[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

no rez on ult was super okay. it was an ultimate and it countered stacking ults.

example of toxic.

They go bastian and pocket with a mercy. you pour all of your resource into killing that bastian… then he just gets rezzed.

really good widow on the other team. you go widow to counter widow. you kill the widow… widow gets rezed.

if you cant dive to secure the kill and stop the rez in this meta its almost automatic

You posted a similar thread 3 hours ago.

They will not revert her.

Stacking 6 ults is a valid strategy.

Also, check this out. They have a Pharah-Mercy. You kill Pharah. She gets instantly rezzed by Mercy. So you go “hmm, let me switch things up” and then you kill Mercy first. Then you kill Pharah. Simple, right?


No, thanks. Her old ult was boring and you usually found yourself holding it more than you used it because it was a waste other times when only one person would die. I feel she is more engaging now.


This isn’t going to get past the first day before thread movement


we all want mercy reverted. mercy 1.0 was awesome. maybe we should try a different angle instead of just saying she was fun and point out the flaws in the new kit


Over/under ladies and gents

1.5 hrs for this to be moved

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Didn’t this already get addressed?
You’re a little to late my dude… oh well.

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Choo choo! All abroad the salt train!


This is one of the reasons i miss the downvote button. Also does no one realize why main healers don’t have ults that can save their team from ults? Moira and Ana don’t ults like that. Why should mercy out of all the main healers get an ult like that?


i dont understand mercy 1.0 was so much better and so much more of her own hero!!!

now its pretty much star dps vs star dps and whichever one has a mercy will win bc they can outsupport they other player.

do mercys not feel bored with just pocketing a carry dps. dont you remember what it used to be like to keep an entire team up and them keep them going once they were down

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I find her fun and balanced.


Because Mercy must be blatantly OP or else she’s ‘not fun to play’ or ‘useless’


mercy 1.0 was fun and super balanced.

she added a counter to a dumb strategy


You’d think it’d be deathly obvious that off-healers get the benefit of stronger ultimates because they lack the better healing potential. But apparently people keep failing to see that.

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No, that is what you want.

At this point I am flagging this thread as spam. I am honestly not sure if you are genuinely very passionate about it or simply baiting and trolling.

Either way you’ve gotten your answers. You can also read the megathread because a lot of what you say has been addressed there.


no i genuinly believe mercy 1.0 was a better hero.

farm grav hanzo ult -> team wipe if zen doesnt have an ult
what type of play style is that? what can punish this strategy?

maybe dont use 5 ults for one team fight and spread them out over the game

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*Make one thread about Mercy *

Everyone on the forums:


Yeah, I don’t agree.
Mercy’s rework definitely fixed her, and I think made her even better!
You can’t really argue about pocketing since that’s the player, not the hero.
Plus, Mercy 1.0 was kind of a mess, you should be grateful since rez is now an ability and you don’t need to hide behind a wall for 2+ minutes.

I don’t understand?


Seriously, who walks into a restaurant like that acting like they own the place?

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People who still keep trying to argue that old Mercy was balanced, fair, and harder to play then than now, are either A) blind and in complete denial, or B) a troll.