[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Repeat this idea back to you and legitimately ask yourself if this is a good idea. If you’re still thinking if is, stop it. Get some help.


So this suggestion will be right at home then?


So… her rez should take longer than a respawn where you’re down a medic for the interim who dies to any charge/explosive/sniper/etc?

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Wonder who keeps flagging this thread.


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Pin this back, right now.

or are you gonna act like you have done everything u can even tho u ignroed the 140k comments + the countless threads about mercy giving feedback.


Please forum mods dont let it be flagged everytime. Its a megathread. It needs to stay pinned.

EDIT: If mods and devs really care about this megathread then they remove the flag option from it. But no. They not.

Hello, Part 3 of Mega!

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Nah they dont care. They just want mercy players to shut up and play with that failure of a rework. My patience for this game is going away tbh.

I think in the next 3-4 months overall “daily logins” (if u have smth like that @blizzard) will fall a lot, since you slowly, but surely chopped the neck of a hero, which’s fan base is 40% (maybe even more) of the entire community.

You will see.

EDIT: Wow got closed in 6 minutes of it being open. This community is just like “Mercy mains begone”
Well goodbye then, u better find urself some healthpacks


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Hmm… (can’t say what I want to because I’ll prob get in trouble, but you guys know what this means)


Mercy’s rework was bad and an example of sunken cost fallacy in action. Devs fell for a rookie mistake and need to admit they screwed up


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would you look at that ! The dumpster is unlocked !


Finally, unlocked, tho how are we supposed to use this when it keeps getting closed?