[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

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You all know heā€™s right tho

Your free to make a better one if you found mine lacking :man_shrugging:

Thanks dude.

I also agree she is more balanced, but also agree that we should listen to the concerns of people that say she isnā€™t as fun to play.

I know a lot of people say that having a hero Over Powered IS fun, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s the case with a lot of Mercy players. We cannot forget, Mercy players for the longest time just wanted an E ability, but Blizzard made a freakinā€™ Goliath with Valk that most Mercy players were likeā€¦ okay, this is too much.

Bless Titanium, that forum user made some of the best threads explaining how Mercy players felt about the hero.

I think she is more balanced, but having your hero be fun also matters I believe. I honestly regret not sticking up for Mercy players on this topic. I feel like Iā€™m now going through the same issues with Reinhardt and where he sits in this meta. Sure he is a must pick, butā€¦ getting stunned and tossed around like a ping pong ball isā€¦ drainingā€¦

Sorry Mercy players. I donā€™t think you guys deserved the roller coaster that Blizzard put you on. And Iā€™m sorry for not speaking up on the matter when I saw your arguments about your hero being less fun. I get that now.


.Lol. :joy::ok_hand:

Not a Mercy Main, but with the Event she has now topped Moira as my second most played healer.

I hope Blizz does take the time to look into her once the new Meta takes place.

But also in hopes of that new Meta they can help Rein since sure heā€™s a ā€œmust pickā€ but thatā€™s because heā€™s the most viable in how the meta is forming.

They said they didnā€™tā€™ need to touch Ana, and she only suffered because she didnā€™t fit in with Dive; and are now realizing that was a wrong assumption.

Rein has become one of my favorite tanks, and I do hope Blizz takes the time to see that even though his picks are growing, his gameplay does need a look.

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Dude, weā€™re still unhappy with Mercy and any posts about her on the main forums still get deleted/redirected here. Weā€™re going to keep posting about how weā€™re unhappy with Mercy until that fact changes, so it looks like the megathread is here to stay.

ā€œNever stop fighting for what you believe inā€

-Ana Amari


Thank you :cupid:

Iā€™ve always respected Reinhardt mains more than any other main in the game (even fellow Mercy mains), so it means a lot to me to hear you supporting us Mercy players. Let us not lose hope! Our glory days are not yet behind us :partly_sunny:


Did anyone here say not to help them? No.

Anything can be made balanced, but the true problem stems from the contradictions that the Devs have done throughout this rework to the point that many wonder why they did this rework only to revert many of the QoL changes that were made?

Therefore we should and shall continuing discussing, and clairfying.

And now for a question:
What was your intent in making this post actually?


And that is the good answer for to stop discussing is to stop caring and to stop caring is to be a quitter.

Thank you! That picture just made my day.
I think it has to do with something Iā€™ve jokingly called being a ā€œpurebredsā€ Both Mercy and Reinhardt are pure Tank and pure Support. It puts us in somewhat of a unique perspective in observing the game and itā€™s ebb nā€™ flow changes.

Mercy players see the entire field from the back, and Rein players see everything from the front. We know what itā€™s like to be a team player and depend on the team to get the full value out of our kit.

I think this is what makes us unique, and often (dare I saw it) the least bias players in the community. We often want whats best for the game, because we already play heroes that want to take care of the team.

I donā€™t know, maybe Iā€™m reaching here with that perspective, but thatā€™s how Iā€™ve always seen us.


ā€œHey thereā€™s a house fire over there.ā€ ā€œHey this other house is on fire, we should put it out first and ignore the other one since its not as much on fire.ā€

Hint: Mercyā€™s On Fire Time is screwed up or is just that she doesnā€™t do enough ā€œinteresting things right nowā€ to be on fire much of the time.

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Nope it didnā€™t work, but I was scrolling through and saw my name.:neutral_face:

Also, I do believe that is correct. You can mistake something else for hide and rez. Taking cover, or just standing in plain view, body seems to pay attention to do.

There were people clamoring for any kind of reply, but what else would they reply with other than "sheā€™s not unplayable, and were not looking at making changes right now".

However, that is not an excuse to not discuss. You may have seen the same arguments a dozen times, but not everyone has.

In addition it serves as a check as weather or not it is an aversion to change or an aversion to concept.

And what about the contradictions of the Devs? Why did they revert back to suicide Rez if they once felt it was bad? If Mercy is should be focused on Healing and Mobility as they said then why does Rez stop you from doing both? Balance clearly, but why not changes to balance the ability such that it would not conflict with the rational for the rework?

Any just food for thought and discussion.

I understand your perspective as my top played heroes are Mercy AND Reinhardt. I, too, am getting sick of being bounced all over and half the time my shield is worthless now with Brigitte stunning me and her mace able to go through my shield. Iā€™ve actually dropped playing Reinhardt a lot because of it sadly and it sucks because I love playing him too.


I know this is a dumping ground for Mercy players, but I thought Iā€™d post a dead topic of mine in here to gather opinions

Note: Iā€™m not a Mercy player, but from a game developers perspective, I can see that Mercy simply isnā€™t fun to play right now, unless you enjoying flying around for a few seconds. That doesnā€™t seem very ā€œultimateā€ in my eyes.

But, Iā€™m going to get right down to it. Resurrection has always been a bit of a odd ability to balance. Its way too powerful as a single use ability, hence why it got nerfed several times in its new state, and its too powerful as an ultimate.

ā€¦But, what if you were to combine the two? What I propose is to bring back Mercys Resurrection as an ultimate, but with a few more mechanics to make it somewhat balanced. For instance, if you were to hold down ā€œQā€ with your ultimate, Mercy would grow a bright, gold radius around her that would extend outwards depending on how long you hold Q before releasing it, and any dead hero caught in the radius would be revived. Of course, Mercy would be in a vulnerable state as she charges up, which would make her a pretty high target to kill. Risk and reward is the factor behind this idea. Though, if she wants to solo res, she can just press Q and pick up a singular hero.

As for an ā€œEā€ ability, Mercy lacks mobility unless there are other heros within the vicinity. Her E could be replaced with an ability called ā€œAngelic Ascendā€ to go with her angelic descend, which would basically propel her in any direction the player is facing, which would allow her to avoid danger or get to fights quicker.

I kinda thought of this on the fly, but I hope this suggestion gets noticed!


DUUUUUDEE, thank you for understanding on the issues we have been having since they nerfed her to the ground. It takes a lot to admit to things and I am very happy you did :slight_smile:


Itā€™s actually quite frustrating when people jump in here, read at most 5 posts and then start with the accusations about us wanting Mercy to be OP or that we want a total revert. That was never the case, no respectable Mercy player has ever said ā€œI want to be stronger in stature than any DPS!ā€ or ā€œI want to shine brighter than every other hero!ā€

We asked for an E to her kit to add a little extra to her base kit. What did we get?

Invulnerability when rezā€™ing. Something NO one asked for. (as far as I am aware anyway.)

This brought about hide and rez (which, to this day; most DPS and Tank mains, probably even some other support mains will swear up and down that the Mercy regulars and mains created as a means to climb to Masters/GM/top500 with minimal effort on our part.) The reality is; it was mostly the streamers who did this. Lower ranked players who watched these streamers learned how to do it as well, so you had Bronze to Low Gold players in Masters and Grand Masters when they didnā€™t belong there. This was because of a number problem in the coding for SR awarding.

Basically Resurrect gives you a multiplier for each person you rez when using your Ult by a fixed percentage. So if you got 3 Five man rezā€™s off, youā€™d get the multiplied percentage times 3 at the end of the match. So, say youā€™d normally get about 40 SR for winning with about 5 tempo rezā€™s, with the wonky SR system miscalculating the mega rezā€™s, youā€™d get anywhere between 80 and 100+ SR from ONE game just because you kept mega rezā€™ing.

This would have been fixed when they changed the way the SR system rewarded Supports, but it never saw the light of day because as soon as they fixed the Support SR awarding, they reworked Mercy. So, weā€™ll never know how well it would have done if they just let it go and see if it stopped the mega rezā€™s.

As for Valk itself? I thoroughly dislike it as I donā€™t feel very useful when using it. I just feel like Super Mom trying to keep her children from playing in traffic lol. While I would love to have Mega Rez back, the whole ā€˜sacrificing yourself to put you team in a 5v6 situationā€™ isnā€™t very appealing. She would definitely need some changes if they went back to Mega Rez.

Things like:

Line of sight
Small damage reduction when casting (perhaps about a 15% damage reduction?)
Small casting time (about the length of Lucioā€™s when using Sound Barrier would be ok, the cast time it takes when he uses it on the ground, not when heā€™s dropping the beat from orbit xD)

This way she can not rez through the wall, she has less incentive to hide, itā€™s not instant as everyone dreads, and she retains that counter play from McCreeā€™s, Brigitteā€™s, Reinhardtā€™s, DoomFistā€™s, Anaā€™s, Roadhogā€™s, Sombraā€™s, and decent aiming Widowā€™s.

Anyone else who wishes to add or converse this, may do so. :grin:

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Iā€™m going to post these again for people who may not have seen it.

*= May change in the future
()= Examples
()= Extra
***= Pros
^^^= Cons

Mercy Ideas/Thoughts
1: We can have rez still be an E move, but require a charge of 500-1000 healing, when you get said amount of healing youā€™ll have a single player rez without the cast-time. The rezes can stack if they are not used, and you reach the said amount of healing.
During Valk it can be a single free rez and the charge time can be lower during valk.
If you donā€™t use the extra rez during valk you can keep it but it can be a cast-time, just being able to move some more: crouch, move at her normal speed, pull out her pistol, etcā€¦
This will give Mercy mains something to contribute to a team, while making them have to stay out in the open to heal. Will prevent hide and rez

2: We can have rez stay as an E just with 3-5 charges (like symmetra turrets), you can choose to rez whoever, after rezing them it will remove a charge and it will start recharging in 5 seconds. After 30 seconds you can get a single charge on rez back. You have to be in range of the target to pull off the rez.
During valk you get an extra rez charge, even if you have all the charges, but after her Valk finishes if she still has all rez charges, the extra rez will be removed. If you did not use the extra charge during Valk, and donā€™t have all charges, you will keep the extra charge. During her Valk she keeps the chained healing, but does less healing to targets she isnā€™t locked on to, she will do 30 healing a second on the chained targets. (Same with damage boost, will be lowered to 10%)

3: We can revert Mercy, but have the ult charge take longer then it used to.
Valk can be an E move and last for around 5 seconds. It will add some extra mobility and let her run away from a Winston or Genji without using teammates, but will remove the longer range GA and instant regen, but will keep the chain healing/damage boosting during that 5 second duration and last slightly longer afterwards. (Ex. When Mercy targets someone to heal, then moves behind a wall, it will stay locked on for another second or so). But healing on the chained targets will heal 30hps, and damage boost will do the same at 10% damage boost.
Plus the longer ult charge will force more Mercy mains to be in better and/or riskier positions to get more healing done in a game.
^^^May cause hide and rez Mercy again^^^

  1. Make her Valk last 20 seconds again, with 1 insta rez. Her chained healing ability will buff the healing during her ult, but lower the healing/damage boost on chained targets to 35hps and 15% damage increase while keeping the targeted hero at 70hps and 30% damage increase.
    Her rez without ult is also instant, but leaves the ressurected target at 50 health and is unable to be healed by the Mercy for 5 seconds, but can grab a healthpack/ or have other healers heal them.
    Mercyā€™s Valk will have a longer charge, and require a specific amount of healing for it to be usable. (like Mercyā€™s old ultimate where you could not rez until you were out of spawn.) Her GA cooldown in Valk is instant instead of her original 2 seconds. Her flight speed is slowed down slightly.

Feel free to give ideas/thoughts and tell me what may need to change :slight_smile:

youā€™re playing supports wrong then.