[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Section 1 Issue: Duration

Since the duration is 15 seconds good timing isn’t rewarded and you can just as well use the Ultimate to travel from spawn or when your knocked off the side of the map. It will last through the majority of fights even if its not timed well. That’s ok that works that way, but it should not make her stronger by making her “easier” to play it should make her require quick decision making with limit reasources that stronger. That is what would improve the engagement of Valkyrie.

Section 2 Issue: CHAINED BEAMS

It just the Core Kit with less thought required and it appear that the healing on average is no more than pre-rework.
So its less engaging because its less of a challenge to heal everyone or DMB for 15 seconds. She’s not hard mechanically I don’t find it engaging to have thoughtfulness reduced too!

Section 3 Issue: Blaster

Just means that I don’t have to predict enemy movements as much, so less thoughtful again, but it doesn’t detract too much since its hard to hit with to begin with.

Just means I don’t have to manage a reasource and use it wisely, so less thoughtful again.

Section 4 Issue: Flight

Flight is overrated and clunky at worse to use (in its current form). Flight could be cool if the speed went in bursts you could control, but at current its passive and you just have WASD in 3D which isn’t very thoughtful. It looks more cool to everyone who doesn’t play Mercy (if she isn’t hiding around a corner).

Section 5 Issue: Guardian Angel

GA speed in Valk is nearly the same as outside of it, so it doesn’t feel that fast because you don’t go much faster and the movement speed that I don’t get to control in any interesting fashion so it’s just another passive.

Increased GA range is also just another passive that isn’t a great option to use because you move predictively for a longer time if and only if there is a teammate in the distance. Thou since it isn’t much faster you’re just as well off just flying without GA at distance, so that is a non-factor.

Section 5 Issue: Regeneration

Not nothing but not engaging either, so less thoughtful again. All this does is make her annoying to deal with from the ground, but it doesn’t allow you to take full avantage of the flight since if you take any focus fire you are dead, so you have duck around corners which is ackward to do given the way you move in flight.

Section 6 Issue: What’s Really Being Said

If you read what people with thought out ideas are saying you would see they are shifting power away from passives that take less thought to use and move the current power to active abilities.

AKA get rid of the passiveness/less required thought in Valkyrie (make it have more bursts that you control). While at it remove the single dimensionality of Resurrect, and also put Resurrect back in the Ultimate only.

Section 7 not an Issue: Agreement

Cool we agree on something…

Potential Solutions

Point by point

Section 1 Solution: Duration: can remain

  • It can stay the same unless the changes below for some reason are not limited enough in the scope of their power.
  • Possible reduce duration to 12 seconds

Section 2: Chained Beams: remove and make a better heal beam

  • Remove them too thoughtless of an ability stat that is passive in effect, and I want my quick decision making more clearly rewarded.
  • Replace with single target only beam that is stronger for healing (120 HPS), but DMB should just remain the same. Similar inkind to EeveeA’s suggestion.

Section 3: Blaster: faster fire rate but limited ammo

  • Remove unlimited ammo, so that Blaster can be stronger in fire rate and keeping the projectile speed, but require more thought in its resourceful use.
  • Increase the clip size from 20 to 24 and increase fire from 5 shots/sec to 6 shots/sec much inkind to EeveeA’s idea, but modified so that shooting will empty the clip in the same amount of time as normal (it takes 4 seconds to empty the clip normally).
  • This means there are limits placed on the use of the blaster so that it isn’t spamed, but feels more powerful to use.
  • Increase in damage per clip by this change: from normal 400 damage to 480 damage (if all shots hit).

Section 4: Flight

  • Regular Flight speed stays the same 9 meters/sec as live
  • Angelic Decent (Spacebar) while moving moving in a direction allows you to slow down Flight from 9 meters/sec to 5 meters/sec to position more percisely.
  • Angelic Decent (Spacebar) can push you backwards when hovering possibly with a knockback effect.
  • Guardian Angel (Shift) can be used without a teammate for increased Flight Speed from 9 meters/sec to 15 meters/sec for a max 2 seconds, but goes on cooldown if used.

If the main selling point of Valkyrie is “FLIGHT” then let it have more flight controls such as slowing it or speeding it up (bursts of speed).

Section 5: Guardian Angel

  • Trade off the extended GA range for the modifications provided above in Section 4: Flight.

Section 6: Resurrect

  • Only can be used during Valkyrie as Resurrect as a trade for a reduced cast time from 1.75 second to second 0.8 second.
  • Resurrect becomes a 100HP burst heal without cast time on a 20 second cooldown that resets on death and uses the Resurrect animation (basically go to a teammate before they die and you can still be healing someone else).