[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

-“We’re consolidating feedback to make it easier to read!”
-“Part III” with 0 dev responses
Anything to protect Geoff’s ego and his “I am NEVER wrong” ideology, I guess?


This is very true! This is partially why I don’t think
Valk rez should be instant, but Valk should certainly reduce the cast time (perhaps to 1.25 seconds). Or even keep the cast time, but remove the slow and increase the range for the Rez.


Just ignore the person trying to get a reaction. It’s better to ignore a troll than give them attention.

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Additionally, not every post in the array of megathreads there’s been have been concerning Reverts. There have been thousands of posts concerning suggestions of reworks, rez removal, earning rez, or new abilities altogether. To claim every post is just #RevertMercy is frankly just making you look like you haven’t bothered to read any of the posts.


Mercy seems to be in a good place balance-wise if not a little strong. Before nerfing her though I would see how Brigitte impacts the meta and possibly buff Ana.

If Mercy is still too strong after these actions are taken I would probably lower her healing output on her primary so she is more of a utility support since I can’t think of anything other aspect to nerf.

I find it puzzling a majority of forum users think Mercy is a weak hero. As someone above stated she is the most played support in OWL currently. There is no question she is a good hero at this moment in time.

I still find her fun to play and she’s my most played support this season. My healing, boosting, ult timings, and rezzes all feel impactful. I can take out an unsuspecting Widow or enemy Mercy with her unlimited pistol ammo and flight during ult. I can ult and create an opportunity for my team to engage with chain healing/dmg boosting. Her new movement with GA increases the skill cap and helps her stay alive longer. Rez is still a game changer and makes other heroes viable.

It seems that most of the people writing “Mercy is no longer fun” are extremely biased in their views. That is unfortunate and I hope they don’t have too much influence on your decisions as developers. Mercy in her current state is very engaging to play as and one of the best supports in the game. There’s no need for her to be broken and easy to use for months again.

I realize that I am biased as well, but try to take that into consideration as best I can. I don’t have a “main” in Overwatch. I try to look at stats, coordinated play, different viewpoints, not just my personal gameplay experiences. In the end you devs designed this game that we all became passionate about. While I disagree on some choices I trust your vision.

I love Overwatch


𝓣𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓐𝓵𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓗𝓸𝓹𝓮.

Never stop until your voice is heard.
That, is the philosophy which i have always lived by.

Let’s not forget WHY we all joined this game in the first place…

𝓣𝓸 𝓫𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓮𝓻𝓸.

And it’s about time for Mercy to once again Shine those Rays of Hope!


-ChibiFox :fox_face:
(I personally am up for anything, as long as it Retains Mercy’s Unique Character ability to Revive the dead. Especially in Larger amounts…)


Tom, you are the best employee on this forum, but we really don’t feel like we are being heard too much when we are writing our posts here…


Well at least we’ve been told that they’re reading our feedback. Although, it doesn’t feel like it and judging by a lot of the developer read time, it doesn’t look like it either.


Sorry there mate. I enjoy an ult that does something rather being a clunky spectator cam to watch teammates die.


Did I say after her nerfs? No. I said after her rework. Do not put words in my mouth. Where is the fun in an unengaging ultimate, and not having to earn your strongest ability? It’s the case for every other hero, that their most powerful ability is earned, not given (yes I’m including Supercharger in that). And earning things is fun. Her signature ability went from being a reward to being already there. That is not fun to play, nor is it fun to play against.

Show me where I’m saying that? Where is it written that you can only care about one problem at a time? I am vocal about Torb’s critbox, I am vocal about Ana needing buffs, I am very vocal about Sombra being treated like garbage off the street, I am vocal about Mercy being unfun. All of these are major problems with the game, all of these deserve equal attention, and I will fight for each until they are good.

Objectively false. I long for the EMP bot Sombra days. A slow, but reliable hack was insanely fun to play. Having hack be quicker but unreliable because of bugs is hell.

You think I’m a Mercy player? That’s cute. No, I’m a former flex, current Moira main. The only time I have on Mercy, other than Mystery Heroes, was a couple of hours where I played her in QP long enough to understand what all her kit did, and try and see the POV of those who wanted a Revert. Which I managed. I came to the conclusion Rez didn’t feel as rewarding as such a strong ability should, meaning it needed eith being made earned or removed, the healing style wasn’t for me but I could see how it could be fun, Guardian Angel was great, and Valjyrie was just boring. I am far from a Mercy player.


Oh man. I just noticed. We are a new thread. Love you to devs. You listen so well.

Happy 7th Megathread everyone.


Worst thing is the first thread had like over 10K + all the other separate posts, there’s probably over 50K Mercy posts and 0 replies


Crazy how the thread almost reached 20k posts.


I personally feel that people need to stop saying,“Valkyrie is a horrible ult!”
It’s a great ult. It gives your team good sustain and helps encourage a push. And her ultimate cannot become any stronger than it already is, as she has the best ability on cooldown. She is in a great spot, but long term, I don’t know whether or not it’s healthy for the game.


The problem here is most the stuff we are saying is subjective

I’m not going to waste valueable pixels fighting over what’s fun and what’s not.

Overall balance > fun, Nothing is fun for anyone when the game isn’t balanced

Seems to be a strange thing, almost all the heroes that have had a rework have ended up more balanced after tweaks and objectively less fun; could mean they were broken before fixing

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Want to know how bad Valk is. I’d rather have a Ana with 25% accuracy with nano rather than Mercy cause I know nano can do something rather being a clunky spectator cam.


If anyone want’s to know my Opinion on Mass Rez:

When it comes to Mass Rez, I have always looked at it like this.

Characters Are/Were ALL Meant to be Very strong in one or more Specific areas, When played by a Skilled player.

Take Widowmaker for Example:
Widowmaker requires some of the highest mechanical skill in the game, BUT… A highly mechanically skilled player can become the Highest threat on their entire team, With the lower health Squishy sniper.

Mercy was a Huge threat, in the other direction.
As all healers should be, in some form.

If you simply Disregarded the Mercy, The enemy would be left with a Powerful Support ultimate. Just like if you leave a Zenyatta alive, before an Ult combo.

Supports are meant to have these “Last ditch Effort” Ultimates.
Just look at the aforementioned Zenyatta, Or Lucio.
At the core of their design, Their ultimates are supposed to save your team, When all else is lost.
(In this case, Even their Lives. If you have a problem with that, don’t ask me, it was originally written in Mercy’s Lore)

Mercy just had a Very powerful one, Compared to the rest.
But it still did it’s job. It was a Last ditch effort, on the Healers part.

I still like the overall idea of having such a thing be “Earn-able”
(Such as an Ultimate is, Since better players inevitably earn them more Frequently)

So yea, there’s my view of it. :neutral_face:
As far as i ever thought, it was a completely balanced Support Ultimate.
(If anything, It’s strength helped Challenge players, Which is a Great teaching method, And good overall gameplay Mechanic.)

Hell, Even 𝓢𝔂𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓻𝓪 (If you still think of her as a “Support” As she was originally designed, i guess…?) Could “Save” The team, And the ENTIRE GAME By Teleporting them to wherever they needed to be, Or somehow providing shields.

-ChibiFox :fox_face:


30% Damage Boost or 60 health per second on extended range that chains to multiple teammates for 15 seconds is nothing?

Increased projectile speed, unlimited ammo, and FLIGHT is nothing?

Increased Guardian Angel range and movement speed is nothing?

Regenerating health no longer stops when damaged is nothing?

You and many others want Valkyrie to be a completely broken ultimate again. It is already a very strong ultimate.

I love Overwatch


You and other just don’t want us to have fun while having some impact. Sorry if a slow moving Mercy is to hard for you to hit. Shame I ruined your MLG plays.


Valkyrie seems like it’s a good ult, until you look at the facts:
Rez in Valk? Same as standard kit
Health regen in Valk? Same as standard kit
Single target healing in Valk? Same HPS as standard kit.

The things that Valk improves are:

Free flight
Double distance GA
Chsin healing

The actual ult isn’t the strong part, it’s that her kit is strong usually, and Valk lasts an absurdly lomg time, 15 seconds, when pretty much everyone agrees that 8 seconds is a good length of time for an ultimate.