[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018


Mercy can’t heal or amplify her team if she has no way to close the distance between allies, just the same as Tracer but with enemies. Mercy would have no way to evade or combat enemies other than her pistol, and Tracer’s pistols are far more effective than Mercy’s blaster. Tracer is better off in that category.

That leaves Valkyrie as Mercy’s only somewhat-decent ability, and we established several megathreads ago that it’s pretty darn pathetic, especially for how slowly it charges (and it would charge even slower without Mercy’s GA to help her heal/amplify in the first place).

Mercy would be in a worse state than Tracer.


Depends on how/where the Resurrect was used. I find it funny that you think a version of Resurrect that incapacitates the player for 2 seconds less likely to kill the Mercy than one that could be used at a much greater distance and had no penalties. I also find this entertaining:

When the part you quoted was this:
“Mercy could still use GA and had free movement. She was only unable to heal/amplify/shoot for about 1 second.”

Which, quite simply, was not false.

Again, how this is relevant?

I know GA is dependent upon allies. Resurrect has always been dependent upon as well, the allies you are reviving are the ones that determine what that Resurrect was worth.

I don’t care about team dependency. I care about that fact that Resurrect contradicts the rest of Mercy’s kit.

If the ability is so powerful that it punishes the player upon activation, perhaps that is a sign that it shouldn’t be a basic ability.

It’s also unintelligent and has no target prioritzation. The first enemies to appear are typically the tanks, who usually have barriers and/or armor. Considering that armor reduces the damage of the turret by over a third and barriers reduce that damage output to zero, Torbjorn’s primary/secondary fire would be far better than waiting for the turret to be done upgrading. There’s also the fact that again, if Torbjorn tries to upgrade his turret mid-fight it’s not going to get upgraded.

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And you’re telling me to calm down. :thinking:


A few days ago, I was reading the forums as usually. I saw some threads freshly commented by Jeff, so I jumped on the occasion and made a thread about how unfun Mercy was to us, while I never mentioned her viability.

And the only thing he find to answer was “pickrates and winrates are fine.”

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Mercy got reworked in the first place because “she wasn’t fun to play against”.

Why isn’t “she isn’t fun to play as” good enough of a reason to rework her again? The Mercy fanbase has been screaming for MONTHS in their little quarantine area that Mercy’s gameplay isn’t even close to being as deep or engaging as it used to be, and it never occurs to anybody that these are legitimate complaints that need be addressed at some point?

Don’t give me that “she’s balanced and viable” bs. While both qualities are things that should apply to every hero without exception, it has nothing to do with why Mercy players are unhappy with her current form.

Blizzard, do you want Mercy’s fanbase to shut up about her and quit spamming the forums? Then make her engaging to play again. That’s all it would take.


(20 characters)


She is fun to play as, though.


How so, if I may ask?

Nine megathreads over the course of over half a year disagree.


Yeah but fun is subjective.

9 megathreads by 20 people don’t speak for all Mercy players.


I still believe the best action they could take to settle this is to remove resurrect and introduce a new ability.


Agreed. People like to bring up Mercy’s high usage in OWL, but let me remind you that those players are supposed to be professionals. They’ll play ANY hero if it’ll help them win faster. And since Mercy is so simple and easy to play now, with no skill or strategy needed to play her, professionals will pick her to WIN. They don’t get paid to have fun, after all, they get paid to WIN.

Not to mention professionals and t500 are less than 1% of the OW population. It doesn’t disguise the fact that Mercy is boring as sin right now.


I mean… at least give us the choice… Some people like the current Mercy and you know, good for them. I don’t want to force my preference on others but currently my preference is not even an option.

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You act like that’s something they can do with a snap of their fingers with no consequences what so ever…


Engaging to play again? You mean this bullsh** ult which came down to hide and force enemy team to ignore other team because " we have to find mercy first " ? God help me remove all memories from temple of anubis point B… If you don’t mean that i don’t really know why are you complaining. She was always about holding LMB/RMB and positioning.


Watch this again and have your memory refreshed.

It not being fun to play against was a slight footnote, not the main reason it was reworked.
The main reason was a bad playstyle based on the core design.

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I’m frustrated by the mega thread as well, but by making these threads on the main forum it’s just going to reinforce the idea that the thread is actually needed. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that they don’t want any discussion about any aspect related to Mercy at all, so just let it go and let the discussion die.

Mercy is never going to be changed back, and there is no amount of wishing that’s going to make it happen. I know this is coming off bluntly, but it’s just futile to keep hoping for a change they’ve made perfectly clear is never happening. It’s better to just let go and move on.


In other terms: better learn to play Moira.

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That is probably going to be my goal if I continue playing… my goal used to be learning Ana, but trolls have managed to sour that experience for me to the point I have a hard time playing her without feeling bitter.

Reworking Mercy because “the original design was bad” makes it even worse, seeing as the rework’s design is five times as bad as the original.


Just like your previous post of

Not everyone finds current Mercy fun either, so…

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.