[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

almost any of the suggestions to be fair…


I disagree. I felt like I could do something with the two instant rezzes during Valkyrie (assuming you saved your one). I’d take that back with a reduced Valkyrie duration, removal of the chain stuff, and giving a lot more healing on her single-target beam. I could at least counter SOME stuff with the instant rezzes.

I would love mass rez back, but half the battle with Valkyrie is the duration (dilutes the ultimate’s power) and the chain nonsense (no prioritization).


Do they still read this thread? There’s so many replies. Just wondering.

Did they ever read this thread?

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Give Mercy an E she can make plays with - that isn’t rez. It’s almost like Blizzard wants Mercy’s playmaking and general gameplay to revolve around rez.


Lol no, why would blizzard ever read anything that has the word “Mercy” in it?


If devs are reading, they aren’t Diving.

The two rezzes would be nice. With a shorter duration, you could use Valk as a comeback ult (two rezzes but shorter heal/boost) or an initiation ult (mostly heal/boost, rezzes for some backup). Does that make sense?

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Never even entered my mind. I’m just discussing what I think of your ideas, an you are giving feedback on my thoughts. The way a discussion SHOULD be :grin:

Still would like to see it only as a 1 second cast time, simply because 1.75 seconds seems like Blizzard is still punishing ALL healers whether they did “Hide and Rez” or not. An, with it at 1.75 seconds, the DPS would be back to targeting Mercy players heavily so even with free movement it might be a bit too long.


Check out “Concept time!” at the bottom btw. :sweat_smile:

For me this has not been about balance; this has been about rewarding good gameplay of Mercy and providing playmaking that is the reward for good gameplay that shows a good Mercy while those who are not doing so well can see that more clearly because they see that they are not playmaking as much or as well.

Damn maybe Google will help out because I know Blizzard won’t, hehe

I think instant Rezzes should not be done at all more for the psychological effect that the concept of opponent just coming back on the ability use. A slight cast time helps to alleviate that psychological effect. However, I think there is another method that could alleviate that psychological effect while allowing a single Rez to be quicker and not work against her mobile concept:

  • Have a “Rez Potential” stat appliable to teammates through the regular use of her beams (either one) that charges up, but also decays if when no beam is applied.
  • Make Rez an AOE again, but only one time use during her Ultimate (actually just make this Ultimate).
  • Allow the AOE Rez to bring back any teammate who has “Rez Potential” ie multiple people brought back but once used that’s it for that fight no more uses.
  • Condense (i.e. trim down what it does) the playmaking potential that Valk could have into an “E” ability.

There’s more but I’ll leave it at that for this part of the post >>> see the end for the entire idea (I’ve been rehashing it for a while now.

That’s a lot of the problem with Valkyrie is that it takes away from good play on Mercy, makes up for poor play while diminishing playmaking potential.

I think Rez should go back the Ultimate as Rez is most meaningful and risky when it could turn a fight if used at the right time. I think Rez however needs more “prep work” to make possible, so that it is more rewarding towards active Mercy play rather than passive play.

Hopefully it doesn’t for Blizzard’s sake because I think that will not be good PR for them if that happened, but it would be Meme worthy in a bad way.

I certainly hope we start going in a direction of more rewarding Mercy gameplay for being in the fight rather than away from it.

Yeah I don’t believe that a single instant Rez makes it any less lacklustre because it’s still focusing individual play instead of team play.

I think you have been fair, but I as I see it Rez is most impactful in feeling when AOE and also is more encouraging of team play over individualized play (i.e. teammates going it alone and as well as weakening dive).

Hopefully the concept below provides good engagement in the fight even more so than the Old Resurrect did.

Concept time!

Rez rewards active play better, but is weaken by or made impossible by passive play especially including “Hide n’ Rez”. Valkyrie becomes an “E” ability that still has benefits, but also trade-offs and has its duration reduced.

Resurrect on “Q”:

  • Teammates who are being healed or damage boosted also gain “Rez Potential” (I like to call it “Angelic Protection” since it charges in manner like health restored does).
  • Angelic Protection” decays when a teammate is not being healed or dmg boosted and decays faster if a teammate is not within 15 meters of Mercy.
  • Angelic Protection” must be charged to 70% for a teammate to have “Rez Potential”.
  • Short cast time of 1 second.

Angelic Protection:

  • Core to this concept to make the Resurrection Ultimate more engaging to prepare for it use.
  • Works to prevent “Hide n’ Rez” being a viable strategy (not that it was good strategy to win with anyway).
  • The idea is to maintain Rezzability on as many teammates as possible if you so chose to while providing your regular healing and boost.
  • How it works:
    – 150 health Teammate has a max Angelic Protection “pool” of 150 points
    – In other words, a teammate’s regular Health Bar is the same as the number of Angelic Protection Points they can have.
    – A teammate needs 70% Angelic Protection points to be Rezzable
    – A 150 health teammate needs 105 AP points to be Rezzable
    – A 600 health teammate needs 420 AP points to be Rezzable
    – Angelic Protection charges at a rate of 45 AP points per second
    – Angelic Protection decays at a rate of 20 AP points per second within the 15 meter range
    – Angelic Protection decays at a rate of 40 AP points per second outside the 15 meter range

Valkyrie on “E”:

  • 7 seconds duration that can be ended early, 25 second cooldown.
  • Provides 30% damage reduction.
  • Provides flight
  • Provides lengthen beam (reduced from 30 meters to 20 meters).
  • Disables Regeneration (hence the reason to end it early).
  • Increased Blaster Rate of fire (double edged sword since it will drain the ammo clip faster causing a reload delay).
  • Blaster Projectile speed maintained
  • Removed chained beams
  • Removed unlimited ammo

The idea is to provide a push-pull in between “Rez Potential” (aka Angelic Protection) and safety primarily through Valk on “E”. If you go to far from your team they rapidly lose “Angelic Protection” therefore you want to remain as close to your team as possible and keep applying your healing or boost around as much of the team as possible during the fight to keep “Angelic Protection” charged to the necessary level to allow teammates to be Rezzed if they are overrun by damage.

I think this makes for a much more rewarding and active gameplay for Mercy while also making her more exposed to the enemy to allow them the chance to shut her down.

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I’m suprised EeveeAs’ thread is still up after a whole day with 500+ posts. Usually if Mercy is even mentioned it’s almost instantly thrown here after a couple hours into the megathread . It’s weird, bad forum publicity if they did maybe ?


But what it does besides an instant res? Still res would be one/30s. Flying? And normal healing/boosting as usual? Doesn’t sound “ultimate” to me.


It still does everything for Mercy (with the chain beams and flight/super regen). Instant rez in valk functionally turns the entire ult into an istant single rez, with the rest being window dressing.

Mercy’s ult has always been rez, right up to the point when they nerfed instarez out of Valkyrie… then Mercy suddenly had no ult at all.


At what rank? In Plat, I can get at least 60% of my rezzes ‘safely’ while in the enemies’ LoS. If they have to turn more than 15 degrees, you can somewhat safely pull off a rez while in sight. If there’s a team fight going on, provided you’re not in the middle of it, again, rez can be used with a relatively large chance of success.

I don’t think they can risk it, with a popular and well known streamer it would most certainly cause some bad PR. Some memes and YouTube first come to mind. The worst they can do is leave it alone and just ignore it, although I’m hoping it might have someone’s attention and Mercy may soon be back on the table again.

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I remember we said plenty of megathreads ago that we needed some Mercy streamers giving feedback too in the forums instead of just the Mercy haters crowd. It’s a bit late but at least, maybe, they will start to listen now. I hope so.

The problem there is that only one rez can’t make up an entire ultimate. Yes, Resurrect is powerful, but only a single rez, even being instant, is not enough for an ultimate. If you are going to remove the chained beams (I agree with that point) then you should give Mercy more rezzes at very least in order to let her build some game (good plays, being really impactful, you know). 5 charges are not needed, but at very least 2 or 3. She needs the potential to do a tempo rez at least.

Also, take into consideration the fact that rez was the only thing that made valkirie engaging before the nerfs. That’s the only reason why Mercy didn’t limit herself to just fly behind a wall and keep holding M1. By giving more importance to her rez, you would force her to engage (something that we already want).

I doubt it a lot. They have been throwing here even trol posts so I think this is more like a trash can than a real feedback megathread.

At least we have EeveeA’s feedback thread now.

That’s interesting, but what would you suggest in that case? It would have to fit with Mercy as a character, of course.

I’m okay with the main idea but I think it would need some polishment. For example, I see a serious issue with the passive Angelic Protection. It’s good that Mercy needs to be active in order to prevent hide and rez but as you wrote it, Mercy would be forced to sometimes overheal or boost not because the target would be the most appropiate but because the target would lose that buff if she doesn’t keep an eye on it. I’m not sure, but that sounds too messy.

Probably that’s the main reason they don’t dare to do that. EeveeA is a very popular streamer, and if her post is threw to the trash can like any other’s, a lot of people will rage, and this time the argument of somepeople saying “they are only 2-3 people complaining because they want Mercy OP again, they need to git gut” wouldn’t work. Suddenly Ow’s team would be memeified everywhere, and that’s something they logically don’t want.


There is nothing wrong with mercy.

Edit: except for cast time of resurrect.

I love the idea of a reworked Valkyrie being Mercy’s E ability: a few seconds of free flight, but instead of chain beams Mercy’s beams provide extra buffs to her target.

Valkyrie’s healing would shorten enemy debuff timers, and its damage boost would provide a small movement speed buff - just enough to kite an enemy, or prevent them from doing the same. No more, no less.

The free flight and single-target buffs of Valkyrie would be on a moderately long cooldown, so Mercy would constantly be faced with a bunch of choices on how to best use it:

  • Should Mercy use the flight to get to safe position on high ground, and heal from there?
  • Or should she save the mobility for escaping danger when no teammates are around to fly to?
  • Should Mercy primarily use it for the buffs, and save it so she can bail out a teammate in specific times of crisis?
  • Which ally would need these buffs the most?
  • Who’s the biggest cc/close range threat on the battlefield, should Mercy save valk specifically to counter them with the buffs it provides?

Mercy was designed to be the “pure support”, but any other hero in the game has at least two ways to make a play with their base kit alone. Why not make Mercy’s specialties single target healing and buffs?

Buffing teammates is a very “pure support” thing to do, and Mercy already has a bit of that in her kit with her damage boost. Best of all, the keen planning and high stakes split-second decision making that people loved about mass rez is brought into Mercy’s base kit.

(there’s also the fact that cc is on the rise in this game, with no clear counters in sight. Zarya has her bubbles, but they’re best saved for blocking damage instead of cc)

I think at this point theres no reason for me to keep “fighting” for Mercy anyway. All I wanted was a revert. Sure being overpowered in the rework was fun, but so not healthy for the game. I enjoyed Mercy for what she once was and since Im never gonna get it back even without immunity frames I just dont care.

I will keep playing her when I need to sure since her base kit hasnt been changed, but at this point I hope to god Blizzard doesnt nerf Moira too because she is the only other thing I find enjoyable.

That said Im just tired of “giving feedback” that will end up not matter because “we never revert” or repeating the same stuff over and over and over until something happens that I still didnt ask for.

Mercy will never be the same and they arent changing her back to what she used to be because “Reviving her entire team was silly hue hue” even if this was proven wrong countless times.

Im just not interested in Mercy feedback, it wont matter at the end of the day…


In regards to the World Cup, I wasn’t referring to the summer games but their Pro League World tournament.

Chances are South Korea should win it again, they were winners of the 2016 and 2017 World cup.

But things could change… OWL has been polishing up the Pro league so the US players should be stronger now.

But regardless, so far some of the major changes to support have been around the feedback of the Pro’s that are streamers or were part of the World Cup. Noticeably Ana and Mercy feedback.