Ok, but what kind of nerf would make her viable and not useless?
Why should i use Mercy over any other healler if this happens?
I think the increase in Mercy use is because so many teams running Widow because of her zoning and carry potential.
The rise of Sombra doesn’t help. She destroys Lucio.
I’m sorry, I don’t want to be rude or something, but it seems like you are trying to ruin Mercy
So now we’re basing balance in 0.00028% of the player base?
Like I said, the range on her beams and the damage boost seem like reasonable nerfs. And maybe even a guardian angel cooldown nerf.
Not ruining her, just increasing the skill ceiling.
Zen dva and tracer need nerfs before mercy… what’s wrong with a hero being viable I swear
What would you nerf? She has the most consistent healing for the least effort. And she has good mobility. That’s why she’s still picked so much. They could remove her rez and she would still have a high pick rate because dive is so strong, and she is the objectively best option for that meta.
Short answer, no.
Long answer…Mercy’s pickrate in pro-play is a symptom of Widow and Dive.
If and when we see changes to either of those (personal preference to Dive enabling skills like Leap/Booster) then you’ll see a bit less mercy.
She really doesn’t need any nerfs. She is in a functional state with little fluctuations. Mercy is a very good pick for damage boosting a single target, (think Widow, Mcree) and healing consistently, but when enemy ults come into play, she is useless in most situations.
Moira lacks the consistency and vertical movement that mercy has, ana lacks any movement at all and cant heal through shields and gets obliterated by dive. these are our main healers to choose from so yes. until we get more main healers or fix the ones we already have mercy’s consistency and vertical movement on her main kit alone will serve to make her a good pick.
That’s why guardian angel needs a slight nerf it would bring other healers to her level
More like it would bring her to Moira’s level.
What nerf though? GA is good to make up for the general lack of survivability Mercy has on her own. And limiting her ability to move defeats the purpose of most of her kit operating the way it does.
Is anyone actually taking this guy seriously
it doesn’t need a nerf though. buff the other healers instead.
No , she doesn’t need a nerf definitely - We have Tracer that has one of the highest pick rates since the game is out and still no changes to her , Pick rate doesn’t mean anything.
Moira is too powerful to buff, Brigitte is op, zen is fine, and lucio already has good mobility. Ana might need a small buff but not too much or she’ll be op.
I don’t think anyone is (or at least i hope that’s the case). Anyway not gonna get on any debate as my answer would be pretty obvious.