[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I have explained in previous posts but I will again. It’s simple, old Mercy was just, hide and res if they had ults, tempo res if not. Not much strategy there as much as most Mercy mains love to argue how skillful she was and how strategic she was. New Mercy has a lot more skills at her disposal and in turn more ways to use them. For example, do I use valk to fly back from spawn to assist my team, do I use it to assist with a push or wait for the enemy to push, can I use it to fly and sneak over the enemy to grab a clutch res, do I whip out my pistol and go ham on that pharah or widow that is wrecking my team? Single res is much more about who what when do I res? Is there someone on my team who can bubble or cover me while I res requiring actual team work now. Can I use the bunny hop on a teammate to position myself up and close to a widow to take her out?

There are just so many more options and things for this new Mercy to think about constantly and different options to take advantage of that make her way more engaging to play. Just because the vast majority of Mercy players still want to play her like the old Mercy where she just stood back and held mouse 1 the entire game doesn’t mean there is a problem with Mercy. It’s up to the players to discover and use the new tools that are now available to us.

I wasn’t talking about match wins, I was talking about teamfight wins. I lost three of those eight teamfights. I don’t recall how many of those games I won or lost. I remember clearly that I lost one of those, as it was an absolute stomp.


If someone is dead, your rez is off CD, and you can rez them safely, you rez them. There is no thought involved.

Will I die if I rez them?


Does anyone on the enemy team have their ult? Should I use my ult this team fight, or is this fight a loss and we wait until next the fight/push? If I use my ult now, will it be up again in time for another major moment? Is it worth rezzing this person/these people? Is my team coming back so it’s safe to rez these two people to hold the point? Does anyone who is dead have their ult ready? Should I rez now or wait a beat to see if someone else on my team dies? If I rez now, is the enemy team going to try to re-wipe my team, or are they set up to re-wipe my team? Etc., etc.

Mass rez could easily be wasted if done incorrectly. It needed to be earned over time. It depended on the match and your personal performance. Your E rez will be up in 30 seconds whether you’re playing poorly or not.


What you said about Valkyrie means, that it’s almost impossible to waste. Which, in return, means that it’s very weak, since there are no moments “wish I had my Valkyrie”, which could end in victory otherwise.


People talk about skill and risk and all that, but there is hardly any risk in using Valkyrie at the wrong time. As if there is a wrong time.

There is a reason people care more about rez being up than Valkyrie.


This statement makes no sense what so ever. Because an ult is useful in a lot of situations, it’s a weak ult. Just what???

It’s more the fact that people don’t care whether or not it’s up for Mercy. Rez is more important. Rez has a bigger impact on a fight than Valkyrie. That’s why people want to know if rez is on CD or not. I’m sure many couldn’t care less about Valkyrie. Nor can they really call out poor usage of the ult because its impact isn’t really noticeable.

Edit: For the record, I’m not saying Valkyrie is useless. But before the removal of any Valkyrie enhancements to rez, I only cared about Valkyrie for the rez. The healing was meh. The flying even more so.


That doesn’t make her ult useless. I agree res is a very powerful ability and that yes her kit has been shifted to have most of her power in her base kit but that doesn’t mean her ult is completely useless and if you’re smart the ult can be used to enable a res when it would otherwise not be possible.

Please see my edit. Nowhere in my post do I say it’s useless.

Whelp. Guess now we get to wait for the Symmetra Discussion Trashcan.

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It’s useful for Mercy herself, not for team. If you want analogy, imagine transcendence not having healing effect, just making Zenyatta fast and immune to damage. Is it useful? Yes. Is it useful for team to pick Zenyatta? No.


What was the point of unpinning and repinning this thread? At the very least they should have started a fresh thread because 13k posts is a ridiculous number to try to scroll through. But I think it’s silly to still have a feedback thread for Mercy changes that happened over six months ago >.< I keep waiting for the megathread to be taken down for good.

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Ah yes its still always and forever taboo to talk about Mercy. Censorship at its finest and Symm went live in her poor state and will return to troll pick in a few weeks. GG


It’s called beeing balanced rather than press Q to win the game.

Did you mean every DPS character .


You already hinted at something which tells me that you didn’t played Mercy very well before her revert.
Hide and Res was the worst way to play her by far and you had to consider far more things with Mercy’s old Ult than just “If they have Ult’s…”.

But let’s jump into Valkyrie Mercy.

Let me go step by step through the things you mentioned.

Literally the only thing Valkyrie is really useful for. So i agree with you on that.

Can be done with base Mercy if your fast and good in decision making. Valkyrie makes that only easier, but not much stronger or better. The overall utility with Val for that is the same as without it.

Same as before, quick and precise decision making with her base kit is as usefull as Valkyrie.

Can be done, again, with her base kit if you have the awareness and positioning. This is also only easier to do in Val, but not more effective.

You guessed it, her base kit. It might be even better because you don’t expose your self to the Widow/Pharah and her team. Using Valkyrie for that is certainly wasting the little impact Val has.

That can be minimized to “is it safe or not?”. Because of that it’s most of the time better for the team not to use it at all and that’s not an ability i would call skillful.

If it requires team play or not. That makes the ability not more skillful. It’s even less, because you require the help of someone to use it properly. They play in that case is not done by you, but by your teammate, which saved you from making a mistake.

You can also kill that Widow more unexpected from the distance, so doing that is only suicidal and not good for your team.

Side note: While i think that the Space jump was a good addition, it also reduced the difficulty of mastering GA.

As i said, all these option were already in her base kit (apart from the GA jump) and required a lot more skill to execute before her revert. Saying differently is just ignoring facts. Mass Res added that mind game on top of that which made the overall Mercy experience very thrilling, smart and interesting.
Now that mind game is gone and was replaced with an easy mode of her base kit which at the end also killed the thrilling and interesting part of her.

First of all the current Mercy is a far bigger problem than the old Mercy. She outclasses by far all other sups just with her E. Add the stupidly high survivability of Val on top of that and no other healer will see daylight anymore.

Her play style is now also far more focused on hiding than before. E res and Val are both supporting that “Stay far away and save” playstyle. In addition, they also removed a lot of her thought processes and mechanical skill with the revert.

If you have fun with Valkyrie Mercy, that’s cool.
But never say that it is more skillful than Resurrect Mercy, because that is simply not the case.


Has anyone else noticed the insane amount of damage floating around since the last patch? I can’t keep up even with Mercy, let alone any other healer. Barely a point in rezzing them either since people die the few seconds I’m not healing them.


Wow, I didn’t know this kind of thing existed, tell me more !
So we are talking about Junkrat now ? Alright, but this is a Mercy thread.

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20 characters.

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OK, I stopped reading this thread for a week an it takes over 2 weeks to catch up on reading (YES, I read every post, even the long ones and the troll ones). I do have a life outside of gaming :-3
Simply LOVE the Mass Merging of threads, after all threads became unpinned, made it REALLY easy to keep track of and keep up with everything. ~s
ANYWAY, Here is what I have noticed:

  1. Nerf Mercy threads have become rampant since the Nerfs to other Healers (Moira latest one under knife), because no one holds a candle to Mercy’s Base Healing.
  2. Symmetra’s Rework- she gets a Nerf in PTR since it is apparent that in her current form she would become an OP Teleport Monster. Funny they listen to the feedback about Symmetra DURING Rework, but totally ignored all the posts about Mercy becoming OP during her rework… No, not funny, sad…
  3. The same people, and I checked, who were saying that “Mercy is Fine” a few weeks ago are are the same ones (for the most part, there are a few new people or same people on their Smurf accounts) who are now saying that “Mercy is OP” again even though she hasn’t changed for months…
  4. "Rez on a cool-down cannot be balanced"- First time that was heard was when the PRO PLAYERS said it after the Rework (most notably xQc). Guess what, it is STILL TRUE!!! What had been done about it, Nerf Mercy 8 times, EIGHT and there are still people calling to Nerf Mercy again… Maybe if you made the other healers actually viable, instead of Nerfing them to uselessness there wouldn’t be this problem. But oh yeah, this is a FPS an only DPS rule…
  5. Power Creep of Healers is Bad- Funny, the power creep of DPS is a LOT worst than any power creep of the healers, look how quickly Shields are busted. An I noticed this back before I stopped playing all Blizzard games months ago (the last time Jeff bothered to say anything about Mercy, once again OUTSIDE the MegaDump); mind you I have been playing Blizzard games since Original Warcraft. With the “New and Improved” Hanzo, forget about it… Now THAT is Power Creep, on STEROIDS!!!
  6. Mercy is a Must Pick once again- Why you ask? They Nerfed the other Main Healer Moira, oh wait that was a bug fix that allowed her to heal through shields. Sorry, but seems more like a Nerf to me. Zen got Nerfed before that, Ana is trash tier after her Nerfs that allowed Mercy to get into first place over a year or two ago, Lucio Rework before that. Hummm… Looks like a pattern to me, sure they Nerf some DPS, and Tanks, but both of those till recently had a bigger pool to draw from. Till they added Moira and Brigette there were 4 healers and one Shield Maiden called Symmetra (she gave Shields before her first Rework, thus Shield Maiden >snickering<).
  7. ALL Mercy related posts are getting thrown into Mega Thread- EXCEPT the streamer EeveeA and ALL “Nerf Mercy” ones. Biased anyone? It sure seems so…
  8. Mercy is BALANCED better now than in Mercy 1.x- Once again, if so why were there 8 Nerfs to make her so, causing a “Mobile” Hero to stand (can’t even crouch) still for 1.75 seconds and be slowed to a snails pace? An what happened to the “FUN” of the Rework?
    FLIGHT- slowed to 12.5% of original flight speed (Original flight speed minus 75% = 25% speed, 25% minus 50% = 12.5% speed).
    EXTRA DAMAGE FROM BULLETS- too powerful, turned Mercy into an attack helicopter so they put it back to normal power.
    EXTRA REZ- Removed, too powerful and people using it only for extra Rez.
    INSTA REZ- in both normal and Ult it was slowed down, too powerful. Funny, was Blizzard not warned about this during PTR? YES, yes they were but it was ignored… An now they are saying Nerf Mercy again…
  9. Pro Player says Playing Mercy is Difficult to Master- FINALLY, some proper incite. But, as someone else in here said (and I am paraphrasing) “What would that Pro Player think if they had played Mercy 1.0?” Probably somewhere along the lines of “OMFG. Trying to Rez more than 3 people is almost impossible.” :-3
  10. Everyone LOVES the New Mercy- yet one of the last times I played I put out my “Cute” spray an my teammates went nuts saying how hard it is to get that spray. I explained that I got it in season 3, to which I got from 3 DPS and 2 Tanks “Man, I sure miss Mass Rez.” I even saw another person post the same thing and the same reaction from their teammates. If the rework was such a success, why are NON Mercy mains saying they miss Mass Rez?
  11. Just REMOVE RESURRECTION- umm, how about a big fat NO. Even Jeff said “No” to removing Rez, it would kill Mercy.
  12. It’s “Unfun” to have your Ult, or multiple Ults negated by Mass Rez- yet every other DPS or Tank that uses their Ult to negate another Ult is alright? Mercy was the only counter to SPAM Ults being thrown around, because if everyone used their Ults to take out the enemy team but missed Mercy she would wipe the floor with your team by bring her team back.
  13. B-b-but “Hide n’ Rez”- bad play style, normally got her team rewiped an lost match. Try another excuse… GOOD Mercy’s didn’t use it, they didn’t need to because they kept their teams alive and if they couldn’t THEN they used Mass Rez (normally Tempo Rez). An taking cover from an Ult Storm is NOT Hiding, it is taking cover or repositioning OR coming back from Spawn and seeing team had just screwed up an gotten themselves killed (AGAIN) an bringing teammates back so that they could continue the fight. It was NEVER a guarantee of victory, many times a Junkrat should and WOULD Rewipe the enemy team on the spot. Heck I even had a Tracer Pulse Bomb my team once after one of my two 5 man Rezes, a TRACER. So yeah, this also brings up.
  14. But… There were no counters for Mercy Rez- yeah, BULL ROAR!!! Widowmaker or Hanzo sniping Mercy as she flew in for a Rez. Solo Ult Mercy before the rest of your team pulls out their Ults to take out team (oh wait, then I won’t get PoG…). Rewipe team using a saved Ultimate, as stated previously a TRACER Pulse Bomb for instance, much less D.Va, Junkrat, Hanzo, etc. etc. etc.
  15. Play someone Else— yeah, answer to everything. I like helping my team, not screwing them over by insta-locking DPS like so many do. How ya gonna win when 5 other people go DPS with no tanks or Healers an you are the only one left who hasn’t chosen? You are NOT. You go Tank, no one uses your shield (Reinhardt) or goes away from tank to get those sweet kills. You go Healer (ANY HEALER, not just Mercy) an your teammates spread out doing their own thing to where you can NOT heal them. Happens way too often.
  16. There are only a few bu-- hurt Mercy Mains saying she needs a revert/rework- Yeah, try another LIE. I’m not level 3 on Forum so remove space and actually LOOK at 1st post (or any of the first posts) from here:
    h ttps://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20761088072
    Notice something? 854 likes first post, 594 likes second post, 654 likes third post. Yeah, just a few Mercy Mains liking something… An what “Mega-Thread” are we on now? The 9th ONE. An that is not mentioning the PTR one(s) where Mercy Mains saying the Rework would be OP, nor all the individual posts that were NOT Merged into the Mega-Threads back then because they COULDN’T Merge them, just lock them and redirect them to the Mega-Thread of the time. Just a few my foot…
  17. Valkyrie is a POWERFUL ULT- yeah RIGHT, “I got me some Ocean Front property in Arizona” I would like to sell ya… What does a Mercy teammates ask all the time? “Is Rez up?” “Rez Me.” The last one 10 seconds after you just got through Rezing them, so there is no way you can do it again for another 20 seconds. Pull Valkyrie, enemy team targets 1 person after another and kills off Mercy’s team while she watches from afar then she flies back to Spawn because she can’t solo carry with her little Pop-Gun (unless she is really, REALLY good [yeah, I saw that video]). At least not any more since they Nerfed it in Valkyrie…
  18. Halloween Witch has Mass Rez STILL- They are not gonna change THAT, though they DID chance the “Uprising” one to where Mercy cannot “Huge Rez” her team (even though she COULD originally), why did they change it for everyone else? Because of 2 salty Streamers an their followers spamming Overwatch Developers till they finally caved in. Sad, really REALLY sad…
  19. Mercy is HIDING while using Ult (Rez Ultimate)- Funny how for DPS/Tanks it is fine to sneak around (Repositioning) to pull their multi team wiping Ults but for a healer it is bad… Biased much?
  20. Mercy Hatred- Started with Streamers (one, xQc, screamed at his Mercy "We don’t need healing. We don’t need Damage Boost, WE JUST NEED REZ!!!
    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZykeYW3M2fI) and their supporters, which was bad. But what Jeff did when he put on YouTube “We think it is wrong to tell a main healer to stop healing character to go off and hide some where. And stop healing for some period of time.”
    h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDlCqJ1tD3M Roasting ALL Mercy players because of a FEW people pulling “Hide and Rez”. NO ACTUAL NUMBERS HERE! THERE NEVER WAS any definite numbers of how many people were pulling it. Not every Mercy player pulled Hide n’ Rez, but we were all lumped into a group that were bad for using an SR exploit that Blizzard SHOULD have corrected as soon as they found it. THEN THE REWORK, with Mercy made her WAY Over Powered. It’s no wonder that people IN THE FORUM hate Mercy. While people IN GAME Love Mass Rez Mercy better than current Mercy. Go Figure…
  21. OVER 70 THOUSAND- If not over 80 to 100 Thousand posts in 9 Mega-Threads, PRT Thread(s), Individual (as in not part of any Mega-Thread) posts some of which recently have been flat out deleted an not by the people who made them. That is a LOT of posts about a Rework and a lot of dislikes for it as well. You would think, after this much feedback, something SHOULD be done. But allass, lets Nerf Mercy again. Make it 9 consecutive Nerfs for 1 hero with no QoL changes to help her out except for the Glitch that became the “Bunny Hop”…

Many MANY more of the same things regurgitated by the SAME people who either want to Nerf current Mercy or ones that don’t want Mercy reworked again, with counters to everything they say. There WERE solutions to Mass Res that COULD and SHOULD have been implimented before even attempting a rework:

  1. LoS- a MODIFIED version that allowed Rez through/around Payload and Signs but not through walls.
  2. Removal of SR exploit for ALL Ranks- DONE for Plat and higher one week before release of Mercy 2.0. Not enough time to see if that would get rid of “Hide n’ Rez” though so…
  3. No Rez from Spawn (on the 2 maps where you COULD pull it)- DONE, also 1 week before rework release. Pattern…
    But here is the kicker, DPS do not have this problem, Hanzo and Junkrat can stay safe in Spawn and wipe the enemy team with their Ults…
  4. AN ACTUAL “E” ABILITY (Valkyrie maybe?)- An “E” ability that would help with Mid Fight, not Rez on “E”. Rez on “E” which was proven over and over again to be a BAD idea. 8 Nerfs later and they are still asking for more Nerfs to Mercy…
  5. A 1 second cast time MAX, with Rez at end. Anything more, even with Damage Reduction, and Mercy is dead 5 ways from Sunday (an it is only Wednesday when I am posting this).
  6. With that ONE second cast time NO invulnerability, but a damage reduction (30-60%).
  7. With Mass Rez it also preformed Mass Burst Heal for the ones alive. THIS, this right here, would have giving her a mid-fight advantage AND gotten rid of the “Hide n’ Rez”.

I could go on, an on, about different Fixes for Huge Res but the same fixes have been stated over and over an again (those above are just my favorite ones). There are NO fixes/Nerfs for Valkyrie that will not destroy Mercy entirely ESPECIALLY if THEY (Jeff and the Developers) totally remove Rez. That will definitely kill Mercy for sure…