Of course you can! I just now went back and tidied up the post a bit for better flow, I’m pretty proud of it if I do say so myself
Done! now it’s in my backup! muahahhaha
But Valkyrie doesn’t make Mercy’s healing on a single target any stronger. 60hps can easily be outdamaged by decent aim, and is obliterated by focus fire. Forget countering ults with it.
Heroes always die under Valkyrie. I want my epic clutch ult back.
Umm… I might have edited that post again to add some addendum notes that I forgot to put in there the first time around. It’s the final time I’ll edit that post, I swear!
increase mercys cast range or speed while doing it so she can make more clutch rezzes and get back to helping her team since it does take a long time and that is time where your team is taking damage
and maybe valkyrie could give faster healing but idk how she could quicken damage boost
Her defense matrix had a straight revert. That’s why she is no longer a real tank but a fat dps. Nobody is calling that partial revert a revert, so Mercy’s case won’t be different. She is not so special.
There is not a single statement about that, so I’m sorry, but I doubt it. They said “no plans to revert her” but a partial revert is not a revert, as Dva’s rework and even Mercy’s rework show. Did you know original Mercy had Valkirie and they had to replace it by mass rez because it was horrible design? Well, we have now this failed revert that no one calls a revert maybe because it really isn’t a revert, the same as bringing back some new mass rez, new E and keeping the rest of her current kit wouldn’t be in any way a revert.
I honestly think you are just saying all that just because you hate mass rez without any condition. Well, I’m sorry, but that’s not really a reason for anything. I hate Genji’s reflect and it is not going to be removed. It’s going to receive QoL changes, the same thing mass rez needed. Also, I hate Tracer’s blinks, and I could bet something that Blizz will never remove them.
According to a lot of people, best world Mercys included, she hasn’t. In addition, lowering so much her skill ceiling is bad design.
Not everyone is complaining on the forums. Not everyone who isn’t complaining on the forums think she is fine. However, before the rework there wasn’t so much complains not by a long shot. Now there are complains from every type of players from all ranks. Only a few are saying that she is fine.
Yes, you can have “potg” by:
1- Battle Mercy (not her purpose, somepeople will report you if you play her this way)
2- Rez one, kill one (wtf, there sure are better plays in a match)
3- Holding M1/M2 (boring)
4- Rezzing one who ults and does all the work (so you feel you stole his potg)
Conclusion? Yes, she can make potg, but all of them can be described as “unfortunate” in the best case. Even the best players get shocked each time Mercy has potg because it’s arkward seeing how she is doing nothing relevant or remotely interesting.
Finally, yes she is picked in OWL mostly because she can pocketboost Pharah or Widow, comboing her boosted sniper rifle with Zen’s orb, allows her to oneshot just aiming to the body. Interesting how that’s been always there, but they didn’t realise until now.
Three rezzes were her average rez before the rework. If you make it work, probably I would buy it. One possible solution would be removing chained beams, severely increasing her main one, and giving her those rez charges? This way, Mercy would need to prioritize again, and her rez would be something again. I think this would increase her skill ceiling a lot, and she really needs it.
100% agree. About the megathread… I think this is the number nine we have. Behind us, there are more than 40k ignored posts.
What revert are you referring to?
Mercy is very tricky to balance but I believe her Rez is very unforgiving now, during a team fight the only way you are able to Rez someone is if they are perfectly positioned behind something or if you have a barrier on your team. (if you are all grouped up) If not you may get lucky if you aren’t being focused but in higher tiers that’s not really a possibility. And if you don’t get through those grueling couple of seconds you have a high chance of dying afterwards. I still believe , It’s difficult to balance an ability like resurrect when it’s an ability on a cooldown. A strong one at that . The recent nerfs have focused on other aspects of Mercy. It now takes 2 seconds to resurrect and now Valkyrie is shorter, no longer gets an instant rez and still has the rez cast time. It’s now more difficult to rez (her main focus point) and she’s really only good at healing/damage boost. Then there still the problem that Mercy can rez vital people every 30 seconds. Even with the PTR nerf, Mercy will be a lot less fun to play as but people will still beg for nerfs and Mercy will keep being nerfed.
Take this as you will my main thing is maybe if we revert her back to 1.0 and makes some major changes we might get somewhere with her balance and making her more enjoyable or rewarding. Resurrect is so so powerful that it needs to be an ult. The issue of balance can be fixed. I believe if yoy make It require line of sight add a cast time and nerf the charge rate
Thanks if you take time to read this Ive combined opinions of my own with things I’ve read across the forums.
Stop focusing solely on that one word.
A revert in how she is played… she went from a bully tank to a shield tank back to a bully tank when they reduced the up time of her matrix and gave her the missiles.
Bully tank with a decent amount of armor and a toggle defense matrix with a short cool down.
Shield tank with a improved matrix but reduced damage and armor and standard health being swapped. This made it harder for her to bully people without being knocked out of her suit.
Bully tank because they reduced the effectiveness of her defense matrix but gave her a burst damage ability.
She got a revert, they reverted her status from defense tank to offense tank.
Original Dva was more a fat dps than a real tank. She had her defense matrix but it was too weak for a real tank. Blizz changed that buffing her defense matrix, so she got turned into a tankish character. She could eat a lot of damage, even entire ults. People complained and those changes to her matrix were reverted. As a compensation, they gave her the micro missiles and the firing while flying thing. No one has called that rework a revert, even tough her role has been reverted (from real tank to fat dps again) and one of her abilities has been reverted. That simple.
If we hypothesize in the future mercy needs a buff, with the rez on the E is practically impossible
Agreed. Putting an ability that literally brings people back from death can’t be balanced and enjoyable on a 30 second cooldown. It’s a flawed design, like giving Genji a 30 second CD Dragonblade, or McCree a 30 second CD High Noon
So, uhh… megathread part 3 eh…? Still no mention…? I might be wasting my time here…
B-but they read the megathread everyday!
Why do i always feel like i need to thank you for your patience? every day 2 or 3 times someone new comes to this thread saying the same 2 things and everyone needs to answer him the same 2 answer… why don’t they read?
Well… at least the devs are reading it… lol…
We gotta appreciate Lithy! There aren’t many people still actively fighting in Mercy’s corner anymore but I’m glad to see there’s still a few.
Are you FRIGGIN SERIOUS, dawg?
“forum users think Mercy is a weak hero”
So, lets say we’re arguing that she’s strong.
In order for that to be the case, WHO can we point to that she is STRONGER THAN?
Name me ONE person Mercy is stronger than?
No, I didn’t say who she is better at support than, because in every one of those cases, those supporters tend to have better attack, damage and defence, so that argument isn’t going to cut it.
On paper, considering, there should be some INCENTIVE to play support. The SUPPORT should NOT be the incentive… unless you think theres another class that gets hunted MORE and suffers more vulnerability.
Every character (except d.v.a) gets only ONE life, but SOME characters get hundreds of bonus hitpoints, armor, or combos that do 150+ damage.
Some get ultimates that WIPE OUT TEAMS.
So, and I’m all ears, tell me. Who is Mercy ‘stronger’ than?
Because if you can’t tell me, I WANT YOU TO EAT YOUR DAMNED WORDS.
I’ve tolerated too much to put up with lies as well.
You also need to remember it’s EITHER
Damage Boost
If you could do all 3 at once THAT would be engaging. But you can’t because that would be busted beyond belief.
Mercy needs Valkyrie as utility and Resurrect as an ultimate. It’s not healthy for Resurrect to be on a cooldown. There is 0 room for a Mercy player to grow because every 30 seconds you will get a Resurrect no matter what.
No matter how well you do you will never be able to influence that timer. Meaning the skill ceiling is low. You may gain Valkyrie a lot more but it doesn’t do anything to stop an ultimate. Damage boost is the only effective thing to use Valkyrie for and survival that’s about it. Use Valkyrie to stay safe and boost team damage to get a kill. Make sure tanks are not dropping below half and you can Resurrect whoever dies after the teamfight. That’s a standard Mercy play by play every fight I’ve been in.
She needs a higher skill ceiling. She needs to have a bigger and more impactful ultimate. Finally Valkyrie moving to her E where we can use it more frequently without ruining the flow of our kit.