[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I was alone in the house in the middle of Echienwalde streets. I had just killed their Genji. Why would anyone else be going in there?

Besides that… Overwatch moves fast enough that things can go from “Yep, I’m totally safe.” to “RUUUUUNNNN!” very very quickly. Way less than 1.75 seconds.


You were alone as mercy. Thats your first mistake mate :slight_smile:

Good idea. I like it.

I agree that her rez should be chargeable/obtainable and progress lost on death. But hey they didnt do it so we have to deal with it.

I can easily deal with it, because it’s not hard. But it makes Mercy boring as hell. We are going to keep posting because she’s messed up. Viable, but unfun and messed up.


Thank you very much for taking the time to answer.

I agree that she is viable right now, but my point wasn’t really about her viability, it was more about her gameplay. As I said, and many people agree, I feel that Mercy’s gameplay is no longer engaging nor it is rewarding, as it used to be with her original kit.

I also want to raise the fact that the objective of her rework was to make her more engaging to play, and it had nothing to do with her viability (according to the developer update).
Of course winrates and pickrates are important, and are great indicators of a hero’s being in a good state, but in this case, I don’t think that we can conclude anything by basing our analysis only on these two factors.
Moreover, Mercy had, have, and will always have, as long as her base kit will remains, a high pickrate. This is very simple to understand : Mercy is a very inspiring character (at least she is for a lot of people), her base kit is very enjoyable and takes a large part of her identity. As long as it will stay unchanged, people will still play her.
Furthermore, she is one of 6 healers, 3 of whom are main healers. Therefore she is often picked by players who do not play support regularly.

But let’s go back to our requests.

In order to understand them, I want to take the time to quickly sum up what this rework did to Mercy.

Pre-rework - Creation

Mercy is, by her pure essence, the Overwatch main healer. She represents for a lot of people the definition of a support. She is the embodiment of the notion of supporting your team. A very dedicated single healer, who will always be near you in the most difficult moments, when all hope is lost, and who will never ever leave you alone.

She had a very simple kit. Strong healing. Good mobility. Defensive ultimate.
However, she was not easy to be effective with.
Easy to play, hard to master.

Best Mercy players learnt to track allies and ennemies ultimates in order to get the most value of their resurrect.
Playing Mercy was a constant mindgame:

  • Do we need rez now ?
  • Does the oponent team have ultimates able to counter my rez ?
  • Does the oponent team have team-wiping ultimates I need to save my rez for ?
  • Will the tank survive if I stop healing to rez ?
  • Will I survive long enough to rez more people ?

The most difficult part when playing Mercy was to survive through a fight in order to use your resurrect. The best Mercy players learnt to master their mobility and to improve their positioning so that they could survive the fight.
Playing Mercy needed that skill to strive and to survive to be efficient.

The fact that she had in her base kit almost no playmaking ability, forced in a way her ultimate to be playmaking. If not, why playing Mercy over Ana, Zen or Lucio, who could influence the match with strong abilities, and who were all performing better in the meta ?
Her base kit provided constant, but low impact to the fight. This is why she had, as her ultimate, a burst: reviving her teammates.
Her ultimate was her heroic moment. Her time to shine.
By her design, she was extremely reliant on her ultimate to impact the fight, to make plays.

So many people started to ask for another way to impact the fight, outside of her ult. An E ability. People wanted to stop being restricted by Resurect to make any game-changing play. People wanted to be impactful during mid fights, to have something else than healing (and dmgb) so that they would have more options, meaning Mercy’s skill ceiling would raise and so best Mercy players could be better distinguished from bad or average Mercy players.

Rework - Destruction

The initial concept of Resurect didn’t work as intended. Mercy often died upon using her ultimate, leaving her newly resurected team without its main healer. That’s why it received some buffs, until invulnerability.
But even with all these buffs, a common way to play Mercy, promoted by the SR system, became more popular.
According to the developer update, Mercy was too often hiding whenever her ultimate was ready, leaving her team only to come back and then resurect her teammates.
This strategy, as known as hide and rez was very rare and only worked against poorly coordinated teams, yet Blizzard decided to rework Mercy, before even trying to fix the issue.

And so the rework arrived. A rework noone wanted. Neither Mercy players, nor non Mercy players.
A rework which completely twisted Mercy’s identity, put her ultimate as an E ability, and added an new ultimate which is a complete mess of already existing abilities.
A rework which shifted the meta, making Mercy the most overpowered hero for half a year, as well as the most nerfed hero since the release. I will detail this point in the next part.

As I said it, the rework takes it source from two mains reasons.

  1. Make Mercy more fun to play against
  2. Make Mercy more engaging to play

    1.Make Mercy more fun to play against

This argument only refers to Resurect, because Mercy's base kit is (I think everyone will agree) balanced, and is not very frustrating to play against, since it has constant but low impact.

Resurect was able to revive up to 5 dead allies, and by its nature, could itself cancel the effects of several ultimates.
This is why many people claimed that resurect was frustrating to play against. It is generally said in a wording similar to this one:

What is wrong with this statement ?

  1. This is inherently subjective

Saying that something is disheartening is inevitably subjective, because the truthfulness is up to whoever says it.
Some people will think it is true.
Some other people will think it is false.
The rest will have no opinion, or a neutral opinion on the subject.

Given that it is subjective, this argument is irrelevant and inappropriate to be used in order to justify a hero rework.
This argument would only be valid if a clear majority of player were to agree or to disagree with it.

On which side is the majority ? We don’t know.
We don’t know and we can’t know, unless Blizzard decides to do a mandatory survey clearly stating:

Resurect is frustrating to play against:

  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • No oppinion / Neutral

Which obviously will never happen. And even if it happens, we can’t know if every player did answer, plus people could create new accounts to falsify the vote.

  1. This does not only apply to resurect

Let’s come back to the previous quote from Jeff

Don’t you see something strange in this sentence ?

It is about Mercy, but it could be about quite every hero in the game, and the meaning of the sentence would stay unchanged.

What I want to emphasise is that every hero’s ultimate is frustrating to play against. For the few heroes whose ultimate isn’t very frustrating, the hero himself is frustrating.

If saying that an ability in the game is disheartening and frustrating to play against is enough to justify a full rework of the ability, I expect every hero to be changed.
But of course they won’t be. So why should be Mercy ?

The objective of making Mercy more fun to play against is very flawed since it is subjective, and is not unique to Mercy.

    2.Make Mercy more engaging to play

The second reason behind the rework of Mercy was that her gameplay was not very engaging in the eyes of the developers.

Again, this is subjective. Most Mercy players enjoyed her gameplay. They were only asking for an E ability usable during mid fight.

Another explaination given was that Mercy was hiding too much and did not contribute enough in the fights, according to the developer update.
This strategy, also known as hide and rez, wasn’t as common as people make it sound. It was very rare and often led the team to a second wipe.

Hiding and voluntarily letting your team die only to use resurect was a misuse of the ability. You can skip to the Hide and rez" VS playing properly part if you want more details.

Not to mention that this behavior was actively promoted by the SR system, which rewarded people who did more resurects by increasing the amount of gains at the end of the match.

Mercy’s gameplay being engaging is subjective, therefore it is not a valid reason to release a complete rework of the hero.

Both reasons are inherently subjective.
They cannot justify a full rework of Mercy, because balancing a game should be supported by objective and irrefutable stats.

And according to stats, Mercy was perfectly balanced, if not underpowered.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

The initial rework (2.0) completly changed the way to play Mercy.
She became an almighty god, able to choose who will leave, and who will die. She went from target priority #1 to target priority #0.
Not killing her was synonym of having literally 0% chances to win the fight.

This Mercy meta had several consequences:

  • She became a must-pick. People who didn’t want to play her were forced to do so if they wanted to have a chance to win.
    The few who still didn’t want to play her were insulted in the chat by their own teammates.
  • People who played Mercy started to be seen as meta exploiters, and were also insulted by pretty much everyone.
  • The previous points led to period during which toxicity skyrocketed towards every people who played Mercy (willing it or not)
  • She got changed (nerfed) regulary, and people had to adapt to the new Mercy every patch

And noone wants it back.

Post-rework - Abandonment

The rework introduced 2 major changes to Mercy’s kit:

  1. Valkyrie
  2. Resurect

    1. Valkyrie

Nerf after nerf, Valkyrie got almost every single of its features… removed, and resurect went from overpowered to a chore.
The patch notes introduced Valkyrie as a powerful ultimate.

How can an ability “give the opportunity for big game-making plays” when everything has been taken away, making Mercy’s gameplay during ult the exact same as outside of ult ?

Valkyrie came out with a lot of features. It was the most flexible ult, on top of the most powerful support ult. But almost everything got removed.
What is left to Valkyrie now, is

  • Free flight
    Removes all the strive to stay alive, it’s just hold space bar. Does not promote an engaging gameplay.
  • Chain healing
    As mentionned so many times, it is near useless since focus fire easily counters it, and a good Mercy player can reproduce the effects by good prioritisation.
    Also, Mercy was not meant to be an aoe healer. She has always been a strong single healer. Imo, it is contradictory with Mercy’s identity.
    Plus, if I want to have aoe healing, I can play Lucio/Moira.
  • Increased beam range
    Does not promote an engaging gameplay. Encourages Mercy to hide.
  • GA speed increased
    Was fun when it was op, but now it’s nearly the same as normal speed.
    Anyway, it is not very useful since the best way to play is holding left click while 30m away from the fight.
  • Unlimited gun ammo
    I don’t enjoy any pew pew gameplay.
  • "Heroes never die"
    A cruel joke.

Valyrie simply isn’t impactful. 60HPS cannot keep anyone alive, even when no other ults are used. By its own design, it will never fit with “Heroes never die” because it has no burst and its effects are diluted due to its duration of 15s.

Valkyrie now only affects Mercy by slightly increasing her survivability. It is a selfish ultimate. This goes against the concept of a support who is supposed to protect and assist his teammates.
When she uses Valkyrie, Mercy provides nothing to her team. She enters a kind of “ez mode” and this is the reason why her skill ceiling has been reduced. This isn’t worth being called an ultimate.
Mercy’s survivability should be left to the player skill, making it possible to distinguish best Mercy players from average or bad Mercy players, as it currently is for every support (and every single hero).

Valkyrie is a bad design.

    2. Resurect

Forcing resurect to be a non-ultimate ability made it the most selfpunishing ability in the whole game, and the ability with the most exceptions in the game:

  • The ability with the longest cooldown in the game
  • The only ability whose cooldown doesn’t reset upon death
  • The only ability whose cooldown isn’t (partially or entirely) refunded if interrupted
  • The only ability to force you to stay in a very small area, while impairing your movements for almost 2s

According to what Jeff stated multiple times, Mercy should be defined by her mobility, healing, and resurect.
Using resurects now contradicts both healing and mobility.
Not to mention that puting it on a 30s cooldown doesn’t solve the problem of people wanting an E ability usable during mid fights. Resurect clearly isn’t.
Furthermore, as it has 30s cooldown and is the most restricted ability in the entire game, is near used as often as an ultimate. This doesn’t make any sense for a regular ability, which is supposed to moderately influence fights.

Noone ever asks Mercy if she has Valkyrie. If they ever ask about an ability, people only ask if resurect is ready. This clearly shows that both Valkyrie and resurect are not at their deserved place.

Resurect is a bad design.

What happens when we combine two bad designs ? I let you guess…

After all this messy rework, Mercy has been left in a horrible state.
She is not fun, nor engaging.

Mercy is now only a shadow of a hero who no longer exists, and have been replaced by a contradictory, uninspiring and tasteless hero.

"Hide and rez" VS playing properly


I would fight until valhalla to bring back our hero, because a hero never dies, whatever price it takes.



As a mercy main who has mained her since season 2 I honestly think she’s fine.

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Beautiful and constructive post!


Good afternoon everyone. Hope we are all chill today :sunglasses:

way to ignore what was said to make a little jab rather then adressing the points.

and no,the stated reason was no good reason to remove mass rez,they havent even tried to balance it (publicly) they went straight to a rework.

They wanted a more active mercy. If that was the stated goal the rework is a failure cause the ultimatate in its nerfed form is very passive,as well as the rez.

Another stated reason was to combat hide and rez

Now mercy NEEDS to hide to rez.

Another failure.

Mercy was “boring” but with a payoff

Now mercy still has the same kit,but with no payoff.


Not sure if this applies here, but similar arguments were given about why Reaper shouldn’t be able to cancel Wraith Form and as of recent patches, he’s able to do just that.


The rework and the way the rebalancing occurred brought me to the forums. I had hoped that the Rework would be figured out and everything would just become a more enjoyable experience on Mercy, but this all fell on its face with how much power they put into Valkyrie causing a mess of things. Not to forget how they described how unfun it was to play against because enemy Ultimates are spouse to be fun to play against. Shouldn’t that really be enemy Ultimates are a challenge to play against?

On the flip side I’ve come in contact with some decent people on here, so at least that. :heart: :heart: :heart:


If the timer was being held at 0 seconds, they would respawn the second rez was cancelled.

Wouldn’t call myself decent, but almost same story. Supposed to be on Russian forums, rather than here.

Because one provided different gameplay and the other is don’t think for 15 seconds

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Okay. I see.
Nothing special to the reworked Mercy.

You sad that so, think about the solo res. That one feels much worse to play against.

I don’t want to offend you, but this is more likely not possible. And even if, you are not the one which is swinging the fight.

Hm… okay. Might be the only thing in Val which i would agree with.

Okay, that’s your opinion.
Do you like Val? If yes/no, why?

I’ve seen a few people outside of this feedback thread, try to dismiss us by using the statements along the lines of “Only 20-30 people actually post in the threads.”

I’d like to inform those wondering that a simple look at the 1st post would show exactly how many users have posted in the threads, where it says “users”.

For reference, at the time of this post there’s around 430 individual users who have either made posts here or had their post moved here.


So essentially, the whole “only 30 people post in this thread” is a false rumor. Just a friendly reminder!

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Erm i think Valk is a strange ult, you get a poor version of transcendence & a poor version of supercharger but with fantastic mobility.

It’s certainly more involved than Mercy 1.0 but nowhere near as strong.

When it first came out I thought that the person who is directly attached should receive an addition 20% healing/damage but it’s not really a massive problem.

Overall it’s kind of a middle tier ult. Not as good as trans, better than nano.

Again, my opinion.

I don’t know how this works but would i be classed as one of those users who post in the thread.

Even though I disagree with the majority and only post in them when people speak for me.

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Try to stay as far away from a fight as possible with Val and you will see that Mercy 1.0 was far, Far more involved than Val Mercy.
You just do the same stuff you always do but without any danger.

Yea, that’s more or less the general opinion.
Base kit is awesome and a very good design. E res, will sometimes kinda frustrating, is still Her move.
But Val is always the point were everyone starts to stutter.
It’s quite clear that something is fundamentally wrong with that ability.

What i always see is that players like the independent movement from Val…
Maybe you have an opinion on my suggestion. If you haven’t seen it yet.

Think of it like Lúcio’s Ult. If you miss the impact you won’t get the buff/res.
I pretty much try to satisfy everyone’s concerns, which they have with Mercy.

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