Well hey, even if we disagree at least you’re willing to have an open discussion and try to understand the opposing argument instead of just plugging your ears and saying “lalalalalala” like a toddler.
HOLY SHT I JUST GOT A PENTAGON KILL!!! Worked really hard on that. Fck now that moth presses Q WHILE hiding behind a wall without putting in any effort. Didn’t even try to save the damn team from dying in the first day place.
Name one of the things that never happen
Wasn’t it a bit suspicious, when Mercy isn’t with her team and you happily press Q to achieve multikill? Don’t you think “wait, something isn’t right here” when other team has their main healer nowhere to be found, yet killfeed has no sign of them being recently killed?
If you can’t Save your team with Healing, maybe taking cover for save them with ult is the better choice.
Take cover isn’t the same as Hiding.
Hiding (or hide and Ress) is when you go to hide even when your team isn’t in danger and you Can Save them with Healing.
Take cover is another thing
Before the Rework i see some Mercy accused of Hiding even when She was Simply take cover from an ult (like d.va ult for example) like she should always die.
And Hiding was a bad strategy that only bad Mercy used, and was a minority.
Before the Rework i see too many time For example Enemy Genji don’t care of me and instead go to kill in the graviton. And so many time i was in an open space or he see me taking cover from the grav. So yeah, if you do that you should deserve the Mass Ress.
And this is only an example, i see so many time this, but It’s always because “Mercy was Hiding” and not because you ignore her.
Even for Zarya grav, instead of shoot the grav in my zone She shoot It far from me. What should i do? Go in the grav or taking cover from It if they do a combo?
Sorry For bad english
Hahahaha, you still didn’t give me any example of the nature i asked. You are just proving me right.
Exactly, That is why I suggested the idea to make Valkyrie preform mass resurrection, but with all the drawback that we have now.
No… I’m referring to her nerf speed whilst casting res. Squid is claiming he can’t hit her because she too mobile whilst vasting her res lol
I finally tried playing a few games again, and all I can say is every match feels exactly the same with or without Mercy. Every other healer makes the game feel and play a bit differently, but Mercy is just kinda…there…I guess.
There was Hanzo main somewhere, who complained that Mercy blocked his arrow with her arm during resurrect animation, when he tried to headshot her
Don’t understand why, he can basically hit her in the chest and it will count as a head-shot…
This is only the case if Mercy can make her play and this all loops back to the fact Mercy ability to die for a 1 to 5 person res was not wrong in the first place.
For all their bragging how they will never go back on a decision once made, Blizzard has in fact reverted Mercy back to her die on res state. The issue with die on res is the fact that your team has to make their play.
Even if Mercy resurrects someone with ult, they might not over turn a fight on their own, they may apply impact, but the fact remains. YOU JUST SACRIFICED YOUR MAIN HEALER
Blizzard added in Invulnerable to negate this issue. They claimed a Healer should never die to make that sort of play.
Hiding is a very subjective term, you are deluded to say she does not hide. Even OWL Pro Mercy are saying they are playing Mercy really selfishly to preserve her own life. To res in the open means to open yourself to getting killed therefore we will HIDE behind our team mates… We HIDE in the back line and mobilise to and from team and make use of use walls and terrains to absorb bullets… we HIDE around the corner or a wall to cast res to ensure we survive.
You cannot claim that Mercy right now, does not engage in hiding.
If you want to blame Mercy for hiding during 1.0 then please use the correct description and call it DISENGAGEMENT we who hole the ability to reset the playing field during an ult exchange should never be the first to die. You lot will never forgive us if we died whilst holding Resurrect, you guys beg us to use resurrect, you lot benefit just as equally as the opposing team when we resurrect. Resurrect works both ways, both team are at a advantage and disadvantage when either side uses it.
Even pro attention seeking streamers are often screaming at us to hide and take cover during a D.va bomb, a oncoming rip tire, a graviton surge, an earth shatter, a tact visor, a rocket barrage because if we died with or before the team, then that is a massive mistake that will cost the team the engagement, therefore disengagement is a valid strategy if healing to deny death will not work
As for skill version of res, a lot of you agree we should never res is it not safe but at the same time a lot of you are dying in really unfavourable positions leaving us with 2 choice risk a reckless res and die with the team and potentially stagger the respawn causing trickle or abandoning the team.
Any skilled Mercy will know how to Guardian Angel, we use to solo heal to point where we try not use our resurrect, that’s how strong her base kit is. It is virtually playing at the same level as Valkyrie if not better.
As spamfist your legit strategy will be to pull off wombocombo and harass Mercy, heck if you can stun her or knock her away as Doomfist or Brigitte, you can effectively cancel out res. With Sombra you can literally disrupt and severely cripple Mercy.
That is called being an aggressive Mercy, you know the ones that made use of Guardian Angel and upkeep healing for all her team mates. You know… the ones that don’t play passively. We exist in Silver and Gold as well.
Because before these changes we had to basically heal to gain our ultimate and as we are healing we had to stay alive using GA and aside from that we had to always stay on the move, we had to preserve our res because once we use it, we have to recharge it and EARN the ultimate
This is where you need to stay on top of the data observation, Mercy on fire correlates with her res or with her offense abilities.
1.0 differentiated Mercy base on how man res a player can get in one go, the higher the value the more points you earn, on top of your average per game. Which then coincided with SR gaining. Part of the on fire also coincided with what the resurrected targets will do after they are resurrected.
The only other value is Eliminations and damage dealt but these values honestly don’t earn you much SR.
Yet the irony is that her kit remains untouched meaning you are being a hypocrite for praising the current Mercy but then bashing the old Mercy when the only difference is res and Valkyrie.
Old Mercy was strong but unreliable if she dies and unlike Ana, Lucio and Zenyatta which had a place in the 2016 and 2017, Mercy could not survive on her own, hence she was a liability and you can’t always run a PhaMercy
The OWL exist to add some diversity so we don’t end up watching the same thing year after year.
And honestly they could have reworked Mercy during the World Cup, but if they did that… Mercy would have dropped off the radar again, players like Ryujehong would have went back to Ana.
I took a glimpse at your SR, but the rest was based on the comments you careless made.
I can’t hit Mercy and swift strike through her.
If you are a main support, don’t worry about Mercy unless you are Moira or Brigitte. It is down to your DPS and Tank team mates to kill stuff
Maybe that Hanzo needs a scatter Arrow then xD… one of the shot is bound yo hit her head.
But no… seriously… that is a stroke of luck that her arm blocked the arrow.
I’m loving how people respond to Mercy fans complaining that she isn’t nearly as fun anymore:
“Fun is subjective”, they say.
What a creative way to tell someone “eff you, nobody cares”. Good to know that the complaint of “this isn’t fun” only works if you’re playing a non-healer.
Mercy got reworked because people kept complaining that playing against ult!rez was “unfun”. Not everyone shared this opinion, but when a few players spoke up about it they were taken seriously. Now that the people complaining about “unfun” are support players, they’re being told to sit down, shut up and accept the status quo.
I love the way they defend only one aspect of her and won’t openly admit there are pro and con to past and present Mercy.
Like in some ways Mercy is current bala.ce in other ways she not.
Seeing that long Lithy’s post, I wonder how many of these “fine” people are actually playing Mercy.
I took a break from this thread for a while, Have the devs said anything yet regarding mercy changes?
No changes in the foreseeable future.
Well, better wait a little longer, emphasis on ‘little’.
Hide and rez was not necessary at all. If you take cover or are just two steps aside from the grav it won’t catch you. Or you can just take cover during the ult storm and then rez the team. Yes, they want tempo rezzes, and that was what the most of the Mercys (myself included) did, so no problem. 5 man rezzes were extremely uncommon.
You said it. SINCE LAUNCH. Before game’s release she had valkirie and after it being removed for good and replaced by mass rez, it had current rez’s mechanic, which got removed for good. In both cases the reasons were the same as the reasons people are arguing now. No, she is not fine at all, she is bad design.
That isn’t me, that was Jeff himself, so…
100% false. Forums were almost empty of complains until the dive meta, when she was picked not because of her rez, but because of her not aimed healing, which made her the only compatible main support with the gods Tracer, Genji and Winston.
Indeed, when people complained about mass rez was because Mercy died too much with her original design (aka current rez’s mechanic), and that’s why those restrictions were eliminated, the forum was already filled with complains those days, exactly the same as now.
Finally, if mass rez had problem (and I know it had), only QoL changes were needed. Bad designs from the past should have never returned to the game. For example, if they gave her an E ability (not rez) they could have freely removed some power from mass rez without breaking her, and surely everyone would have been happy with that. We wouldn’t have had these months off Mercy meta neither.
Oh, yes, and thanks by the edit (“Batman”? Lol). I’ve seen that there are replies, discussions and likes, so my work is done.
Wow! Thanks for reminding that one, I already forgot it! Maybe I should bookmark it…
Edit: Okay… That happened on the old forums, so I can’t bookmark it… So sad…
Name being hooligan, disrespectful behavior, no arguments at all, only free attack, Idgaf and closing eyes… Yeah, I think everything fits.
Mercy needs changes and your lack of arguments only strenghtens my point. You shot your own foot. End of story.
You wanted mass rez being countered. I showed you how it was, and told you that Mercy wasn’t picked at all at pro ranks exactly because mass rez was too easy to counter by skilled players, only noobs fell against that strategy. So my point still remains.
Anyway, we want to give counterplay to mass rez even for noobs, because let’s be honest, if you don’t know how to win if you don’t spam 6 ults without caring about anything, you must suck a bit.
Bring mass rez back and give Mercy a new E ability that fits with her (no rez anymore, that’s bad design). Doing that, you could nerf mass rez if you want. That simple.