[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I’m too snarky, that’s true.
Having people drop into the thread to tell us that everything is fine because they can’t see the problem gets old after a while. That also makes it easier to confuse someone reasonable for one of those people, too.

Yeah, but it’s good to see a healthy discussion is still a possibility xd We didn’t have that during all these D.Va megathreads.

Currently to me are mostly two things… The idea of giving you res on a bronze plate (not silver, because still you need to use it right, or lose it) every 30 seconds. It’s not earnable at all.

And already mentioned by me Valkyrie. It fits to the known lore better than res, but it still lacks something. It’s so team related, it’s so easy to feel useless, because they don’t actually use your beams, or they force you to switch to healing instantly, because without it they would be dead. Still, my “favorite” moment is that push when I activated Valkyrie, because I saw my team is trying to ult. And instantly after that, they decided to go back and they left me flying for 10 more seconds xd

And I really miss hearing all these nice stuff about being good Mercy after a life-saving res 1.0. Mercy 2.0 was devastating disaster, sadly, and that build made many to hate the moth (for good reasons, though).

It doesn’t change your point, but I just want to correct it --> Moira ultimate does 140 healing/second. I understand what you mean, as when you compare numbers, Moira beam healing being higher, it seems like a better ressource to save your teammates. I agree with you when you look at the numbers, but in Overwatch, there are a lot of situations where one ultimate might be more efficient than the other. For example, Moira’s utlimate heals more, but can only heal in a limited space which is the size of the beam. Your team won’t always be positioned close enough together to heal them all at the same time effectively; while it is a long beam, it is not really large. Plus, while doing so, Moira is more vulnerable than Mercy to die during her ultimate or having it interrupted, since she is on the ground and not able to use her fade ability during her ultimate.
Mercy’s Valkyrie doesn’t heal as much, but can more easily heal multiple targets at the same, or get to an ally that is in a pinch further away before managing her beam back to the rest of the team. If a lot of allies are getting low on HP at the same time and aren’t close enough for you to heal them up safely, Valkyrie allows to save them without putting yourself at risk, with a really long range, in a lot of situations. They don’t need to ALL be close to each other either, since you can still switch your beam quickly to different targets.
All characters have their functions, but I understand how Mercy’s ultimate can feel a bit less impactful sometime, especially since we had a taste of the strong Valkyrie ultimate before the nerf. It makes that feeling a bit stronger, that’s for sure.

By the way, I am sorry if sometime I don’t understand what you are trying to explain. I know English is not your first language so it is hard to explain sometime, but it isn’t my first language either so I understand your struggle.

That’s relatable. With so much choices now ready-made for you, it seems harder to get validation for what you contribute. If rez is up, you kind of have to use it the next moment someone drops to the floor or it’s “being wasteful”. And if you need to choose which teammate to heal first during battle, you could also just hit ult and heal everyone at the same time while you’re at it.

The whole moth thing and months of being OP didn’t help. That was arguably less fun, even. I get that Mercy is supposed to be entry level but it shouldn’t be this hard to be bad at playing her.


Oh I am sorry, I did not mean to direct those questions to you specifically, I meant as in general, when people only say “meh she’s boring” or “no she is fine” but without any explanation, it can be annoying. I did not want you to feel as if I was attacking you, but if you want to say how you feel and tell us about it, you are welcomed to do so of course :slight_smile:

I know, but I decided to answer them, since the topic is up xd

Well I personally don’t like the rez ability in general, wether it was her old ultimate or how it is right now. They can’t seem to make it right.
As you said, “entry level” I can understand, but giving her something that requires a bit more challenge could be nice too. She is still fun to me, but being able to stand appart more from new Mercy players would be great ^^

You make a valid point about the rez. Although there is still a challenge in finding a way to place one without dying, and having to think when it is possible or not to use it, the rez doesn’t feel great in general. They can’t seem to find the right balance with that skill.

Well looking at it objectively, the Valkyrie’s ultimate is pretty close to balanced, if compared to most of the other supports’ abilities and how they work, with their own flaws and good points not being all in the same spot (I explained it a bit more in other posts but I think you can get the genral idea). But I think, a big problem was the fact that we had the “OP-Valkyrie” for a long while, so after the nerfs, it does feel a bit more strongly that a little something is missing to it.

Haha indeed, sometime your team won’t seem to actually make the most out of your ultimate. Since the duration is long too, sometime it seems your teammates loose track of it. It sucks, that is true XD Though it is possible with other supports’ ultimates to also have them go to waste because of your teammates (not pushing, for example), it is true that it can sometime be felt more strongly with Mercy’s Valkyrie.

Yea, I did talk a lot about that feeling the mass rez ultimate gave to Mercy players in a previous big post in this discussion. I can understand the nostalgia related to that “heroic” feeling, but unfortunately there was also the negative side of it, were you will be insulted and badmouthed because you died while having your rez ready :[

Sure, they were quite bitter about it [MERCY, Y U NO RES?! “I was de…” OMG! WORST MERCY! REPORTED!], but surely it was nowhere near the negativity of the current moth-Mercy.

You know… I can understand they don’t use the full 15 seconds of it, but retrieving just after I used it? ;p

Well after the nerf to Valkyrie, things have settle down since then, but yea… the rage towards Mercy players was terrible during the OP-Valkyrie state!

Yea, when you use an ultimate like that and you team doesn’t commit, it doesn’t feel great hahaha

that’s why massrez felt more independant then valkyrie. She could bring back teammates and not need anyone to do it and it was significantly different from her normal kit.

Current valkyrie can help secure a victory ,but cant define it. She can merely boost her teammates to do it.

I dont think she needs a full revert.
but i do think rez needs to be removed as ability and needs to be part of her ult only. She needs a different E.

because mercy is so fragile and people have learned to just jump the mercy and kill her i’d want a 360° knockback when she flaps her wings and jumps in the air or direction she wants. Movement ability independant from a teammate. GA is fine but you always need someone. If you are fleeing from an enemy and your teammate goes around the corner so you cant fly to him you are dead.

could be a reasonably long cooldown 10-15 seconds.

Valkyrie needs a redesign if you really want valkyrie . Rez should be more powerful if you are a better mercy. Let mercy earn range rez. Remove chain beams but increase her healing or boost potency.That way you need to actually pay more attention to who you heal or boost. Rez can still have cast time etc…

i’m actually thinking for somethings I’m liking EeveA’s idea more and more tho i dont agree with certain aspects from it.


again 400 new posts over night.
Legit the best way to track feedback. /s

Overwatch was a completely different game. Bastion was actually viable on all maps. You could have 3 Bastions behind 2 Reinhardts and a Mercy keeping them all topped up. You could have 6 Winstons fly onto point and all drop their shields, making it impossible to shoot anything on point. Junkrat was a throw pick (didn’t stop me, but that’s no the point).

Mass rez didn’t last over a year in Overwatch we know today, it changed along with the rest of the game. If you took a modern day team and put them up against an equally skilled team in a beta match, they’d be lost and confused.

Well, as I see it, the mass rez actually felt even more dependant on your team to be effective.
If they died too far from each other without considering your ultimate when it was available, the effectiveness would drop significantly (or it would even not make it worth using it if 3 people died, but separately). Unfortunately, you can’t have control of your teammates’ actions, wether it is with mass rez or Valkyrie.
In that way, you can’t really secure a victory by yourself, because it actually depends of your teammates’ positioning and when they die. You are the one who will rez, but not the one positioning the bodies on the field, and this has an impact on the mass rez effectiveness.
You can always ask them to group up before or while using Valkyrie, which doesn’t mean they will listen. Or tell them to group up and die together, which can often be hard to achieve when the team is not coordinated (and sometime even if it is). At least with Valkyrie, you have the mobility and option to manage your beam to different targets even if they are separated, get into safety, reposition yourself if needed or for a rez you wouldn’t normally do, get a pick etc, which make it less dependant in that way, because there are ways to use it beyond the actions of teammates and their general positioning.

I am not sure if they would need to move the rez into her ultimate, but there is certainly a way they could change things around or add something if Blizzard think Mercy needs it.
I wouldn’t mind having her rez unavailable outside of her ultimate to be honest. Since an ultimate is earned (get it faster the less you die and the more you participate in the fights), they could make it available on E, but only once she activates her Valkyrie ultimate, with the same range that the rez has right now, but without the channeling time (rez would be instant after pressing E, short range, but only available during her Valkyrie ultimate, and can only do it once per ultimate). I am not sure if that would be too powerful though, I wonder.

Hum… I see your point, but I think that a movement ability that doesn’t rely on allies would be too poweful and frustrating. She already has great mobility, especially compared to other supports, appart from Lucio. Not an impossible idea, I just don’t see how they could do that right now, in a balanced way. Her kit does revolve more around her teammates than the other supports, but I doubt they would change that since it seems to be how the character was thought in general, and as for now seems to be working well. I do understand that sometime her vulnerability can be frustrating, especially when your teammates don’t seem to be of much help.
If Blizzard thinks in the future that she needs some changes, there sure is plenty of ideas they could inspire themself from.

Bring back old mercy it was right the first time

  • There is no counterplay to saving up 6 ults then team wiping. Every strategy should have a counter
  • Rez on Cd is entirely too strong. big picks are instantly negated and it makes mercy mandatory for fight light widow vs widows and almost any situation
  • shes much less fun to play now
  • rez on cd is an incredibly toxic move we all can admit how hard you have to work for a pick in this comp

Here we go again…


“Using an ability is toxic”

Also guess what

By your logic Rez on ult was even more toxic


Inb4 merge.

(20 characters)


She did less healing on day 1 so no

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idk how an ability can be toxic, other than shield bash, but you do realize there is an entire mega-thread of a couple thousand posts, and most of them are revert mercy posts?