[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Yeh. Like, at this point bad balance is slowly poisoning the entire support class. It’s really disheartening to see.


Just dropping in a comment to say. Please fix the support class. Thanks.


The funny thing is - people went on and on about how her design was fine and balanced - now they’re saying rez is too strong, etc. Isn’t that a sign of bad design? Because her kit has not changed at all in 5 months, and it went from balanced to ridiculously strong.

And since it’s apparently not viability, it means we were right from the start - her rework was a failure, and it just induced unhealthy gameplay due to a flawed design. Nerfing won’t fix it - because her core gameplay, her ultimate on a cooldown complete with an EZ mode ult will still be there.

She needs another rework. If Sym got two, Mercy can get another.


Like this ENTIRE thread kept saying it was if it remained on a CD?

I mean Mercy switches between my 7th and 8th most played hero (she swaps with Zen) but I took my time to read through the complaints, the flaws that have been pointed out, and the suggestions that woulda stopped this from happening.

Now people are going; “We don’t want the support class to have a power creep”.

Puh-lease…if only ONE hero is viable after receiving 8 nerfs then do you really think 9th is going to suddenly make the others viable? No, and sorry you’re dumb for thinking that.

Mercy needs to be reworked.

Ana should get one too-Blizzard…you pulled a “Oh ya know what would be sweet? A healer who’s a sniper!” But DO NOTHING with it.

Moira’s “bug” shouldn’t be fixed since she provides no utility and her AoE is more controlled than the other AoE heals.

Let Lucio still be of some supportive use when he’s hacked. You made a hero completely useless with one move! Yeah each hero should have counters but this is ridiculous!

Like…holy crap. So many dumb mistakes get made in balancing this game it’s laughable. They have like no patience at all. It’s never “lets see how this pans out even though we’re going to make a big change in a month or so.”


We’re doing it right now.

The Mercy rework right before Moira is released.

The Pulse Bomb nerf, right before Brig is released with rally.

The Moira bug fixed, during the Symm rework and new ult.


Exactly! This rework can’t be balanced - like you said, if eight consecutive nerfs can’t tone a hero down and slow their power creep then maybe their design sucks? Nerfing her won’t do anything - she’ll be okay, and then she’ll come back up. Either that or she’ll just suck. What more can they nerf???

I agree - rework is needed. They can’t put an ability to bring someone back on a cooldown - the same could be said for Sym’s tele, but at this rate it’s more for extra mobility. You can’t change rez like that, so it can’t stay on a CD for much longer - that’s unhealthy for this game.

All this proves is that we were right from the start. Rework her, Jeff.


Wanna know how rez will work as a CD ability?

  1. Increase the team sizes.

  2. Increase the match times

  3. (And yeah I know this sucks but) Have more than one character be able to do it.

Blizzard is adamant on not removing it because, they at least get THAT much of Mercy’s character. At least they get that it’s a big part of her identity.

As I stated before in other threads, I’m surprised that Moira didn’t get a rez mechanic since she’s played up as this “darker mirror” to Mercy. Bring them back and give them wraith IFrames like Mercy has with her gold ones.

Just…DO SOMETHING to balance rez if they refuse to have it be part of her ult.


What do you guys think it would take for Blizzard to actually listen to us?

An OWL player advocating for a revert.


Or somebody on the the contenders, that’s how Sombra got her nerf-which went directly to live.


But that won’t happen, because it would break their previous comps.

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If the OWL players start to say that a revert is actually something they would prefer over her current state, than i think the comps don’t matter anymore.
Like really, the guy’s which wanted the rework start to admit that it was overall a bad idea.

by the way.

Do you have a link for that? I would like to see/hear that.

Mercy needs an entire new rework. This one was a failure from the beginning because it was based on two terrible mistakes: old bad design valkirie and turning a powerful ultimate into an E ability hopping that somehow it will fit there. Sorry, Blizz, but that’s incredibly naive, and it has only harmed your own game, Mercy the first.

This current design is unbalanceable because E rez is unbalanceable and valkirie is straight bad design, as it got proved during game’s development. Also, current rez is bad design as it got proved during game’s alpha/beta. There is no need of deeper explanation because the results are exactly the same as before. Hoping a different result was just insane. Valkirie as an ultimate and Resurrect as an E ability need to die. If you want, try Valkirie as an E ability and Resurrect as an ultimate again, but this design is unbalanceable and tbh, there is nothing you can do at this point to balance it. You tried everything and all failed. It’s time to stop the joke and do something good for the first time in almost one year for Mercy. This rework was never needed and has wrecked the character and the game. Now, Blizz, correct your own giant mistake.

I think you missunderstood. Maybe I’m mistaken but I believe he was talking about what should be needed for Blizz to start listening us.


Oh, sorry my reply screwed up. I was saying that’s what it would probably take for them to look at/listen to the mercy mains that post here all the time.

Why haven’t they merged any threads into here? There’s so many of them now

I wondered that too - mods have had enough, they’re listening (hopefully not as much to the mindless nerf threads) or they’re inactive.

I suspect they’ve taken a little break from it. I’m sure it won’t be long before they start merging threads again carelessly.

I think they dont want to reach post cap, so they are trying to avoid merging threads in here, i think

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True, that is a possibility. There is also another possibility, though unlikely, but now they’ve almost got the new social features and Sym’s rework out of the way perhaps they are now prepared to start listening again. Again I doubt it but one can only hope.


I NEVER DIE (Gets widow sniped)


Better yet…




Problem is, Sym’s rework is performed in exactly same fashion. And social features only enforce same players for same roles/heroes, as group leader can lock heroes for joined players.

Unless absolutely everyone will complain, devs will keep moving heroes in this direction. Where their ultimates don’t have anything unique, and abilities are valued above ultimates.

This train is moving to the cliff, full speed, but there is still time to reach emergency break…