[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

8000 posts already on the third Megathread (not counting all the ones on the old forums)! But nah, Mercy is fiiine.


Fine, i’ll heal. Tournament Medic- Hearthstone.

You think your opinion trumps mine? I don’t think mine trumps yours, but whatever. I’m sure there are a lot of people who agree with me as well lol. The forums are the vocal minority, so let’s not pretend it’s the OW masses.

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The forums were literally filled daily with threads made by people complaining about mass rez. You can call them naieve, or insist they were clueless.

But at the end of he day- people complained about it.

A lot

I don’t even know how it could be questioned that people complained about it quite frequently short of willful denial.

Edit: and holy wall of text Batman. I think that’s one of the longest posts I’ve ever seen. I can only imagine how long it took you to write that. A shame most wont even see your comments because you repeatedly quote people multiple times but not back to back so your follow up comments will easily be missed.

pokes head in thread Anything new with our Mercy? No? I’ll come back in another few months. Take care, my fellow Mercy Mains!


How many of these posts are from the same people?!

FYI, I never use Valk. It’s a crappy ult. You know that whole “hide and rez” that people complain about? That’s what I’m forced to do now. I don’t Rez teammates unless the coast is 100% clear. That and I’m playing Brigette and Moira more just to counter the Tracers, Hanzos and Genjis I see in every game because the DPS on my team won’t do their jobs. The complains have spread to those characters (and Torb, Bastion, and Sym), too.

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ACTUALLY, it isn’t that she lost just 75% of flight speed, that was only the 1st Nerf to her flight. The second Nerf to her flight took another 50% from that (100%-75%=25%, 25%-50%=12.5%) so a grand total of 87.5% slower than original Valkyrie speed.

If anyone can’t hit a Hero that is only moving slightly faster than walking, an they are a DPS, there is something wrong with the way they are playing.


ORIGINAL Valkyrie:

  1. Fast Flight Speed- now down to 12.5% of that speed.
  2. Increased damage from Pistol- REMOVED.
  3. TWO Insta-Rez during Ultimate, with Rez reset upon use.- REMOVED.

How is THIS an Ultimate again?


Well, according to some only about 20 people are posting for a Mercy Rework.

One of the threads that got migrated into the Mega-Thread had 127 LIKES.
h ttps://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/feedback-thread-continued-part-iii-mercy-updates-jan-30-2018/78889/7929

So yeah, MORE than 20 people dislike how Mercy is currently. You want more proof? Here is the 1st post in the previous Forum, 854 LIKES.
h ttps://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20761088072

Now tell me that there are not a TON of people who dislike the current version of Mercy…



Just wanted to give a comparison between the ORIGINAL Rework and what we have now. Valkyrie, as an Ultimate, has been greatly reduced from it’s original and could use a buff. Especially since those 3 key elements have either been removed completely, or in the case of Rez has been reduced to being a normal ability and not enhanced at all.


I have 284 on my post as well. But like hey 20 people posting in the Megathread btw. LAWL.

I was just giving comparisons, with links so that people could verify. But yeah, only 20 of us posting, so we are a minority.

Still, the last time I played as Mercy I put out the “Huge Rez” tag, an they all said that was a hard one to get. I explained I got it back in Season 3, and all of the 5 other players on my team (DPS, TANK, and another Healer) all said how much they missed ORIGINAL Mass Rez…


Same I played a couple games on my ALT account and people STILL to this day say they miss Mercy’s old ultimate. What a shame. Blizzard messed up real bad with this one. The problem is 75% of this community mostly play DPS and can function a lot better with Mercy in this state because she is easier to counter.


YEP, the game went form Overwatch where EVERYONE was a Hero to DPSwatch and Prowatch where only a select few are Heroes.


It’s actually quite funny how versatile hero selection was back then AMR? :thinking: I wonder why Symmetra was played more back then? :thinking: I wonder why McCree was used a lot more, why Pharah was used a lot more, why Orisa/Hog were used more? :thinking: Maybe because Mercy enabled those heroes to be played due to Resurrect being able to make them viable options to play. :thinking:


@everyone Thoughts?

If Mercy’s Resurrect acted the same way as Lucio’s Sound Barrier it would’ve been a balanced ultimate in the sense that instead of shields being added it would be burst health restored.

Lucio’s ultimate plays out like this.

  1. During his ultimate voiceline he goes through a 1-second animation before the shields hits his allies
  2. Any player not within site doesn’t receive sound barrier
  3. Any ally standing behind an enemy barrier doesn’t receive shields
  4. Lucio receives shields after the animation and 1-second cast time completes

How Mercy’s ultimate should’ve been played

  1. Mercy’s ultimate goes through a 1-second cast time announcing that she is in the process of Resurrecting her allies with her iconic voiceline.
  2. Ally souls need to be in Line of Sight of her in order to be Resurrected
  3. Any ally souls behind an enemy barrier will not be Resurrected (If you can’t kill an enemy standing behind a barrier you shouldn’t be able to Resurrect one from behind one either)
  4. Mercy has her health restored OR she receives invulnerability to match with Lucio gaining effects from his ultimate.

That would be her Q which would be balanced but counterable.

New Her E called Empower would give her main healing beam a boost in power (90HPS/40%DMB) for 3 seconds on a 15 second cooldown and allies within 10M will receive half the amount of the beam (45HPS/20%DMB) OR Mercy can use her pistol which gains infinite Ammo for the 3 seconds.

New Spacebar ability Valkyrie gives her increased flight speed GA Range Increase and Beam Range Increase 6 Second active 12 second cooldown.

  • This might be a problem with Angelic Decent not sure? But it would be cool.

Upon casting Resurrect Valkyrie duration will end instantly.

She would now gain Utility, Survivability, and a counterable ultimate all in which doesn’t destroy the flow of her kit.


Honestly, Valkyrie is near useless in most fights currently. I’d much rather her damn AoE rez brought back BUT It can only be used during Valkyrie and it still retains the rez delay it currently has.


You mean EeveeA, the dude that has an account where he doesn’t play Mercy but it’s plat? ROFL. Don’t mention me, I don’t care if you think Mercy needs attention. You’re wrong. End of story.