[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Rein doesn’t stay meta no matter what the meta is. Mercy has insane pickrates blue skies or rainy days


What “dps powercreep”, when only dps heroes that do burst dmg are viable, the problem is somewhere else.


Did you make this post just to troll? you are literally just ignoring everyone’s opinion but your own.

Why even make a post if you are 100% belief in you are right?


she isn’t overpowered before the rework. revert with a bit tuning is the only solution.

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The fact a sniper now has the ability to 1 button down any hero or barrier i fail to see how a healer is responsible for that one.


What is your proof that Mercy stays meta no matter what? Have you seen all metas? Have you predicted the future? If pickrate is your only measurement then the current meta should be your sample window… Otherwise your scientific approach is flawed…


I made this bc the Earth is flat and I don’t think a hero should remain so domiant from meta to meta no matter what…

It’s unfair to the rest of the healing class including ana and Moira. They deserve a chance to be meta

Mercy doesn’t need another rework, she’d need a revert.
The Valkyre Rework broke the balance of the game and shouldn’t have happened in the first place.

They would if they could reliably do their job… this isn’t just because Mercy is the best of supports in general numbers… Ana got gutted and her being strong almost always equals a tank meta which everybody instantly jumps at Blizzard immediatly when mentioned and Moira is even getting her healing nerfed right now.
If this is just about the other healers deserving a place in the spotlight, they need to be made better than they are right now.


And you think the best way to do that is to nerf Mercy, rather than buff the others?

In a meta where high damage DPS are the most used?


Or the fact that Mercy can outheal dmg done by s76, i wonder why people rather choose to play snipers.

After reading a few of the OPs replies I can only apologising for feeding this discussion with a few of my replies, but I will do the thread a favour and add a simple:


It has nothing to do with OP/UP. It has everything to do with her being a the purest healer. I used to main her, but I honestly prefer Moira. The thing is though, GM teams are finely tuned machines, and no one needs Moira zapping enemies, they need healing. Everything is distilled down to the purest of the role. Not only does Mercy heal, but she can augment others. It’s really a no brainer. Same reason Rein is usually picked. He’s a tank, he doesnt hook people out of position, he doesn’t have a mini grav bomb, he just tanks, and tanks well.


A revert would indeed be a decent solution but not one that many people would be on board with,

Rez has to be connected to an ult though, in some way shape or form it cannot be static.


Or because S76 has no way of avoiding or bursting down a barrier?

Like sniper no 1 that can 1 button it or sniper no 2 that takes the high ground and fires over it?

All hitscans are in the dumper thanks to this Hanzo change.

Mercy is not the reason for it.


Mercy is very good because her healing is the most consistent, can boost damage, and works in every comp. Zen also works this way.

Other healers need special comps to work.


You can see stats at sites like overbuff

Now that you can’t dive to stop rez it’s almost guaranteed so she’s more mandatory than before.

She’s almost at %100 pick rates again

Starting to feel that way myself bud.

They arnt even superior in special comps this comp where u can’t dive should favor ana but it doesn’t

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I can’t agree with this enough. The hatred for Mercy’s mass Rez was amplified to an unnecessarily high degree and left us with what he have today.

Mass Rez could have been adjusted easily to not be so frustrating and a little more fair to play against if it was THAT much of a problem. The rework sparked such an unhealthy balance to this game and 5 seasons later we are still struggling to recover.

The other healers, besides Zen, being underwhelming or straight F-tier doesn’t help either.


And the only reason he’s viable is his ult can prevent wipes and thats just too valuable.