[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I mean, read their name man :confused:. I don’t think any argument other than one that already supports their position is going to change their mind. They aren’t being reasonable.

I could understand wanting to change her into a new direction, adding something or whatever. Reverting her is never going to happen though.

I’m a 4100 Mercy main so I highly don’t think I have a lack of skill when it comes to playing Mercy.

I don’t enjoy her. Simple as that. I’ve been trying to expand my character pool because I’m not having fun with a character that actually brought me to this game because she was unique. Having a generic ultimate that “enhances all parts of Mercy (Which is a blatant lie because it doesn’t enhance Resurrect)” is boring to me. When she had burst Resurrects it was like “Hey I’m a threat” now you can honestly completely ignore Mercy and pick off her teammates. When she had Mass Resurrect she was also a threat. Now she isn’t a threat she just secures already won fights with her ultimate.


To be totally honest. And this is coming from a Mercy main here. She’s fine where she’s at.

My ONLY complaint about her nowadays. Is that i miss the little free rez you would get when using valkyrie. I dont see why it had to go away. especially since they made it take like nearly two seconds to rez someone.

If ya got too rez happy and tried rezzing a second person in a team fight with valk you could easily be punished by someone smart enough to be looking out for you the moment they hear “HELDEN STERBEN NICHT”. And if the other team was idiotic enough to let you get the second rez off they couldn’t really complain because they could have easily stopped it due to the time rez takes these days.

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Good. If you don’t enjoy her, play other heroes. There are 27 heroes in the game. Many people including me enjoy current Mercy (she’s the most balanced she’s been since launch), let them play her and you can play other heroes.

But forcing a player to switch to a hero after years of playing her. A hero that actually brought me to this game and you are ok with saying that?

Spending countless hours trying to master the hero. Only for her to become a must pick then nerfed over several months to a “balanced” but “bland” state. I don’t want to toot my own horn but a rework that is supposed to be fun for all players didn’t really accomplish that did it?

Most balanced was when she got an increase in healing from 50HPS to 60HPS and she still had Mass Resurrect. :man_shrugging:


When the solution was right in front of their face had they decided to use it: Revert.


Actually, I have a lot of people that enjoyed Mass Resurrect days. A lot more than Mercy is currently. So it’s not just the Mercy community that’s vocal. There are plenty of people out there that would’ve been perfectly fine with Resurrect as an ultimate so long as it was harder to execute since it was very easy, and the only downside to it was “dying with it” or not using it.

I’ll use the argument that pops up often. “Fun is Subjective.” Technically statistic wise Mercy was in a balanced state before the rework. Therefore any arguments that said she was “unfun” to play against would be subjective as well. Just like how I find a McCree ultimate unfun to play against or Zarya ultimate. “Fun is Subjective,” same with “Unfun is Subjective” as well. People sure thought it was fun to have a second chance on my team. The difference is Mercy had a presence back then now she is just there.


Well, after periodically checking the forums several times a week for months on end, trying to give friends hope, and advocating that “eventually they’ll get it right,” I think I’m finally done with overwatch. (Or maybe I’ve really been done for a while and couldn’t accept it.)

Regardless, I can’t see a world where I actually want to play again anytime soon. If anyone needs me, or if Mercy finally gets fixed, chances are im playing HotS or other shooters again.

My heart goes out to all the Sym mains in the room. May your rework go a bit better than ours.


If the only reason you played this game was Mass Rez, that’s kind of sad to be honest. Overwatch is filled with so many diverse and amazing heroes with unique kits, cultures, backgrounds, free content coming out every month, PvE events, various PvP modes, new hero releases, etc. But hey, if Overwatch isn’t enjoyable, I hope HoTs and other games are! Best of luck :))

I wonder how many people who whine, moan and groan about Mercy, especially mass-rez Mercy, got super excited and happy, congratulating their Mercy when they got rezzed and their team won the fight? I’ve gotten many reactions like that.

When you campaign against something, you campaign to get it removed from your side also. Lots of people want powerful Mercy on their team, lots of people want to get healed, to get rezzed but only when it’s in their favour.


(It’s not entirely the case I suppose, as I could use the case of Brigitte: I love having a good Brigtte on my side, I hate playing against her. But regardless, I am unhappy with how she is, and how much she contributes to the constant flow of CC in this game. So maybe it’s like that…)

So now there are 2 megathreads on Mercy’s rework. All I see is post after post after post about how it was the dumbest thing the devs could do to Mercy. Literally, thousands of comments saying how bad it is. I’m still waiting for one to respond and say something. Like actually discuss what would be good, instead of having the thread explode chaotically with no direction. It seems the devs choose to ignore these threads as it must be too embarrassing. 500+ hours and I get nothing. They know what they did. At this point, I just wish they would remove her “E” suicide button. I don’t use it much anyway. It makes more sense to keep my hps up than drop it and/or risk dying. I’m fine just healing my team. But it was nice being able to save the day once in a while.
I’d like to add that a lot of people I know think the rework ruined her. And a lot of them don’t play Mercy or like her.


Well then the Rework is good for them. Current Mercy is much more powerful than Mercy 1.0. Rez is more common now that it’s an ability, and her Ult let her heal more :slight_smile:

Jeff literally responded in here two days ago…

I haven’t been on in 3 days and it has since doubled in size. What did he say?

Nooo please don’t leave!

You’re one of the only people whose posts I look forward to reading! Please don’t go!


Mercy is still so boring please just remove the moth already

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After sifting through this mess, I found Jeff’s post. Evidently it’s about the pickrate? So revert her back to 1.0 where her pickrate was lower and buff her. Why the hell did they have to change her?


Wrong again, it’s not bait, it’s simply logic and reason.

I see post rate is rising quite well. So yet another 20k?

Oooooh new post after I’ve been gone for a month :slight_smile: Still poop let me know when something changes

Also wow my ingame name finally updated a month after changing it, about time