her permaregen, while her AoE healing takes care of all the rest. Mercy can use this ult at any time with no ill effect. She and her team will always have some measure of benefit from using it, no matter where or when it’s used. There is no real consequence to wasting it, since a competent Mercy can more or less replicate the effects by being really good at triage, beam juggling and GA discipline. Even though all of that still gets countered by the previously mentioned weaknesses, playing out of your mind Like A Mercy Do will get you Valk again in no time. Easy mode, ahoy!

Meanwhile, Mass Rez in the hands of a fool could actually end up sabotaging their own team and hand the win to the enemy on a silver platter. This was a good thing. It punished bad players, and separated the golds from the grandmasters.

Allow me to elaborate.

Seeing as it could only be used on corpses, Mass Rez was an already extremely situational ult (a severe contrast to the ever-reliable lock on beams of healing and damage boost). Its effects varied depending on where and when it was used. This ranged from “really good” (tempo rezzing or countering an enemy ult dump), to “negligently wasted” (rezzing after a fight’s already been won, or solo rezzing someone who didn’t deserve having such a massive resource dedicated to them), then aaaaaall the way down to “sabotaging your own team”. That was when a Mercy rezzed teammates into a situation where they were just immediately killed again, forcing them to suffer through doubled respawn timers. Staggered deaths were a common byproduct of a botched rez, which made the consequences even worse.

You had to pay close attention and know exactly what you were doing in order to use rez properly, especially in the higher elos. If you wanted to have your ult up often enough for tempo rezzing, you had to master a high-risk, high-reward playstyle that aggressively positioned you throughout the battlefield in order to grab as much ult charge as fast as you possibly can without getting yourself killed in the process. Easier said than done, considering that this playstyle made Mercy much more visible and made it easier for flankers (Mercy’s natural counter) to locate her.

On top of all of this, if Mass Rez came back it would definitely have new restrictions in order to make it feel more fair to play against. A LoS limitation would prevent Mercy from hiding behind a wall and rezzing from beyond the battlefield, and a cast time would give enemies a chance to react and shut mass rez down before it goes off. Selfishly hunting for PotG as Mercy would no longer be practical, as letting teammates die and then flying in 1v6 would become a suicide mission.

Also: please keep in mind that hard counters for Mass Rez have always existed, albeit as reactionary measures: since reviving heroes could not move or shoot for several seconds, you had all the time in the world to line up a counter-ult that re-wipes the enemy as soon as they become vulnerable again. Death Blossom, Riptire, Self Destruct, High Noon, Dragonstrike, Meteor Strike, and now the most recent ult to enter the game (Hammond’s minefield) are all capable of sending a group of rezzed enemies back to the grave as quickly as they left it.

Mercy was originally balanced by having a consistent, reliable base kit, but a highly situational, double edged sword for as an ult. Making Mercy’s entire kit “super consistent and reliable” has made her overshadow the other healers to a ridiculous degree.

Can’t we put a tweaked version of Mass Rez back on Q, and put a tepid Valkyrie on E instead? I’d actually prefer a cleanse for Mercy’s E, but a lot of people have gotten really attached to Valkyrie and it would be cruel to force them to permanently part with it. Having a few seconds of free flight and marginally stronger (but still single-target) beams on E would work, right? Though maybe don’t directly buff Damage Boost. Give it a movement speed bonus or something.


Are you perhaps… interested in an offer you can’t refuse?

but before… are you in NA or EU?

Me? I’m in North America.

You should have a friend request from Titanium on the battle.net app then, Titanium will give you a link with instructions if you are interested in it, i’m sure you’ll find it interesting tho!

Why do I have the feeling that I’m about to be sat down with Morpheus and told to choose between the red and the blue pill? :rofl:

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Because that’s exactly what will happen, you should have a friend request from me too, if you accept it i could help you out until Titanium comes back

Okay, I’ve accepted both friend requests.


I wonder if the Bliz mods are reading this nervously like “What do they have planned?! Should we alert HQ?!” :rofl:

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Dude, they are reading this daily, you should know that already!