[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Like they shoulda split Valkyrie into 2 different cooldown abilities so Mercy has decisions when it comes to survival or utility and fixed where they left off with Mass Resurrect.

What, you can’t see their bodies? Just have the GREAT Mercy killer Winston jump in and SHIELD Mercy, like he does a D.Va Ultimate. Problem solved… No Winston, well you have 1 second to BOOP, Stun, Kill, Mace, etc. Mercy to counter Ultimate. The same amount of time you have to counter Lucio.

Funny, surprised you are not complaining about the Nerf your Main took. Then again, Zenyatta did not have his Ultimate stripped away and put on an Ability with a cool-down. Now THAT would be OP as F—, just like THEY were warned that Mercy would be but no one listened.


Yep, because they didn’t connect to soul, BECAUSE THEY DEAD. You can take dead bodies with Symmetra Photon Projector and throw them, but it doesnt change a soul position.

Zenyatta doesn’t have same self healing (blue barriers can blow up against Sombra), same ally healing, and mobility.

Do you really play the game on this account?

They DID have something similar in PTR pre game release. Guess what, they REWORKED her and gave her Resurrect instead because split healing/damage buffing beams were not cutting it. So much for Overwatch not having plans for a Mercy Revert because THAT is exactly what happened. THEY just added Flight to the equation to make it seem special, then Nerfed her Rez as an Ability to the ground followed by her new Ultimate in 8 consecutive Nerfs.

  1. High speed Flight, now down to 12.5% of original flight speed (100% - 75%= 25%, 25% - 50%= 12.5% flight speed)
  2. Higher damaging Pop-Gun bullets, REMOVED!!! Now normal bullets with unlimited ammo.
  3. Reset of Resurrect AND 2 Rezes per Ultimate, REMOVED!!! Rez STILL on a cool-down during Ult and even AFTER Death. NO other Hero has THAT restriction on an ability.

An yet THEY still claim the Rework was a complete success…


Plz NO MORE UI, we already can see Mercy’s souls, it’s really dumb.

You just suggest to REVERT mercy, not rework.

According to wiki, lucio’s OH(i mean sound thing) are 20 damage, and Mercy’s pistol are 20 damage.)) So what’s the problem?

I did till all the BS that happened to the game, not just specifically to Mercy but other Heroes I did play. Been playing since Free Weekend Pre Game Release before that. But you MISSED the “Shield Mercy” by Winston, or stunning, or BOOPING, or Mace, etc. in your reply back to me. ALL of which would be good counters to Mercy with Mass Rez, along with Sombra Hack and/or EMP among others.
But really, the Nerfs seem to hit Healers, the lowest number of Heroes in the game, a LOT more than any other class combined. AN yet you are going after a fellow Healer who prefer Mercy Pre-Rework? Like I said, FUNNY…

Mercy doesn’t have the damage output as Zenyatta does.

You can’t unironically compare these two because they’re both as good as each other, but their strengths are in different departments.


Most funny it didn’t work with old mercy, she ress too fast, even with 1 sec. The game will back in state “KILL MERCY FIRST”.

Yes, i can, because mercy has moblity, healing, and Zen has only damage(was nerfed) and HUGE hit box.

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STILL, I wouldn’t want another NERF to ANY healer, an Zenyatta is a very SPECIAL healer. Even his name, Zenyatta (derived from ZEN- a state of calm attentiveness in which one’s actions are guided by intuition rather than by conscious effort ) should not stand for any Nerf when so many DPS and yes, even many Tanks (love Reinhardt myself) deserved to be Nerfed instead of ANY of the healers/ SUPPORTS.

He has massive damage still. Not to mention a 30% debuff on the enemy. Zen can heal, damage and debuff at the same time. Imagine if Mercy could do all three simultaneously.

Zen’s Orb also has double the distance of Mercy’s healing beam iirc.

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is there a reason you didn’t post this in the mercy megathread?

there is no rework coming
mercy is the 3rd highest played hero at all levels
hit reply, not new topic

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Don’t get me wrong, i LOVE the idea of bring back a Mass rez.
Specifically This idea.

But, as someone who Kinda Rarely Plays Mercy, And sympathizes with Mercy mains, i have ONE issue with it.
(Her golden gun is my second one Ever, btw!)

One FULL Second is a Long time in this game.
I think it would be Perfect with a Simple reduction on the cast time.

But, it ALL depends on the Speed at which the Mercy is allowed to travel During the Cast.

Either way, this gets my vote.
-ChibiFox :fox_face:


In b4 lock and merged with threadnaught of where good mercy ideas go to die.

I do like the idea. Blizzard is just stubborn AF when it comes to Mercy though

Nice ideas and all but…

If you give her invulnerability the cast time and slow down are super pointless since the enemy cant do much against Mercy then.
Here is my rework idea from my own thread that got drowned and ignored have fun reading if you want.

Nandalees hopefully amazing Mercy rework!

  • Healing Beam stays like it is right now
  • Guardian Angel and the bug… ähh the intentional bunnyhop stay as well
  • Angelic Descent stays as is

I think her healing and movement abilities are already great and have some good value that is why I leave them unchanged.

  • Dual wielding: Mercy can now dual wield her staff and pistol. This will allow Mercy to heal an ally and shoot at her foes at the same time.
  • Damage Boost removed

The damage boost can be pretty amazing I know but most of the time it is pretty situational and most likely will be used to increase the effect of other ultimates. Giving the pistol a bit more use and letting you fight along side your teammate makes Mercy more active and engaging. Also I know battle Mercy is a thing and people could train their aim at least a little bit.
Removing damage boost could also give more value to Orisas and Anas ultimate I hope.

New E-Ability:

  • Angelic Protection: Mercy buffs one teammate which grants immunity against CC and reduces dmg by 10%. Lasts for 2 seconds and has a 10 second cooldown.

Since we have quite a bit of CC in the game I think it would be nice if we had another anti-CC ability as well. This ability would work good together with Mercys game sense and decision making. She would need to time it good to help preventing CC and damage. Plus characters like Mccree, Pharah and Reaper could finally see their own ultimate through.


  • Valkyrie removed (make it an emote or whatever if you want)
  • “New” ultimate Resurrect:
    • Charge rate at 2250 (current for Valk is at 1950 and for old mass-rez was even lower)
    • Mercy can resurrect one fallen ally by going to his soul and pressing q. After that Mercy will say “Heroes never die” and a timer of 2 seconds starts. In these 2 seconds Mercy is free to move around and use her abilities but if she moves further away than 10 meters from her rez-target or dies the ultimate will fail. If Mercy succeeds her ally will be resurrected with 100% HP and every living ally and Mercy herself in the 10 meter radius will get a 300HP burst heal.

This ultimate would allow Mercy to revive key targets and teammates helping her would get a big heal in the end. I think this version of resurrect would have enough counterplay by either killing her or booping/hooking her out of the 10 meter range.
But that is not all because I have an optional part for this ultimate!

Optional ultimate part:

  • “Mass”-Resurrect:
    • In addition to the above mentioned ultimate Mercy would be able to revive more than just one person. Every other dead ally in a 7 meter radius around her primary rez-target will be resurrected as well. These other allies will be brought back with 150HP or 50% of their base HP whichever is more.

With this optional mass-rez Mercy could revive several people again and counter Rip-Tire, Pulse Bomb and maybe even a Graviton combo. Of course it would need more teamwork than the old mass-rez and is overall riskier the more people you try to get back into the fight. Also by not reviving them to full health it should be easier to counter and it would be best to rez 2-3 people.
This “new” ultimate would hopefully increase her skill ceiling again and goes more into a Moba kind direction. I think it would be good to see Mercy play more into the strategy and timing part of Overwatch since she is way less of an fps char.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

blizzard is stubborn?

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It’s in the Megathread! Blizzard AND other people don’t read it so it IS a bottomless pit where Mercy player ideas go to die.


Well it’s definitely going to the megathread when enough people report this as spam.


Lucio can shoot and heal at the same time. He can also heal while he is in ultimate and using his abilities. So I don’t get the point you are trying to come across?

Then show a AOE yellow ring indicator that shows where Mercy can Resurrect allies.

A revert is asking for Mass Resurrect back it being an instant cast, no line of sight requirement and it isn’t blocked by barriers with absolutely 0 counter play to it.

What I listed forced Mercy to play in sight of the enemy, making it work the same way as the other defensive ultimate requiring the player to have some skill in pulling it off. Do you know how many barriers are in OW and you are saying that’s not enough to counter Resurrect? Please. Everyone is stubborn and doesn’t want it back even though it’s much better to be in this game.

Maybe it’s you? You want to do damage and healing??

How much,?) And how often they block Zen’s ult))