[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

She’s balanced but boring. Consistent and easy, a good toe dip into overwatch, a great first hero for someone who’s never played an FPS before.

Let me clarify; I hate Mercy as she is now. She’s balanced, but she’s so god damn boring. I was explaining that she has such a high pickrate because she’s a great first hero for someone new to the genre.


Let me clarify; I hate Mercy as she is now. She’s balanced, but she’s so god damn boring. I was explaining that she has such a high pickrate because she’s a great first hero for someone new to the genre.


Maybe i living in a another WRLD (of course caz i am from cykablyat country). But i have a quite good QP games and comp(smurf 3k). My HUGE problem is TOO MUCH SUPPORTS, since mercy 2.0. I always lack of having of good DPS.
EDIT: For me, mercy was boring from beginning, from her design. Maybe i have bad taste))

Ah I see now. Sorry for getting so defensive.

You’re fine. I shoulda clarified what I meant.

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Ayyy, I was wondering when I’d meet a russian here. Oddly enough my QP games are horrible. Mostly unrealistic team comps and half of the team just sits in the spawn. Do you play on the EU serves or the US servers because that might have an effect on the games.

EU of course, because believe that my “low” ping makes me STRONGER. But there is an another thing, i’m follower of “juzt QP”, and with Ana \ Zen you will always find a task, where you can self improving))

Interesting. We are so close-by that out games should be fairly similar.

But, i maybe have same feelings, when playing with somebody, i start to toxicate, because i trying to help (serve…) somebody too hard at any cost… And yes i will take mercy, and will have same “boring” feelings, and will start angry, because i can’t to do something…

Actually stopped playing Mercy quite a while back and had over 100 hours with her, overall.

Well you see, boycotting Mercy does nothing.

Do you want to know why? It should be obvious.

There are MILLIONS of people playing Overwatch. I’d bet less than 5% use these forums. Even less of that ~5% are Mercy mains. Even less of that % are upset with the changes.

The ones complaining are a minority. Granted, a very vocal minority. However, they have no grounds other than “she’s not fun”, unless we want to talk about a few minor buffs/bug fixes.

Mercy doesn’t need work, other than possibly a better cooldown on her rez (it should totally reset upon respawn).

Boycotting Mercy does very little as the VAST MAJORITY love where she is. The majority of that previously stated majority don’t even use the forums.

Sadly Mercy’s standard kit is what still keeps her in the game, despite how clunky Resurrect is. Plus the fact she’s highly mobile and is one of two viable main healers to choose from.

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See here’s the problem: I think most of us still like her. Granted it’s not a small outlier (I’d say like 30% are really unhappy) but most of us are still ok with her. I think she could use some tweaks sure, but I’m not going to stop playing a character because I want a minute change to her.

devs assume the high pickrate means people want to play mercy

and can you blame them? its a video game; a leisure activity. why would anyone play a hero if they don’t want to? sort of a “why are you hitting yourself? why are you hitting yourself?” moment.

You’re completely right, but generally Mercy mains (NOT all of them), have a harder time being just as good at other heroes as they are with Mercy, because of the very similar mindset that one-tricks have: “I like this hero, regardless of what is going on, and I’m just going to get really good with this one person.”

So that’s why they get so upset, because now they are faced with having to learn other heroes, which they aren’t good at or refuse to do, and would rather complain about the current state of their main. I’m annoyed about the state Reinhardt and Ana are in, but I still play other heroes just as fine.

What’s the point of this post? What is it you actually want Mercy mains to do?

Sounds to me like you spend a heck of a lot of time worrying about a hero you don’t even play.

I enjoy Mercy so I still play her. Valkyrie still feels engaging. The only time it doesn’t, for me, is when my team ignores it even when I call out that I’m going to use Valkyrie to help us push and they spilt up.

I keep playing her in QP because people keep picking at least 4 dps. There is no other healer than Mercy that can really keep up with that. I’m starting to become fed up with it now though, so whenever everyone picks dps I just go attack Torb/Symmetra - I’m not throwing mind you, I still do my best.

I am a Mercy Main, she is better now then ever before. I will be one of the people playing her and enjoying it (for the most part). I feel well balanced in comparison to previous Mercy’s. I still can change the course of a game with my Ulti, not nearly as effectively as prior, now I have to focus on mobility, environmental barriers, and line of site. Those things I enjoy.

boycottingmercy will not be a movement that I support. She is not broken.

See this is what annoys me, I don’t like when people assume “all Mercy mains” are the same people. Me and other people on this thread are fine with her, it’s not a “hive mind”. If some people want to boycott her that’s fine but not all Mercy mains are the same exact person.

Edit: I flex a lot but I’m technically a Mercy main because situations often call for one and I like her lol