[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I think it was around the 2:19 mark.

They also said there’d never be 1v1, or Deathmatch. Another Geoff also said they didn’t want D.Va to be too much of a bully tank, so they go right ahead and give her not only the ability to shoot while flying, but micro missiles to better help her dive in and bully enemies before diving out.

Just because a dev says something, doesn’t necessarily mean they’re right. If Mercy is in such a ‘fine’ spot, how is she still a near must-pick even after 8 or 9 consecutive nerfs?


It’s so wonderful to hear such beautiful words. :sob:

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Because a developer does not speak for their consumers. Just because THEY think Mercy is alright, doesn’t mean she IS alright.

From their stand point; she’s balanced and that’s the only thing they’re looking at. (At least, it seems that way)

But the point of playing a game is to have FUN not be BALANCED.

Balance does not equal fun, it means you’re on par with everyone else in ONE or more statistics. Meaning the play value of Mercy in most cases stands at the same level as most of the other Supports.

(Also, I’m questioning if you even used ‘refute’ correctly because it doesn’t look right in your sentence.)

They also never said they were NEVER CHANGING HER they said they had no plans to change her IN THE NEAR FUTURE (or something along those lines).

The fact that you’re taking their words so literally is rather ironic. Was it not you who claimed that we were being too literal?

They said there’d never be a Deathmatch; we all said ‘we shall see’, and what do you know? DEATHMATCH appeared.

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The thing is Youroverwatch has supported some of the Mercy changes but unlike Stylosa, his delivery isn’t one sided because after playing the newer version even they are saying Old Mercy was better and they even spotted and read comments from Forums and reddit to know that Mercy is current unskilled

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I’m still kinda sad that Mass Rez is gone haha. That feeling of bringing back a team felt SOOOOOOO good. I want that adrenaline feeling again. Not this floating around stuff it’s too stale.

That’s why I really think Mercy’s Resurrect should work like McCree ultimate. He needs a new ultimate anyways because people use it as a reset for more shots.

This is always fun though:

I still think they should give this idea a shot though:

You do know that a mod had to post that into the megathread themselves cause the main dev is to pathetic to even do it himself. Sure he posted that, but not in this thread. He’s just a pathetic coward that cant deliver the bad news in person. :joy:


As some others have said, a mod moved that post from another thread into the megathread. He didn’t post that reply in this megathread himself, possibly because he isn’t willing to face the music directly.


I think your post is ironic. Because so mercy is too strong.
If we report the mass rez, valkyria must be eliminated because the combo E + Q is too strong, no counter.
We must consider that the mass rez in the past was balanced but mercy had no bunny hopping, momentum, valkyria. If they report the rez in ultimate, which I hope, valkyria must be eliminated and the rez must be 3 with cd between rez and the other. On the E a shield like that of zarya (not identical) on an ally.

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Here is what Mercy could have:

  • GA: same as now.
  • E ability: Back to heavens. Mercy flies upwards, pushing back nearby enemies.
  • Ultimate: Resurrect. With how glitchy LoS is, here is different restriction: Mercy can’t resurrect player, if that player was healed/boosted by her more than 5 s ago. Makes it directly connected to skilled beam management. Players, that can be resurrected, receive resurrection mark above their head, which disappears if either resurrect was used or they no longer meet requirements.

That idea is even more unbalanced. 3 individual ress are the definition of OP and in general a new E ability also has a lot of potential to be broken.

Resurrect as an Ult needs to be an Impact Ult. This is just again a Transformation Ult.

I think the problem is that everyone is thinking too hard on E Valk or new e ability.

Like skill Valkyrie can be as simple as a vertical ascent like Pharah ability but quicker and more direct straight line up with maybe a kickback to act as quick escape.

Then basic angelic descent to float and contol movement in air

And maybe extended GA range for better survival

I think there is a confusion between genuine line of sight and area effect.

But yeah the idea on res, meh I don’t know

Even when mass res existed, sometimes you could fail at resurrecting players(counter showed 4 players in range, but only 3 are resurrected). So I decided to remove range and LoS from equation, while making sure that Mercy can’t abandon her team for too long, if trying to resurrect them later.

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Compared to the mass rez has less potential and the rez have cd, if you see a mercy that makes rez you can kill it to not make him do the remaining two. Not being able to fly, if not with the GA, not being able to rez to all (so you delete hide and rez), make yourself visible after the first rez and mercy ability to survive, I think it is balanced.
We are talking about an ultimate. When mercy was OP the problem and that flew and had continuous autoregen and besides the rez charges were without cd. If you put the CD at 3 sec with a duration of 10 seconds, you must know how to move and know how to choose

Hmm I always thought it was taking a step out of range or they just expire

Mass res was vulnerable to lag spikes. If instead it was related to player being recently buffed by Mercy, those issues could be avoided.

Yep, this is basically all we would need.

Jeff words are not final, he said Genji deflect hitbox was fine before, and said also they would never put some deatchmatch mode on Overwatch.

Devs (don’t remember who) said yet that they have both ends of spectrum (both who play and who play against) when they balance a character. (Mercy, Roadhog, Bastion, Ana players and some else want to have a word here)


You may have to go more in depth with your idea, i don’t really undestand it now.
Give me some numbers and such so that i could imagine it better.

I was talking with someone more about that idea and we came to the conclusion that even that might be too much. But we also thought that a simple change to GA would do that well enough.
The idea is that if GA has no target that you can use it as a vertical jump which makes the CD slightly longer.