[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

she doesn’t, just revert moira and buff ana

mercy doesn’t need to be reworked just because ana is weak


The core issues with her current kit:

  • Rez as an ability is too powerful
  • Mercy steps on other heroes’ toes with the chain beams (Lucio, Orisa)
  • It cancels out too many of her originally intended weaknesses

What isn’t the problem: healing output, single-target damage boost, and mobility.

Not really. It wouldnt outshine anything. Only thing it would outshine is just mobility but thats it. I mean sure she can move around better, but she cant output high damage like Zen, provide other utilities like Lucio, heal a large chunk of heals through AoE like Moira and sniping from a far like Ana.

Staying alive is great and all, but no point of staying alive if you cant get to your allies quick.

Her healing is strong as is and shouldnt have to have AoE because its high enough.

just seems like a mercy main circle jerk where you want it to seem like mercy is currently overpowered to revert her to old rez

mercy is better simply because ana is still too weak, nerfing mercy to her level doesn’t make it better


no she doesn’t. If she needs a 'rework" give her back her old ult with increased cast time.

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still doesn’t need any changes

why change mercy to become as weak as ana rather than simply buffing ana in her current state?

Could not disagee more. Resurrect doesn’t need to be an ultimate.

Y’all gotta stop with the Mercy posts just because you’re salty that your amazing headshot got rezzed.

This would have been a great solution that introduced counter play to mass res. The barrier idea is actually pretty genius.

Oh how this parallels to the rework lol

See I like flying just… not as long as it currently is with valk as an ult. On e with a smaller time I think is a great idea! It keeps her as a mobile hero as well as ensures she’s strictly a single target healer.

… you remove the GA bunny hop.

Hello I’m Tortellini and I am a Mercy main with having 100hrs on Mercy 1.0 and ca 200hrs on Mercy 2.0.

I want to elaborate why I think that if Mercy was to be reverted (with tweaks to mass rez) while keeping the bunny hop as a feature (like all suggest) would still keep her at the insane pickrate she is now.
Don’t get me wrong, fellow MercyMains, the bunny hop is hands down my favourite part of her kit. The movement she has with it is insane and most definitely incredible fun.
BUT I also think it’s what kept her as a top tier pick since her rework.

Mercy 1.0 had a significant weakness, it was being dive-able. Winston, Genji, Tracer, DVa were hardcounters to her.
The simple reason to that was because she was not able to slingshot past a teammate and get out of the reach of the flankers, except if she had a teammate positioned far away from her. If she got dived by a Winston, she could not escape him when her teammates weren’t far apart.
Whereas Mercy 2.0 can GA to a close teammate and use the bunnyhop to slingshot past said teammate to get out of the reach of the Winston, where Mercy 1.0 would’ve 100% not been able to.

This in return makes her way harder to chase and kill as she was before. It opens up so many new ways to play her. She can slingshot across the battlefield and reach teammates far away, giving her effectively more mobility as she had before. If you’re an experienced Mercy player, you can even use the environment to perform a socalled “superjump” where it catapults you in the air, thus gaining altitude without a Pharah or a teammate on highground.

More mobility always means a hero is harder to deal with. Let’s take Hanzo as an example. Another hero who has gotten a rework with an insane mobility buff. They took away Hanzo’s weakness of being able to be jumped on and now we have this monster who can reposition all 4s with a jump and wallclimb and dishes out insane damage. You cannot dive him with a dive tank since he just jumps out of their reach and then melts them down.
Widow is another perfect example. She is dominating OWL and high ranked games ATM. It is because she has such a short CD on her mobility skill, she can just grapple away when being jumped on.

Yes I’m aware that the current META doesn’t favour divers, but Mercy (especially) and Widow were already strong picks while Dive was Meta.

Suggesting a revert while keeping the GA bunny hop will not impact Mercy’s strength or her pickrate at all.

Let’s look at the most common suggestion:

  • Valk put on “E” for a short duration (2-5s), including free flight, only 2 chains heals
  • Mass rez as ult. Rez range reduced, Mercy needs line of sight, casttime stays
  • GA bunny hop stays

All this does is swap Mercy’s kit around, it does not give her back her weakness she had with her 1.0 version. She’d still have her insane mobility and thus making her still the best healer overall since she is THE ONLY one who is able to frequently (all 2s) jump out of reach of the heroes who should counter her, WITHOUT her team being in positions for that. Mercy 1.0, as mentioned before, would’ve needed her team to position perfectly far apart so she could escape flanker, Mercy 2.0 doesn’t necessarily need that if you’re good with her. Your GA target could literally be in Winstons reach too, but you can catapult yourself past them out of Winstons reach.
It doesn’t give her back THE WEAKNESS she had before.

I know to some of you, the bunny hop doesn’t sound like a big deal. In a fast-paced game like OW, mobility is king, that’s why dive was always so strong (and still is in OWL). Mercy is the only high mobile character who is not countered by Brigitte (since she doesn’t dive without divers), thus why she works so well in this deathball META too.

Balancing Mercy is hard, there are many ways to do it.

  • revert with tweaks, remove GA bunny hop
  • nerf her healing , keep bunny hop
  • nerf Valkyre, keep bunny hop
  • remove rez, keep bunny hop
  • increase GA CD, keep bunny hop
  • leave current iteration, remove bunny hop
  • rework her completely, keep bunny hop

In order for her to be balanced, she needs a weakness, which she currently doesn’t have and why she’s overperforming.
Ana’s weakness is mobility and self heal.
Lucio’s weakness is healing range.
Zen’s is mobility.
Brigitte’s is her attack reach (melee).
Moira’s is having to recharge her healing.
Mercy has nothing…

I personally would like her to keep the bunny hop, since it’s the part of her kit I enjoy the most. I don’t know what the best way is to balance her, all I think is you have to give her a weakness, which you wouldn’t if you revert her while keeping the bunny hop.


Well strict revert means she has no mobility buffs. That is what people want. Isnt it?

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Or they could just keep bunnyhop and not revert her. :slight_smile: Bunnyhop makes her more skillful and fun. It’s the most mechanically interesting part of her kits.

Even just yesterday the enemy Winston was so mad/impressed at my movement. He had been trying to kill me for at least 45 seconds, him chasing me all over the map, and it had ended in him dying and me staying alive throughout it all.:


“How many thumbs do you have on your spacebar Mercy…you like that glide tech”

I’ve had several other compliments about my movement from both players on my team and the enemy team. I had an enemy Pharah friend me to tell me “You have the most crazy and unique movement I’ve ever seen”, etc.

It feels nice being recognized in games for being visibly GOOD at something in Mercy’s kit. There’s not much else that Mercy does that can be seen as skillful, so I’d personally like to keep the one mechanically demanding part of her kit, rather than bring back Mass Rez. But that’s just me.

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If they straight up revert her and keep the bunny hop in that wont change how situational her ult (mass-rez) is. Also with Hammond you can counter mass-rez even harder so Mercy would probably fall down to being D-tier or something again. What makes her super good at the moment is damage boost to get Hanzos ult through Zens ult and the steady rez.


I think people don’t realize how much the bunny hop buffed her.

Revert. No invulnerability during rez, keep bunny hop. That should do it


The issue with current mercy isn’t ga bunny hop.

Also a plain revert wont fix all the issues that we want it to.

instead we need another rework that reintroduces mass rez with los checks and maybe damage reduction for mercy during it and make valk into an e instead. etc etc

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Asking for revert is like asking Blizzard to admit a mistake.

Do they admit mistakes?

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