[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Titanium i tried sending you a friend request on ow

Not too sure. Havenā€™t ever seen them around OCE (and you often run into the same people.)

Well, if theyā€™re banned then that proves the mods are truly incompetent, and this forum is a nightmare. Mostly, since you guys are cool.

And RichC and co.

Alright, fine if this is supposed to be the place to consolidate all Mercy feed-back, but how come some are allowed to exist on the general boards and others not? Because I donā€™t know how many ā€œnerf Mercyā€ threads Iā€™ve seen that were apparently fine while anything that even hints at criticism (sometimes not even that cough my bug-thread cough) gets either booted here or deleted. Itā€™s your forums so you moderate as you please I guess, but it is going to rub people the wrong way really hard. I suggest merging everything here as annoying as it is to at least seem consistent.

oh wait, Titanium hasnā€™t played in like 8 months that would take forever to update.Titanium Iā€™m gonna make a post on the Mercy main sub reddit go there if you can.

Simple process:

Read thread title - nerf? Great! buff/mercy sucks/bugs? BAD!

I made this thread and itā€™s still up.

Titanium are you still here?

Did you post your bug thread in the bug forum? If not, I donā€™t know why they didnā€™t just move it there. I have no idea why they would throw that one into this catastrophe.

Maybe running out of likes. And probably hope since this is going so long and Blizzard ignores all valid and good feedback.

You donā€™t need to update anything on the battle.net app/launcher. Lol. At least not that long of an update. Updates are for games only.

Yeah, the most I miss about this game now is the posters Iā€™ve seen around this forum and the other mega threads.

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might be a different region then

So no one here can talk to Titanium as of now?

Nope. That reminds me: what happened to the private messaging system? Or @'ing people?

I wasnā€™t aware that you could PM people on the forums. Just through battle.net or in-game.

I didnā€™t either know that exicsted either

Hold up! Iā€™m unsuspended now.


Welcome back! Whatā€™d you get suspended for? Iā€™d like to confirmā€¦ :thinking:

holy shnap what the hell is happening

Lol that was fast! You going to repost you thread? What was ā€œwrongā€ with it?

Youā€™re not allowed to discuss your reason(s) for suspension, I believe.