I don’t want it back because red defines mercy and that’s all a lot of people used her for.
And I don’t want to get asked to get off Lucio just because the other team has a mercy.
I don’t want it back because red defines mercy and that’s all a lot of people used her for.
And I don’t want to get asked to get off Lucio just because the other team has a mercy.
…what? lol. (20 charas)
Dying as any character with your ult leads to your team getting angry at you in chat, rez wasn’t special.
Actually it was? No one cares if a tracer dies with pulse bomb or zarya dies with grav. Any hero dies with their ult no one cares, but Mercy? Oh no Mercy died with rez shes garbage she should off herself how dare she be so braindead oh my god what a complete waste of air" Double standards.
Edited: Removed inappropriate context - Forum Mod
I would argue it would be now, I have been playing quite a few games in competitive and if the Zarya dies with grav… Yeah, people definitely freak out more so than most other ultimates. Rez is basically a reverse grav. So it would definitely be more intense than a Widow dying with vision. Lul.
Again, sounds like personal experience, not a specific Mercy problem. If a DPS overextends and dies, people get mad. If Zarya can’t set up a grav because she dies, people get mad. If Hanzo dies before he can dragon into grav, people get mad. It’s people, not the ability.
She was still fun tho, mass res felt like it had more power in battles versus what we have now with Valk.
I was told countless times playing solo to get off of Mercy for Lucio or Zen but I still played Mercy just cause I found her more fun.
At launch, I played Bastion. He heals himself.
On a more serious note, I played all heroes at launch. I don’t know what you’re trying to get at by asking.
A Moira/Zen combo vs a Mercy 1.0/Zen combo would depend the rest of the team comps. In general, while Mercy 1.0 had a better ultimate than Coalescence, Moira’s base kit completely outclasses Mercy 1.0’s base kit. She heals for more, she does more damage, and she’s harder to kill. The only exception is when Mercy has a Pharah or Widow to fly away to.
In a close-range tanky comp? I’d pick Moira over Mercy 1.0 any day because her healing is orders of magnitude better when the team is clumped up. In a long-range poke-at-the-choke match full of snipers and long distances beyond 20 meters? Mercy 1.0 for sure. Different tools for different jobs. That’s how the game is supposed to work.
I don’t think you have anything to worry about. The likelihood of Blizz reintroducing mass rez is slim to none. They learned.
That’s what I am saying. Some were saying Mercy was a horrible pick in comp back at launch. I disagree.
Correct me if I am wrong but the only support available was Mercy, lucio, zen and sym if you consider her a support when season 1 started.
No one needs tips and advice on how to use Mass Rez correctly because it isn’t in game anymore
and it’s not coming back
Get with the times, people!
Personally, I enjoyed both of the mercies
Original rez really helped people in case of a wipe and helped in the case of snipers that killed important people.
Valkarie is a great ult. it’s easy enough to counter to make people have to work to stay alive
but the New rez is genuinely trash.
it is much harder to pull off, even when the animation and sound cues end. And since you move at a snail’s pace people will almost instantly kill you if you try it.
changes to res should be that it is quicker to do, and you move faster while doing it. a cooldown buff of maybe a few seconds would also be nice, but probably would unbalance the game
How is that insulting them? They’re speaking as if they know what’s going on within the dev team?
Mass Rez got more value the more people died together. That’s a fact. It’s not really a “personal problem” that players demanded OP to use it this way, it very much was a symptom of how the ult worked and provided value. People try to maximize value from their abilities, who knew?
The point I am trying to make is if they brought back Mercy 1.0 you would be at a disadvantage if the other team had one and your team did not.
You can mix and match support characters but if you have a Mercy with a mass Rez it would be an advantage. Can you imagine a Mercy 1.0/Moira combo vs a Moira/Ana or Moira/Lucio.
In this scenario I believe if you did not pick Mercy you would get more throwers and leavers.
Mercy 1.0/Moira would lose to Moira/Ana, hands down. Ana’s anti-heal would completely shut them down in any coordinated team.
What would make her a mustpick in 1.0 state?
edit: sorry I didn’t mean to reply directly to you
I can see Mass Rez Mercy being an absolute must pick in the current meta
mostly because of the Zarya/Hanzo meta we are seeing now in which it is just an ult farm fest, and then whoever has the better dragon grav team wipe combo wins.
And moreso, if she is not invulnerable for those 2s after Mass Rez, it would once again promote this idea that Mercy had to hide to get maximum value out of that Mass Rez as her team is destroyed.
Tempo rezzes were absolutely a thing, but depending on the given situation you’d get sh!t on by your team for that too. With the Mass Rez ultimate it was often damned if you do, damned if you don’t, and my experiences are similar to OPs experience in the matter.
People are still really bad at ult economy and managing enemy ultimates, both in my rank and from what I see from my favorite YouTubers.
It’s also easy to see who is wearing nostalgia goggles when it comes to Mass Rez, and who has simply never played Mass Rez Mercy at all. You don’t need to be a dev to see when someones argument carries no weight whatsoever.
Because Ana’s anti-heal is working so well now shutting down coordinated team attacks?
I guess we will agree to disagree because at this point the back and forth is pointless at this point.
I can argue that your Ana’s anti-heal shut downs the teams attack, your team wiped all except for Mercy. Comes back and does a Mass Rez, and Ana doesnt have anti-heal anymore and then your team gets wiped.
Ana nades can be tossed out every 10 seconds. Mass res has to be charged. Would mass res be the turning point of some team fights? Sure. Probably. But over time, there will be a LOT more nades ending team fights before they can really begin.
That’s why Mercy 1.0 was a troll pick compared to Ana before the invulnerability buff. Ana can nade way more often than Mercy could res, and half the time resurrecting was suicide.