[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Yes but what ultimate doesn’t do that already? The idea that she can do it at a push of a button was never a concern because Mercy just died with the original release version of Res. Res 1.0 with the invulnerable was what broke the Status Quo. There was no penalty for the usage of res.

Also Mercy is a concern when the team are equally balance, you know the matches where neither side can gain the advantage. The team who loses a healer first tend to lose that fight and I agree a game shouldn’t revolve around killing Mercy but at the same time the same can be said about Brigitte and Moira as well as Ana during the Death Ball Era.

Thats only true for the Passive Play Style where the safety of the Mercy stands above all else. Other Mercy would clutch the fight and engage with the team keeping them going and living up to their Battle Mercy status and firing a Tempo res if need be.

See Res did have a form of counter play… if Mercy died during the original release version of res, then the team is left to fight without their main healer meaning it boils down to skill.

With the Invulnerable res era, I’ve lost games because a smurf troll got so sick of me carrying the game they go all out on their main character and trap me in spawn. Moment I was dead and useless, the entire team lost their momentum and couldn’t play efficiently.

Ultimately Overwatch is a mix of RTS, MMORPG, FPS and Moba elements… its a game where skill and game sense matter. To strategically plan ahead is vital hence teams that waste ultimates in the past was more incline to lose.

Also the current state of Mercy is no better than before… Res in its current state is potentially more powerful because there is no cost to earn it. What people forget about Mass Res ult was that it worked off a resource Meter, a Meter that is best filled if she is healing. So if a DPS focuses more on her healed targets than Mercy herself, then they are at fault.

Like I’m no DPS main but I’ve played it long enough to know I can’t burst through a target being healed by Mercy and I will most likely die trying and will end up feeding her for a counter ultimate.

Not to mention the fact that the current Mercy has no higher level of gameplay. If you die and you return from spawn or you are the last one standing with Valkyrie ready or if a wave of ultimates come, Valkyrie does jack all to improve or stall the situation out so you have a chance at over turning the situation.

You have to stand there and accept your defeat as 6 people stand on the 2nd point after your team mates have died or trickle in.

Resurrect doesn’t help unless there a big fat wall there… in fact suicide would be the better option than trying a reckless res

Like the title states.
Do you like how she is now, do wish she was like before, or maybe you think she needs a bit more tweaking still.

Personally, I’m really happy where she is. Her single rez is great for me since I always was SUPER reluctant on using it before when it was her ultimate since I either had to wait for a big rez and possibly die in the process or use it for a small rez now and screw the team other later when we needed it later, which could be a waste.

I know the slow cast time kinda sucks, but it makes it so you can’t rez without risk. It also makes it so that you better not rez without thinking…even with that, I do it anyway sometimes like a dummy. :stuck_out_tongue:

As for Valkyrie, kinda sucks it lost the free & insta rez, but oh well.

What do you guys think?


I think Valkyrie has potential and even though I adored the mass rez I am willing to embrace Valkyrie

I think rez as an E is an awful idea and should be burned and replaced with somehing that can evolve into rez during Valk
I also think the power Valk has is in all the wrong places and needs some power shifting done, out of the passive places mainly

She still needs a more active component and perhaps merging the two beams together (so the target gets damage boosted and healed at the same time) to convince ME to play her; however, she is more fun than before and I rarely pick her (which is up from never).

She is fine


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Valkyrie has potential to turn the fight around primarily if you go Battle Mercy, which is contradictory and who will continue healing the rest of the team? Valkyrie needs some changes but the question is what or how.

Resurrect however is an unearned ability on a 30 second cooldown. Never should’ve been there like that.


Unplayable. I want 1.0 back.

She’s fine. Balanced well enough but still the dominant main healer

I’m not a Mercy main but I do play her some and I like her current state a lot. I wasn’t around for mass rez Mercy though.

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I still loathe Rez as a mechanic in this game, but I’m pretty okay with how Mercy is as a whole. I think she might be the best main healer, but only be a small margin compared to Moira. Ana just needs to be brought to their level though.

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She’s still got a good pickrate, so I think she’s fine. Blizzard doesn’t know how to balance properly if a hero has the same pickrate even when that hero is nerfed several times.

But now a bunch of fan animations don’t make sense, and that’s what triggers me. Ever heard of the song “No Mercy” by The Living Tombstone? And the one who animated it, by Mashed? Well, now Mercy makes no sense there. And that’s one of my favorite animations.

Why not make it so her ult combines both of them, so she can heal and boost at the same time?

The only thing I don’t like was how they took away double rez during ulting. :confused: Wish they had kept it.

But other than that, I like it.
Valk is actually quite fun, and it’s really satisfying to fly in with your team and watch the kills come through. (For your team.)

I have over 200 hours on Mercy. She’s fine where she is now. If anything, it would be nice to have less cooldown for GA.

Problem with that is it could make a whole team essentially a moving bulldozer. Plus, since Mercy has Auto-regen, it makes her hard to kill. It would essentially put us back in a place similar to how Mercy was before…making her ult one the best in game, making most other ults not as good in comparison, just making Mercy “The” Healer of most games(I mean…she kinda still is, but hopefully you get my point) . The only way to make that even even close to balance is if the time for it was REALLY short!

Also yes, double rez was nice. :disappointed:

Base kit is fine. I only picked her up before Archives because I never played her before and wanted to get use to her before playing Uprising.

And because of that I’m not seeing any real issue with the Rez cast time since it’s what I learned with.

Valk, I find useless and I just get rid of it whenever possible since it really doesn’t do anything noteworthy.

I have no other iterations to compare her to.

Maybe when healing in valk you also get 10% dmg boost, and while dmg boosting you do 20 healing per sec?

She’s perfect, balanced and really mobile.

I love her.

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This iteration is bad for a number of reasons.


  • Her gameplay is about being mobile and slippery, but Rez makes her stand still(and die). It contradicts and interrupts her flow.
    *Ressing is punishing(dying or being interrupted, losing the CD). Its frustrating to have an ability that can only be used on very specific scenarios.
  • There were way better ways to fix Ress to have more counterplay (put it on a resourse like Torb’s Armor packs, make Ress only heal 200 HP, make the Ressing window only 5s after death), but Blizz just took the easy way and nerfed it to death so DPS mains would stop complaining.


  • Valk does lot of things, but very little, meaning its not very powerful as an Ult.
  • The healign is AoE, but is “weak”. During teamfights there will be a lot of burst DMG(Ults and focused fire), her 60HP healing can’t keep up with that.
  • If you are DMG Boosting, you aren’t healing, combined with the fact her healing is already low, its not very viable to DMG Boost in the middle of a fight.
  • Flying around is not engaging because you are encouraged to stay out of the fight, which again is against her gameplay (being in the middle of the fight jumping from ally to ally, taking risks and watching your positioning).
  • Valk isn’t a “power spike” like other ults. Lucio gives a massive barrier, Zen heals tons,Ana gives a powerful buff, Mercy…she does the same thing she always does, but somewhat better. It feels underwhelming.

The current state of Mercy is insulting because we liked old Mercy and she could use some buffs back then, but they chose to rework her to make her “more engaging and fun” and because people found her Mass Ress “unfun to play against”.

Now she’s not engaging(with all the nerfs and gameplay flow problems mentioned before), and she’s not fun to play as, but apparently THATS okay to be left alone.


Mercy is boring as sin, no longer takes any skill or strategy to play.

Using your single-target-single-use Rez isn’t a skill, it’s just a completely asinine risk that kills Mercy’s mobility and makes her insanely vulnerable. You pretty much have to hide to use it safely, ironic considering the whole freakin’ point of the rework was to make Mercy more “engaging and mobile”, as well as “stopping” hiding. It’s disgusting.

Resurrect was NEVER going to work as a cooldown ability.


Note: I want to play Mercy 1.0 again. This thread is about how to best accomplish being able to do that. If you don’t, this isn’t the thread you are looking for.

Getting changes is not feasible right now. Revert is extremely unlikely and they think Mercy is balanced now, so any changes aren’t happening for some time, because clearly balance is their priority.

Instead, ask for options. Being able to play Mercy 1.0 would be great, but it doesn’t have to be mandatory. It could be a choice. Then every counterargument about balance, about how there are other heroes to look at, how people find current Mercy more fun to play as or against become irrelevant.

Unless you absolutely feel like you have to play competitive, and have to play Mercy in competitive, does it really matter if she’s changed for everyone, in every mode?

Let’s just talk about how we can have fun as Mercy without other people who hate Mercy 1.0 are affected. Let them play their way, and we will play our way.