[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Look at EeveeA’s post about her, it’s not about making her OP but making her kit better (instead of just nerfing different parts that make her kit de-synced from her lore

Where is that post? :open_mouth:

80% pickrate in the OWL.

51% pickrate on the normal ladder.

First and second most played healer respectively.

She certainly doesn’t need a flat buff.


https ://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/suggestions-for-mercy-from-someone-with-too-much-time-on-her/72020/432

It’s not a prove, It’s a stats.

Guys, she is in a spot that other heroes would like to be in.

Sure she might not be as fun, but fun is subjective.

She is balanced and viable.


Maybe you should stop reading my posts out of context and pushing this ax you have to grind? I already said, her pick rate is very high, even among pro players and her win rate is also very good. What justification would there be too buff her?

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What other proof is there?

Obviously it shows she isn’t in a bad spot, and they aren’t going to buff someone in a better spot than most.


Yes my post didn’t not say I that. don’t know where this assumption is coming from. I’m saying that the OP isn’t doing anything but just the arbitrary “mercy is not fun fix blizz” and adding nothing else

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One insta res.
18 sec ult.
You know…
But there is a better ideas from my so…

Umm those are suggested buffs, not reasons she needs one.


Wow, No, I thought its a real buffs.
Thank you.

Most counter to “Mercy is not fun pls fix” is saying that “you just want an OP hero who has no counter-play!!11!”


BUT DID I SAY THAT assuming things man

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That also is not a reason… I don’t think that was even English.

Maybe, i don’t know. i guess I’m gonna find out.

You did not, sorry for ASSUMING that you are countering Mercy talk without saying the players are terrible and want an OP healer

If you’re that pressed about people assuming your opinions, maybe you should clearly state them

Let’s put it this way, I have a bunch of friends who think Mercy is in her best place ever. They think she is fun, but not annoying to play against. She isn’t a must pick, but still has res.

Others think she is Junk, boring, and not fun to play.

What do we do?


All I want are animation and graphic changes…
She ults and she’s exactly the same.
Genji gets glowing eyes and a coool dragon aura
Solider has a whole glowing coool eye force field
Mercy is literally transforming with her whole kit in tact. She should get some HUD changes and animations for ressing, new animations for her staff, different ones for healing and damage boosting, different beam graphics.
Valk should feel like an ult, not like turning off collision and doing the same thing with connected beams, yk?

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Well spectator mode can be semi-fun at times, but I don’t know how static rez is fun to use. Maybe a small adrenaline rush when you make a rez that was risky and the enemy had potato aim?

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