[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Have to add third: success doesn’t depend from you. Even if you are in the hiding, it doesn’t mean that random flanker won’t come by and shred you to pieces.


Is it that bad to show your mistake in judgement? Mistakes happen, on all levels. What matters is if you are willing to fix it, or trying to pretend it’s planned.


Exactly. Their unwillingness to own up to the problem and work with us to fix it discredits everything they say.

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No, At least 13-15 meters.

What about compromise? 13-15 meters, but all teammates are resurrected near Mercy, giving other team chance to wipe them again.

Idk, The idea itself wasn’t my…

Cool, 200 more posts within 20 hours. Well done!

The Mercy rework is what killed this game for me. Sure, there are other heroes to play. But I got into Overwatch for the Mercy’s playstyle of a defensive real-time-strategy nestled inside an fps, with a sprinkle of that glorious feeling of being the dark horse that rides in and saves the day in its darkest hour. Success hinging on me outsmarting my opponents like a chessmaster was hella fun.

I’ve tried tanking, but the only one I actually felt completely comfortable with (dm.va) got harshly reworked. I’ve tried dpsing, but I work two jobs and don’t have enough free time in my life to train my aim to the standards most dps require. While other heroes all have their own unique appeal, after Mercy’s rework I never found another playstyle that’s really clicked.

The final blow was how blizzard has been treating me and everyone else who’s unhappy with the Mercy rework. Any mention of Mercy (that isn’t praise) on Blizzard-controlled sites is censored, and it’s been obvious for months that this “megathread” is just a trash bin to quarantine the Mercy fanbase from the rest of the community.

I’m still feeling insulted from the last time the devs made a comment on Mercy (which wasn’t even in the megathread. It was in a brigitte thread that got closed and redirected because they started talking about Mercy). They parrot some pick/winrate stats at us and say she’s fine. If they had bothered to actually read this feedback megavoid, they’d have known that we’ve rehashed the subject of “balance and user experience are two different things” exhaustively, several times.

Sure, Mercy is balanced and extremely viable, but the depth to her playstyle is gone and she just isn’t engaging anymore. Those are things that can’t be represented through the numbers papa Jeff threw at us.


Guess for players of your kind there is that old Team Fortress 2 game. Feels strange to return to that game, but since Overwatch is going in undesirable direction…

But again, you are treating Mercy without GA and Tracer without blinks differently.

Let me explain.
You say that Tracer without blinks can barely flank and is near useless, which I agree on, but in the same time you say that Mercy can still heal and do the same job.

In fact, there are two ways to interpret the removal of their mobility.

  • Thinking about theorical state only: what the hero still has and what he is able do to theorically compared to what he was able to do.
    This is what you did for Mercy.
  • Thinking about concrete state only: try to figure out how this change actually affects the gameplay of the hero in question, and that is what you correctly did about Tracer.


  • Theorically speaking
    Her both beams stay unaffected. She can still heal and dmgb. She can still use her resurect and her ultimate.
    She can no longer fly to others teammates. This ability doesn’t directly affect a game, its lost doesn’t directly prevents her from healing.
    :arrow_right: She can still do the same job as usual.
  • Concretely speaking
    As she can’t frequently fly from teammate to teammate, she is forced to stick with the tanks to be safer. Going to heal a distant teammate takes much more time, meaning she might arrive to late, and is very dangerous. Without her main escape tool, she is not encouraged to take any risk, and her gameplay would become even more passive than it is now. She will not only die more often due to the lack of escape, but she will let her teammates die more often because she can’t come to heal them at time.
    :arrow_right: Her gameplay is very negatively affected, she can barely do her job, and her entire concept of being able to come to the rescue of anyone is taken out.


  • Theorically speaking
    She can still do damage, recall and use her ult.
    Like Mercy’s GA, blinks don’t directly affect a fight, so its lost doesn’t directly prevent Tracer from damaging her ennemies.
    :arrow_right: She can still do the same job as usual.
  • Concretely speaking
    As she can’t frequently dash everywhere, she can no longer flank efficiently. Going to kill a distant ennemy takes much more time, meaning your target will have time to see you coming and ask help from his team, and is very dangerous. Without her main mobility tool, she isn’t encouraged to do any agressive play and her gameplay would probably shift into a tank sidekick as you said. She will not only die more often due to the lack of escape, but she will not be able to take as much 1v1 as she currently can.
    :arrow_right: Her gameplay is very negatively affected, she can barely do her job and her entire concept of being a flanker is taken out.

That’s what we can say.
But you can’t interpret the changes with one point of view for Mercy, and then take the other point of view for Tracer.

It is exactly what I did in the previous megathread about Zenyatta:


  • Duration increased to 1800s
  • Healing decreased to 1hps

Theorically speaking only, the ability is still able to do the exact same amount of healing as the current Trans. The healing is (miserably) reduced, but the duration is (insanely) increased.
But concretly, having an ability which heals 1hps is literally useless (especially as an ultimate). The duration is now ridiculously long (longer than a game) and prevent Zenyatta to do anything other than being invulnerable and healing at the rate of 1hps.
It would turn from the best healing ult in the game to something used to contest indefinitely a point.

I think that now you can realise that only interpreting theorically isn’t very relevant, and can barely make you come to any good conclusion.

(This is a bit off the subject, but this is why I don’t agree with people saying that since she has bunnyhop and freeflight, she has more mobility, and so she is more fun.)

I’ve already been warned off by many TF2 veterans complaining that the devs have abandoned the game, and that being a Medic main is even more strenuous exercise in masochism than Mercy.

It depends from which healing gun you choose, and which game mode. Open games with 24-32 players can be chaotic fun, but 6v6 mode is pretty much dead.

Is this really a thing on competitive ladder? :open_mouth:

Do they have console support? Because I only have a laptop, and it’s potatoes at running games.

Console TF2 was abandoned long time ago, wouldn’t recommend.


So much for the people telling us Mercy players to “just play a different game if you’re so upset about Mercy”.

Hell yeah I’m upset. I’m upset that the devs won’t swallow their pride and clean up their mess instead of sweeping it (and anyone who points it out) under the rug.


Actually Tracer is supposed to be a flanker, by her design. Most of the time, when there is a Tracer in the oponent team, I never see her until she starts firing at me from the back.

Do you mean only few Tracer ever flank ?

“I love current Mercy, she’s better than ever. If you don’t agree, play another hero!”


I don’t quite agree with “she can’t frequently dash everywhere”. Even with Baguette, she still can dominate my games, because no one can hit her.

And after that comes
“I love Mercy the way she is now. But you know what I love more than current Mercy? Owning an All Access Pass for the Overwatch League Twitch stream. Get yours today for just $29.99!”

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