[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Someone linked videos about that sometime ago, but it’s very difficult to find them in this mega chaos.

Well, they already reverted Dva’s defense matrix and her role in the game aswell with the addition of the micro missiles and firing while flying, so it seems like a revert but no one has officially called that a revert. The same goes for Mercy. She had a lot of effort put into her mass rez design and they reverted it to valkirie again, which was removed for good in the early days. Also, they gave heavy restrictions to her rez, which were removed long ago for mass rez because they were clearly a bad design. This rework could be called a revert too, but officially, it is not. Why? Because those abilities are different. Valkirie works different now (unitarget vs multitarget) and rez works different now (aoe ultimate vs unitarget E ability on cooldown).

What I’m trying to say with all this is that they could perfectly rework mass rez and make more changes both to it and to her new E ability (in case she had one), keeping some things of this current design, and that wouldn’t be a revert anymore. People are making a lot of good suggestions in that direction here.

P.S.: Just another funny fact fyi, a bit out of tophic but related to Mercy. In the beginning of the game, when Mercy was being designed, she wasn’t sweddish nor even a woman. She was a black guy with the same suit as the one that Mercy wears. That didn’t work, so that dude was turned into the adorable doctor we all know. After watching that design (someone linked it here or in the last mega chaos) I think they recycled it for another character: Doomfist.

Played since before Ana’s release. Can confirm it too. Never saw a single Mercy hiding and rezzing before the rework. In fact, I saw a lot of dpss hiding and ulting, like Junkrat. Funny fact, I played those two characters and I never had the need of hiding and ulting with Mercy, while when playing Junkrat it was usually a go-to option. I’ll go further and I’ll say that I could count the number of huge rezzes I saw in all that time with my two hands (I only need two fingers for counting my huge rezzes).


And I love you! <3
Twenty Characters or whatever…


Another reason I don’t like Valkyrie is that it violates Mercy’s “monogamous healing” theme.

She heals a single target, she damage boosts a single target, she flies to a single target. The only exception to this was mass rez.

Supporting multiple targets was supposed to be be Mercy’s weak point… but just like with everything else, valk covers for that weakness.


That ult is too generic, too bland and effortless. I don’t get why other people don’t undertand that this clear points is what it makes it boring. And that’s if you wanna call it “ult”.


lol that’s how it already works

GA can be stunned, knocked back/pushed, etc. Large tanks like Winston and Rein can also bodyblock GA.

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Seems like you forgot the hook my friend…

I know asking for anything that even hints at a buff for Mercy is considered wrong, but please if you are reading this make her rez-range in Valkyrie bigger? Even veteran Mercy players like Animetic get their rezzes cancelled because the flight and lack of movement penalty makes it too easy to glide out. If nothing else, at least give us some form of cue so we know we are about to leave the range! This at least shouldn’t be too much to ask for, right?

They did try to fix Mercy’s old ult and make it work a few times…it didn’t fix the problem, leaving us with the only option of a rework.

We’re already in Mercy Meta, and it’s been continued Mercy Meta for 9 months, so no worries about giving us another Mercy Meta…but I don’t think she needs a rework, just some adjusting and Rez needs to be locked into her ultimate -but not as her ultimate. Rez is too strong an ability to have outside the barrier of an ult. Valk, but Mercy gets one instant rez to use any time during the duration of Valk, sounds like it would be fair. If it were me, the only other adjustments Mercy needs are her survivibility toned down a smidge. Guardian Angel needs slight retooling for sure, and maybe her 1 second health regen. Just to balance out her risk/reward ratio.

Can’t have that. Dev team already stated that they want Resurrect and Valkyrie to be two separate abilities for Mercy. Not Mercy reliant on her ultimate again to be effective.

No, they didn’t. All they did was make it so Mercy couldn’t use mass rez from spawn. They didn’t even try any other balance changes on Mercy’s old ult before deleting it. No attempts at a LoS restriction, cast time, nothing.

Putting that lack of effort next to the absurd amount of time they’ve spent trying to force this doomed rework to work is just adding insult to injury.

The removal of prefromance-based SR past platinum had only been up a week before the Mercy rework happened, so they didn’t even give that a chance to see how much Hide N Rez would be reduced without an SR incentive to do it.


I’m glad you got to shut down Cookie because I can’t do it without him trying to get me silenced or banned. On top of him refusing to response to any of my points.

Plus, seeing you shut down anyone is always amusing.

Thanks for the well-written thread, once again.

One day a miracle will happen and the devs will listen.


I meant tweaks… I don’t think old Mercy was super strong at all. (I was more thinking the powercreep of current Mercy coming from bad balancing and bad design.)

If anything, it’d be interesting to see how a reworked/reverted Mercy would fare with the current healers since changes were established and newer heroes were added.


actually this wouldn’t make her broken. It’s seems more of a qol change in my opnion. I doesn’t change rezs’ basics but just makes it the tiniest bit easier to get it off.

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Not even close, but if you’d like to think that you’re certainly free to.

The time has come. Mercy has been the dominant support ever since her rework, throughout a Spam meta, a Dive meta, and a Deathball meta. She has truly become one of the most dominant heroes in Overwatch history, and it’s time for it to stop.

On the current patch, Mercy is ran mostly alongside Zenyatta, supporting all types of team comps, from Spam to Dive to Deathball. Currently, the most popular composition is Reinhardt-Zarya-Hanzo-Widowmaker-Zenyatta-Mercy. The patch before? Winston-D.Va-Genji-Tracer-Mercy-Zenyatta. Before that? (not including Dive) Orisa-Roadhog-Widowmaker-Junkrat-Mercy-Zenyatta. Mercy has truly become a hero that is above the meta, and it is time for it to end.

”But Mercy has already been nerfed!”
Characters who are broken are broken, regardless of previous patches. Mercy with two instant Valkyrie Resurrections was broken for sure, yet she has already received multiple nerfs.

”No, other supports just need buffs!”
Ana and Lucio were both perfectly viable before Mercy 2.0 came into the game. In fact, Lucio was still considered a near must-pick, and Ana was still compeating against Zenyatta (especially on Defense) before Mercy began to force Ana out. Buffing the rest of the supports to reach Mercy’s level would simply be powercreep.

”Another nerf would make Mercy un fun to play!
While I might not agree with this sentiment, I do think it’s important that such a large portion of the community (those that play Mercy) are considered. This is why instead of simply nerfing Mercy, we should give her a rework.


  • Caduceus Staff
    • Healing per second reduced from 60 to 50
  • Valkyrie
    • No longer an ultimate ability
    • Duration reduced to 5 seconds
    • No longer increases beam length
    • No longer enables constant passive regeneration
    • Chain Beam now max out at two bonus targets (total of three)
    • Cooldown is 15 seconds, starting at the end of the duration
  • Resurrect
    • Now an ultimate ability
    • Remains single-target
    • Ultimate cost reduced to 1500
    • Cast time and move speed reverted to previous, however Resurrect now only goes through after cast completion (instead of instantaneously)
    • Range increased from 5m to 10m

Developer Comments: While the Mercy rework was a step in the right direction, we feel that Mercy was becoming to overbearing on the game while also feeling clunky from the player’s perspective. These changes should hoepefully address the balance issues while also helping make Mercy more fluid to play.


Your proposed Resurrect changes sounds like it’ll have the potential to use Resurrect more than on live.

Of course this rework was going to be OP. Ult Rez was often used to bring back 1-2 people instead of the 5 that this forum likes to make out. Now she can do that every 30 seconds? Your idea won’t change that. In fact, it’ll probably just theoretically extend the cooldown by 10 seconds in most circumstances.

Mercy needs a partial revert. Dial down Mass Rez to give it more counter play and in compensation give her a watered down valkyrie on her E.


Incoming comments of just buff other supports. So they can all be OP together.


please stop putting ideas in theirs heads. She was fine before any of this started. She never needed mass res taken away.

They keep changing the game to try and make it into an esport but its not going to take off the way league did.


Yeah, this would definitely happen… LOL.

An ult that’s single target (rez) would end her. Have it cap at 3 people perhaps? Other than that and the healing beam nerf it’s all a decent idea, but needs more tweeks