[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

your enjoyment should be trying to win, by picking mercy you help your team into victory, I don’t think there should be anything else on the table for this argument and your emotions are, well, subjective

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Hey Jeff and thank you for actually taking the time to finally talk to us about Mercy (in a seperate thread).

We understand that you guys don’t feel like she needs changes. From a mechanical standpoint she is very much balanced.

What do you guys think about her from the “Dev’s feeling and intuition” part of the triangle you mentioned a while back?

Do you guys feel like Mercy is rewarding to play right now? Do you feel like you’re having fun while playing her? I know that along with the “balancing” side of a hero, that you guys still bring to our attention the “fun factor”. Where do you guys feel that Mercy lies on the fun and rewarding to play scale?

If you feel that Mercy is fine, why do you guys still have the Mercy mega threads up? Would it not be better to just delete all the feedback we’ve been posting for months and months and just go by your own decisions on the hero? Silencing anyone who makes topics about her and calling it a day? Maybe update the terms of service that says any topics on providing feedback about a hero will get them banned - to drive the point home even further?

At this point keeping this mega-thread doesn’t make a lot of sense.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Because she’s often the best healer for the task. I will also flex to any other role needed.

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I’m pretty sure she is betetr than F tier Ana and Sym, betetr than Lucio and Moira, maybe surpassed by zen? buy counting only the main healer yes she is better than moira and ana. But I don’t care if she is good or not, I just want to play her ina fun way, Valk is soooo boring like If I wanted to fly I would play pharah(what I do and have tons of more fun with pharah than with mercy using her own ultimate??? How does blizzard think this is ok?).


Just to clarify: he didn’t. He responded in a different thread asking about devs silence about Mercy. And, well, just happened that thread ended in this megatrash.

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Jeff Kaplan responded to a different thread and then Tom Powers moved it.

They had still been ignoring the stuff in here.

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which is not true, Mercy has clear weaknesses that other healers cover quite a bit, she is strong, yeah but thinking she’s the panacea of supports is just preposterous and in all honesty very short sighted

Her high pick rate IS people enjoying healing effectively, personally if I don’t feel like playing Mercy but we need a healer I assess my options

If Mercy is the only pure healer then what we need is another pure healer, simple as that, we don’t need to butcher her back just for a few to feel enjoyment when they play

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Mercy in general just has a very boring and one dimensional kit. I don’t understand why you guys think reverting her is going to make her fun again whenever barely anything changed to begin with except from allowing her to fly… Was hiding in a corner and waiting while a team fight was happening really fun and engaging?


Where the hell did I state she was anywhere close to the panacea of all supports?

Stop arguing strawman arguments and debate honestly or stop responding to me.

I’m sick of the lying about what I said.


so why is she being played a lot in bronze-plat and quick play? i mean, clearly not for fun right? those players are only playing the strongest heroes at all times.

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No your enjoyment should be playing the game, win or lose you should have fun playing that hero. Not just do a chore(playing mercy) and then feeling good because you got SR, I already did that I hitted GM got 4220 now I want to just have fun playing this game with the heroes I want, i don’t wanna feel obligated to play a heroes just so that my team wins, my enjoyment matters too


same answer buddy, if you reached your peak and you don’t find enjoyment in playing, then don’t play, the game CANNOT be shaped to your liking and enjoyment, there is far more people trying to climb with tooth and nails who does feel great when gaining SR

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Thanks, updated my previous post.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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She’s being played a lot there because she is the easiest to get value out of when people won’t group up. Also many, many teams will only run one healer. I know that because I actually DO play in plat.

I used to play in silver, it’s even worse down there.

She’s simply the main healer who has the most versatile usage situations.

Ana is in bad shape after being overnerfed, and Moira can’t be used in as many situations.

That leaves Mercy.

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In my opinion it is useless now to feed this megathread, now if we understand that mercy we keep it so forever.

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uhm, check your own posts and tell me who uses straw arguments, you specifically said she’s often the best suited for every job, that is not true, though you just don’t wanna see it so I digress, either way, Mercy is where she should be and won’t be getting changes no matter how you “feel”

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im sorry, but no one in quick play or bronze/silver is playing her for any reason other than fun.

but here’s the bottom line, if you dont find her fun and you think the vast majority of mercy mains dont find her fun…STOP PLAYING HER. if enough of you stop playing her the devs will take notice.


She is often the best suited for the job is not the same thing as saying she’s the best support period, one is a question of frequency, the other is about her actual balance tuning.

You twisted the argument I was making and argued against that because you refuse to have an honest discussion about it.

I’m sorry but I think you should know you are wrong. Not everyone wants to be an egocentric who only thinks about winning and gaining SR to show to the world, If that were true Symmetra and Torbs one tricks wouldn’t exist, and this game was made for you to have fun not for you to just climb lol. Many of us just want to relax playing a hero we enjoy and feeling good about ourselves because we are enjoying a game with friends or listening to music. We should be having fun all the time, in the other hand, people like you who only think about winning are the same who contribute for the toxic behavior in our community only thinking about winning and crying to your teammates when you lose, because all you want is people to inflate your big ego so that you can feel superior about something.

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Interesting… I’m Plat too, and usually I could say Mercy can’t be used in as many situations, so if I want to do healz right, I MUST go Moira xd

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