[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Indeed other heroes need fixing but at the same time the F tier Heroes are only F Tier because of the Meta trend.

The community is arrogantly fixated on Meta Enforcement.

This is abundantly true in the 6v6 Elimination mode. Seriously it normally takes me 2 to 3 hours to clear that mode and get 9 chest yet the moment it roles out as a competitive people are fixate on forming balance 2 2 2 and not worrying on how they should attack the opposing team.

Like if we are talking DPS (Damage Per Second) then Bastian has the highest and fastest output yet he isnā€™t used unless you are running a cheese strategy and even then teams are still stubbornly refusing to flex beyond 2 2 2 dive or death ball with people selfishly locking Genji or Junkrat or heroes that are situational like Bastian.

Ana being buff is to make her Viable for dive, like there nothing wrong with her at the moment she is a hero that needs skill to be played.

Mei is back to being how she originally was, a nuisance that requires at least 2 people to kill her.

There no point in thatā€¦ if you do that that going to cause major out of synch respawn and a lot of trickling

Also your idea not new, it been suggested and debate a number of times in the previous 20k megathread

The original range was 15 metre radius, her heal beam but all around her.

The line of sight has to be specific, because the current mechanic doesnā€™t allow a number of things, for it to pass through walls or through barriers as well as do you mean souls in line of sight?

Okay my main issue with the Valkyrie idea is the fact people are trying to retain all the features of it.

To increase her heals means to quicken the rate of ult charge.

Also is free flight really necessary?

Couldnā€™t a vertical ascent with knockback effect be enough to fulfil the role of Valkyrie? Using angelic descent to navigate and increase range on GA to further help her survive

One the main issues with Mercy is that she lacks independent survival ability/escape.

Free Flight every 30 second cool down means Mercy is going to be in the air a lotā€¦ Also the gimmick was only put in place to make the ultimate seem interesting


Combination of ideas, that were suggested earlier:

  • GA: has one charge to use without teammate, with 15 seconds cooldown;
  • E ability: Angelic light. Teammates in 10 m radius are immune to CC/negative effects for 5 seconds. 20 seconds cooldown;
  • Ultimate: Resurrect). Teammates in radius receive one resurrect charge, which expires after 8 seconds.

Considering Brigitte sports some of the features suggested for Mercy like the over charge health in form of armourā€¦ I can see one of the idea like Buff and Defuse and cleansing being included into the features of a new support or defensive hero

I wasnā€™t pinged either. I tried the @ thing once too, and I thought it would make the name a different color. /shrug

Moira is a main healer on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and every other Saturday.

Yeah, whether she can hold the team with another off healer or not really depends on the match. Kind of like how Lucio and Zen can work with full dive.

Can be level-restricted. Wasnā€™t pinged either, and too lazy to reach level 3.

Frustrating isnt it? And if you voice your concerns and try to provide some good suggestions people just jump on you telling you to f off because your character is balanced. I guess they will understand it if it hits one of their mains.
I remember using mass-rez for good Reinhardts alone and I will always support my tanks! Just not with Mercy anymoreā€¦ :frowning:


Excuse me? What I said is a mentality people have. How was that difficult to understand? Iā€™ve been playing healers/supports for YEARS.

you said support heroes are not fun. They are fun, except Mercy - she was always boring hero.

Maybe itā€™s because losing support can be much worse, than losing DPS? Yet most support heroes in Overwatch have their fun part in acting like DPS, with one exception.

Actually Mercy was quite fun when you play aggressively as her.

What was boring was if you played her in a Passive, doing what you can whilst hiding and selfishly keeping yourself alive method.

It improves survival and increase your stats for that crucial SR gain but same time it was incredibly boring

Also whilst we support players may play support a lot, there no denying that we can play as good if not better than some of the DPS that lock in and fill in the roles.


Quote me where I said playing supports is not fun. Because I know for a fact that I would never say that considering how much I love playing supports. You are either gravely misunderstanding or being intentionally obtuse.

I never said supports are not fun. I said that some people think supports only exist to allow other people to do stuff, make big plays, that supports exist for the enjoyment of other roles.

As I said, Iā€™ve played healer for years willingly. This other poster is pulling nonsense out of theirā€”

Sounds like a useless ultimateā€¦


seriously, itā€™s extremely counterable by Pushes, Stuns, and dying and even if you finish the rez animation theirs a window where if you die it wonā€™t rez. and even if you try to rez and it gets stopped, it still goes on cool-down, plus she moves slower than a drunk snail, the only time you can rez is one your completely alone or the enemy just has bad aim. Plz Make Rez More Viable


The only way Rez wonā€™t be trash is if it goes back to being connected to her ult.


Thatā€™s the price for having such a powerful ability. Is it fun? Nope, but with less limitations it would just be too strong. Really donā€™t think it belongs in her base kit, but Blizzard insists itā€™s a great idea soā€¦


The cooldown should reset if you die. Itā€™s unfun to have an ability where you can die while casting it, return to a fight, and still not have it ready to go immediately.

I get that they think people could cast rez and then jump off a ledge to respawn and get it again, but in the time it would take to respawn and walk back itā€™s the same as the cooldown, not to mention youā€™d be putting your team at a massive disadvantage with only 5 people and no healer.

It would also be nice if they shaved off the cast time by like a quarter of a second but kept the animation the same. Thatā€™s still a second and a half for casting, but it kind of removes the whole ā€œthe entire animation played but I died in the last nth of the cast and the person didnā€™t rez, I died, and itā€™s on cooldown.ā€


Rez will never be a trash ability, itā€™s literally impossible. Even if they gave rez another nerf, itā€™d still be an amazing ability.