[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Which works out to these numbers:

June 28th, 2017 (pre-rework):
11905/60HPS = 198.416 sec or 3.307 minutes of healing beam engaged

August 12, 2017 (pre-rework):
11912/60HPS = 198.533 sec or 3.309 minutes of healing beam engaged

March 21st, 2018 (post-rework):
11926/60HPS = 198.766 sec or 3.312 minutes of healing beam engaged


I don’t want Mercy to be more powerful, I just want her to be more engaging to play. As of now, her ultimate doesn’t feel very powerful and resurrection just feels punishing. This is what I would like:

Increase the Ultimate charge cost by 25% (from 1925 to 2406)
Make it so that Resurrection grants ultimate charge on a successful cast
( I’m thinking 300 Ult charge which would be 12.5% )
Reduce Resurrection’s cast time by either 50% or 1 second
and finally, have the cooldown reset on death.

These changes would make Mercy feel much more rewarding without necessarily making her more powerful. Most of her power still comes from her ultimate, but this way a more skilled Mercy player can charge it quicker getting a successful Resurrection and Valkyrie itself would feel much more impactful with a quicker resurrection.

The cooldown not resetting on death is something that I’ve intensely disliked since Valkyrie was first released into the game. If Blizzard says that they believe Ressurection can be balanced as a regular ability, then it needs to be treated as such.


So again… WE DON’T WANT BUFF MERCY! We just want most fun with her… Mercy now can fly and heal… and this is ultimate?
Moira can heal and kill (surrender to my will)

Zennyata is awersome counter for Zaria

Lucio and his LETS BREAKE IT DOWN is awersome for counter Genji ult

Baguette is ULTRA POWERFUL (little op)

Ana and her YOU POWERED UP GET IN THERE can help you make a team kill

And Mercy can… fly away?

Blizzar come on Symmetra have better ultimate than Mercy! but she is not support -.-


I really like that idea! It also made me think of the cinematic from World of Warcraft the burning crusade. In the end of it Illidan takes off from the ground and I imagined Mercy instead. :smiley:

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Ohhh don’t worry, Blizzard do makes reverts… just look at poor hogg, they called it “new rework” but it was more a revert with changes than anything else, we want for Mercy the same thing basically.

Well there is a 20000 post thread that contains these idea.

Whats annoying is that these idea are being repeated… i dont even think this or that thread will be reviewed

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Ohhh welcome back friend, we have a brand new thread to answer to!
Had a few problem cloning your post on the old forum as i couldn’t reply and copy the quote, do you mind if i clone this one tho?

Let’s see this point one by one:
Lucio: He has a team saving ult and can achieve insane plays with his mobility and boops for example. He is a master of environment kills. He can make great plays.
Zenyatta: He has insane damage and the most powerful team saving ult atm by far. He can make great plays.
Moira: She can melt her enemies while healing her team. She can make great plays.
Ana: Her case is tricky, but at least she still can deny ults with her grenade or her sleeping dart. That’s worth it of being called a great play.
Brigitte: I don’t know enough of this girls, but I know that she has a ranged stun, so she can interrupt ults, and that’s exactly Ana’s case. I’m sure she has more capabilities, that’s only one of her abilities.
Mercy: She can press her ez mode Q and do what she could do just gitting good at her basics, pretending to be like a pro. Usually, She can’t make great plays, and usually, if you earn potg you will feel arkward because someone really deserved it more than you.

Finally, Genji is one of the most powerful dpss in the game and can make great plays both with his Q and deflect. If you want to talk about Mercy and Genji as equals, then you should make his deflect to have a 2 sec cast time being stationary and his ult to just allow him to do aoe basics from a Widow’s range more or less, no more dashes.

You will laugh, but they merged posts to the megathread from people complaining about rez being too op yet. Guess they were trols, but they were there.

Basically, a good Mercy never needs valkirie because she can do the same thing being engaging and priorizating her targets. Valkirie allows even the worst player to just hit Q, hide behind a wall and heal the entire team holding M1. That’s why valkirie is so bad. It’s an ez mode pro simulator, and this game doesn’t need such a thing.

And why that must be the case for everybody? In fact, just tell us why we shouldn’t be complaining due to having a bad designed ultimate that allows you to make up your own skills while disengaging or even hiding.

Just for you to make a comparison. Look at the burst dpss in this game (Widow, Hanzo, Junkrat,…) and look at the sustained ones (Reaper, Soldier,…). Tell me what you notice.

Not the same case? Oh, why? Because they are dpss? Not a good excuse.

Nope. Immobility during rez doesn’t fit with Mercy’s main concept as a mobile support in any form. Also, valkirie doesn’t fit at all with “Heroes never die!” voice line because if you heal, they will surely die, and if you boost, you are not saving them. That isn’t what that voice line is supposed to say.

She needs a new rework in the right direction this time. She needs to recover her skill ceiling, her play making capability, her identity and her fun, those four at the same time while being balanced.

Okay, now try to put in huge input. It seems you can’t.

I really prefer the option B. Just kill the impostor and bring back her real ultimate. You can change it if you want, we don’t need a straight revert. In fact, the only two things Mercy needs to change are her E and Q.

“Heroes never die!” is more Mercy’s identity than valkirie will eventually be.

I think the ranking is more or less like this:
1- “Heroes never die!”
2- “It’s high noon!”
3- “Ryu ga waga teki wo kurau!”

That being said, having an ultimate that simply can’t fit with its own voice line is a serious design issue, and it should be fixed properly. Obviously, QoL changes can’t make the difference here, what Mercy needs is a rework.

Yes, that’s why I think they tried a step in the right direction. However, with valkirie it simply doesn’t fit. It fits the same as replacing “Die, die, die!” by “Funnel cakes, one dollar!”. If they wanted to make the right thing, they should have changed her ult too in order to fit with such voice line.

I would like to agree with you, but considering that 60 hp/s are nothing for an ultimate, she isn’t really saving them, she is only pretending to seem that she is bothering to try it.

As a flex Mercy main, I hated the entire Mercy meta and I don’t want it back. However, I want her back to where she was before this nightmare of a rework. If they want to add counterplay to her more than just playing smart, okay, I can live with that.

Mercy was not always op. She is not fine now. She is bad design now. That matters even more than simple and easy balance (but it’s ok if they work on other heroes while they decide how to rez Mercy). She needs a rework.

Sorry, but you are not talking by anyone but you and maybe a few more. I have seen even Genji mains calling for mass rez to be brought back, and there were a lot of non Mercy mains in the old megathread wanting her even reverted over what we have now.

100% FALSE. You can ask any pro Mercy about this. EeveeA and Vale (just two examples) said that current Mercy has no skill ceiling at all. Now she is only “Where can I hide?” or “Is my team there to babysit me?”. Before all this crap, she had one of the highest (if not the highest) levels of decision making in the entire game. Of course, if the only way to use mass rez that you knew was the hide and rez, then yes, she had almost none, but that was your lack of information.

1- How may I use it? 1? 2? 3? 4? 5?
2- The dead ones are relevant enough for my team to rez them? May I just rez that Rein who died? May I rez the Lucio and the Soldier? Or can I wait for the next fight?
3- Has the enemy ults there? There will be another emergency soon?
4- Will I be able to charge my ult again before the next emergency?
5- How are my dead teammates positioned? Are they organized or just splitted? Is it really worth it to rez them if they are splitted?
6- My team is dying and I’m alive still. Can I wait a bit more or it’s my rez really needed now? Will I die if I wait more? Will my teammates respawn?

All this vs:

1- Where can I hide? Can my team babysit me?

And valk’s:

1- Where can I hide? M1 or M2?

No. If you had it, that was one of the few ultimates that weren’t used as soon as you had it, unlike a lot of dppish ults. As soon as you had it, the mental game of “Is it really needed now?” started each time you saw the white sull icon. With current rez is as simple as no cooldown? Hide and rez.

Well, I guess they realised that such a huge thread was starting to be ridiculous even at first sight. This is their solution, it seems…

No one said nothing about that. They said “no plans to revert Mercy”. Okay. Now compare these two:

Bring back new iteration of mass rez + keep bunny hop + new E ability

Reverted defense matrix + micro missiles + firing while flying

None of these are reverts. No one has really called Dva’s rework a revert.

Regardless, EeveeA made a post with some suggestions about that. I’ll tell you just the first two points: removing chained beams and boosting her main beam during valk.

If something being unfun were enough to change it, then Genji and Tracer should be rebuilt because you can’t imagine how horrible is to play against someone who can even reflect your own ultimates with a normal ability on cd and how hard can be a good Tracer to kill even by a Winston. In fact, every mass kill ultimate should be reworked because none of them are fun to play against. And let’s no talk about being freezed by a Mei.

Finally, mass rez was changed after two years and two buffs, after replacing the original Mercy’s ult during game’s development, which was (here is the surprise) valkirie, which failed so badly that they had to bring her something better and healthier: mass rez.

I thought this was the 9th Mercy’s megathread.

Tired of this but I’ll repeat it:

New iteration of mass rez + new E ability (not rez) + keep bunny hop =/= revert

Reverted defense matrix + micro missiles + firing while flying =/= Dva reverted

TLDR: Yes, I’m once again actively reading the feedback. Sadly, I’m not the one who should do it.


Reverting rez to an ultimate ability, no matter what the iteration is is a revert of that ability. It won’t happen; Blizzard has no plans of bringing mass rez back. Which is for the best.

Clunky or not, that was the best way to balance rez. Want to streamline Mercy more? Drop rez entirely and give her a different ability.

That was the Mercy mains saying they wanted that line back. I miss her Valk lines tbh, the enemy one that was in German sounded so angry. But, preventing death does fit better than her saying “heroes never die” after they… die.

She has 3 of these, 4 if you think she’s fun. Which I do.

What? Hog’s hook cooldown was never reverted–they just did LoS checks. Hog’s take a breather was buffed. Hog’s damage was nerfed. They didn’t revert anything at all. And it doesn’t matter; they have stated they don’t plan to bring back Mass Rez.

This sounds fun! ^.^

Please, explain us then why nobody has called Dva’s rework a revert despite one of her abilities has received a straight revert. The only solution is: because it’s not a revert. Then the same thing goes for Mercy, don’t be hypocritical. What we have now on her Q is an ez mode pro simulator. It must go for the best.

Blizz said rez will always be part of Mercy’s kit, so forget that option. Rez will never be removed. Mercy has almost her entire set around that ability and Blizz knows it very well. Sprays, potg, poses, even real statues. Nothing related to valkirie, almost everything about what makes her iconic: her rez.

If rez can’t be balanced as an E ability without forcing you all the time to hide and contradicting your main concept as a main healer, then it is clear the only solution left, is to bring it back where it belongs: her Q, like it or not.

She can’t prevent anything. Before, she really saved her team, so it fit. It meant “My team is not really dead yet!”. Now it means… “I’ll hide here until you are all dead, I’ll just pretend I tried it”.

Tbh, the right voice line for valk, next to the generic and dull one she had before, would be something like “What once was for one, now is free for all”. Maybe this sounds better for the witch, but you can get the idea.

Nope. She has no skill ceiling (and this means bad design, enough for a rework), she has no play making capability (even the pros usually feel very arkward when Mercy has the potg because she is not doing anything relevant), her identity has been twisted becuase she is a mobile support but she immobilizes herself and her rez is more a punishment to use than a real help for you, and a lot of people, even the pro Mercys find her unfun to play despite they still play her.

So no, in the best of the cases she has 0,5/4. Before she had 4 or 3,5 at least.

I’m glad that you find her fun to play, but the majority of her playerbase don’t. She is bad design and that needs to be changed.


I mean you could also build your ult by standing in a corner, it would take forever but yeah, my point is that while different in the surface, an ult and a skill with cooldown are intrinsically the same.

With neither you stand around and do nothing, while you’re on cooldown you keep on healing and stuff.

I do agree that having only one cleric with rez could potentially make the class mandatory, considering no other hero does bring you back, more than once I feel at a disadvantage when playing a different support than Mercy because I cannot undo death but when that happens I ask to myself:

Is it that other supports should also have a mechanic to bring you back or is it that Mercy shouldn’t be able to?

The answer is a middle ground I think, she should be able to but with heavy constrains, bringing someone back with Mercy shouldn’t be just a press of a button and currently it isn’t

In my opinion if rez in it’s current form were to become an ult it would be incredibly underwhelming since you would be increasing its cooldown but at the same time you shouldn’t be buffing it in any way…

checked, you are right!

The thing that makes me angry is that just because it wasn’t “fun” to play against they had to rework mercy, but now even tho it’s not “fun” to play they won’t make any changes. Yes it is like Hanzo’s scatter problem, but from what i heard everyone is liking this changes so far, so there is no need to change it. So why, WHY they wont change it back? :disappointed_relieved:


Because they finally put mercy on a safe place. Not good, like every douche insisting she’s in a good place says, but she’s safe for the game.

Post rework Mercy was overtuned and we all agree on that, but after chain-nerfs she is not as problematic as shew as before, but it came at the cost of her gameplay.

They don’t revert because it would mean they admit how much they failed with the rework no-one asked for and would have to trow away all the stuff they worked into for this. They can deal with her being garbage if they can still make money with the rest of the game(And Overwatch League, another reason why she got dumpstered the way she did).


The thing is, what else should we do? If we don’t post it a couple of times it would just get lost. I’m happy that this is currently in the Summary of this thread, but i know well enough that as soon as they start throwing other threads in here, which probably will have way more likes than my post because more users read that one, it will just disappear again. That’s a problem in my opinion.

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Please stop nerfing my main, kthx

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Because D.Va’s rework wasn’t a revert? What of D.Va’s rework was a revert?

That won’t happen either, though. Blizzard would sooner keep it clunky than put it back on Q. I’m willing to bet we’d see Hog’s hook go back to a 6 second cooldown than Rez going back to ult.

Mercy has a skill ceiling. The main complaint by these forums is that the skill ceiling is too low. Which is intentional.

The forums aren’t the majority, by far.

I see Mercy plays in OWL or even just in comp all the time. So :woman_shrugging:

I think she was fine in the 1.0. version. The hiding came from the fact that for using the ult Mercy needed some allies to be dead but needed someone alive because she relied too much on team mates. If you think of a Zarya ulti or a dragonblade, they screwed up mercy’s team and she HAD to hide to live otherwise she would have probaly died. they could have toned down a little bit ulti in exchange of an ability that granted 2-3 seconds of free fligh on 11-12 secs. cooldown. i think she is balanced, she need some changes for the “fun” aspect of the gameplay but i dont think that they are the priority. Just that. But does that mean we are screwed for the rest of our life for Mercy changes?

She has such high pickrates in OWL because she is the only healer than can reliably solo heal. She is a pocket healer who enables certain hero picks. When brig comes out in OWL, i’m sure that Mercy’s pickrate will lessen. She is picked for her free second chance on round start (res), and reliable pocket healing. Blizzard said at some point that Mercy is the most played character in the game, hence her pickrate in comp. Even when Mercy was F tier, I played her as many other Mercy mains had because they genuinely enjoyed her kit. Her pickrate has been lowered since mass res. Comparing her now and then, she’s much less impactful and feels boring.