[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Ana is just in a really bad spot at this moment, in a game where mobility is king, she just doesn’t belong.

Wipes hands all over face
homina homina homina

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Interesting. What would you propose?

Correction, he used to be good in medium range, now if there is a Brigitte’s armor anywhere in sight, he’s good in spawn, playing with basketballs.

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As a Mercy main, I feel like Overwatch would be a much more interesting game without her. I would love to be able to play Lucio and feel just as confident in my team’s ability to win, but it’s not possible right now.

But I don’t believe she is OP - but all the other heroes are currently UP and their strengths (Ana’s nade, Lucio’s speed boost) are just currently not effective enough to justify their pick.

The other issue is that Zen is pretty much a requirement right now-which means that other healer spot HAS to be someone with high output healing.

Mercy won’t get reworked or nerfed anytime soon. There’s a lot of reasons, but the most important of those being that the dev team believes she’s okay and she was recently reworked. They’ll devote time to the other heroes that need it before they even consider reworking her again.

We’re beating a dead horse with these Mercy topics.

So you propose we nerf nano boost as well? Or Orisas ultimate? The interaction is perfectly fine.

  • Mercy has a single target Resurrect basically every single team fight which enables the Grav Drag combo to go off every fight if one of the two dies.
  • Her consistent healing is the strongest.
  • Her AOE Healing is the strongest.
  • Her DMB is tied with discord but you don’t need to focus on 1 enemy
  • Best mobility as a support
  • Best vertical mobility as a support
  • Easiest support to pick up mechanically
  • Doesn’t require that much skill to do well with her

Those are the problems Mercy is facing right now. With this rework she basically took over as the best AOE healer putting Lucio in the dust. Mercy was put on the same level as Zenyatta with DMB to her whole team being the opposite of Discord on 1 enemy to all teammates.

She’s just too strong with Valkyrie and you can’t nerf the ultimate any further and Resurrect can’t be nerfed anymore without making it useless or super difficult to pull off.


She needs another rework.


That is just flat untrue.

I get that you’re biased, but usually when 1 is superior to 5, it means the one is op not the other way around.

Righy now no mobility based hero is viable

extremely big bopper voice

I know it’ll probably never happen but I’d still say that they should just undo all the destrcution they caused with Mercy 2.0, bring back the Rez as an Ultimate and adjust it from there. (LoS-Checks, No Invulnerability, Hgher Charge time, possibly even a smaller radius.) They could also take it and make it charges based… having a Mercy earning all her possible rezes each time she uses the Ult.
Mercy heals without ulting for 5 times the amount she’d need to get one rez charge so she’d have 5 of them, If she rezzes, she could rez 5 people but if she just tempo rezzes one person, she’d lose all her charges.
This would give some more weight into the decission whether to rez someone quickly or not and prevent long outdrawn teamfight because a mercy can just quickly rez the same target 5 times within a short time.

I’m so sorry, lol😂

That’s on me people, didn’t mean to write that😅

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Let’s see who got more mobility than Ana…
Let’s see who’S got LESS or EQUAL mobility when copared to Ana.

Literally every other hero has some sort of Mobility in their kit… Sure… some have more like Doomfist, Hanzo or Widow, some less like Mei with her being able to reach spots with her wall or McCree who can just do a roll (which can still quickly get him into cover or mess up someone’s shots)

It does not always mean that. Anyone that has played with Ana and Lucio know that for main healers, they require another healer there to heal their targets regardless of their comp really. And their utility was nerfed, so it’s not as big of a draw as Zen’s utility. They simply don’t have enough healing to keep pace with the game’s damage numbers ever since their healing nerfs.

They have simply not kept paced with the game’s power creep and have been on a steady decline no matter the meta ever since triple tank ended.

Brigitte is a niche hero, she is never gonna take over any of their spots without being completely overpowered.

Prior to this meta, Moira actually was doing a good job competing with Mercy, despite having a tougher time keeping dive heroes up. Her fall this meta is the primary reason that Mercy is at the pickrate she is now, and that’s mostly because Moira has no synergy with or against Hanzo. If they push through that bug fix, she will be dumpstered too.

Moira (live version), Zen, and Mercy are the only healers that are not frustrating to use on the battlefield because they can keep up with the game’s pace and provide enough healing or utility to feel impactful.

Ana and Lucio do not.

Brigitte is a niche hero and more likely to take the spot of a third tank than a healer.

No more nerfs. We need to buff other supports.

Gee Wiz Ana was better during Season 3 while Mercy was considered a “throw pick” back then. Revert both (With tweaks).


If you’re gonna buff supports to the level of Mercy, you need to buff the dps to be able to deal with them, then you need to buff tanks to be able to handle the buffed dps. The answer is not buffing other supports, even if you brought back launch Ana, she would still be inferior to current Mercy.

Mercys stats were fine before the rework. It looks like the old mercy was for more balanced and the new mercy was clearly a mistake.

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The damage has already been buffed. Mercy’s healing is not impossible to deal with on the battlefield.

So no, you would not. Moira is already there and she is also not impossible to deal with on the battlefield. You used to see more of her before Brig and Hanzo.

Lucio and Ana are the ones who can’t keep pace and with every patch get weaker. That is because their healing got nerfed before damage dealers started getting better. After Ana’s sledgehammer nerf she was dropping constantly even before Mercy’s rework.

Ana and Lucio are in desperate need of buffs.

Cant speak for the devs but I’d wager that the design philosophy here is that Mercy is the only healer that can’t do anything else while she’s healing. Literally every other healer can do things while healing so they make Mercy the best at healing.

And again that explains the GM Comp picks, they need a healer, not a healer who can also shoot. Someone else who’s much better suited for it can do that (Hanzo).

Here’s what you should be thinking:
Hanzo is overtuned right now -> Zarya comboes with his ult -> Reinhardt has high synergy with Zarya and Zenyatta is the only viable counter for grav+dragon -> Mercy can damage boost Hanzo to counter that while being the main healer for the team AND has much higher synergy with this team -> Last spot is Brigitte/DPS

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