[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Can someone tell me if it’s just me, or:

  • does anyone else feel as if taking damage prevents GA from triggering
  • does anyone else feel as if using GA produces a Reinhardt Shield-sized hitbox trailing you for the enemy to shoot at
  • do Mercy’s wings therefore actually count as her hitbox
  • does anyone else feel like Mercy also has a hitbox below her when she’s off the ground

Basically, when playing Mercy, do you feel as if you’re as big as Reinhardt, when it comes to being shot at?

Just you

I noticed this as well… need to confirm though.

Nope it shouldn’t count.

This should be happening.

If there is, they there could be a lag between her model and her hit box.

The road to 17k posts continues.

The Mercies in the OWL that die less are the ones that rez less.

How is encouraging someone to not use an ability in order to live good design?


She is in a good place in terms of balance, but not in terms of gameplay experience. She doesn’t need buffs they won’t improve the experience.
She lacks the ability to turn a fight in the way most heroes do have. In a game that features Heroic Moments as an attraction Mercy lacks having a moment.

Her kit is missing a part of the Hero experience that was once there, but could have seen changes to make feel less oppressive to opponents and more risk & reward involved for Mercy to execute.

As mentioned by others…

Mercy will have a higher pickrate than many other heroes because she is still viable in the healer role which at current has only 6 healers in a role that is required in most viable team comps.

Of the 6 healers, 3 are off-healers who have either lower healing output or conditional healing, therefore and not best paired together in many situations. They are: Lucio, Zen, and Brigitte (who is not in OWL or Comp, and thou strong has conditional healing).

The other 3 healers are consider “Main Healers” because they have higher healing output and/or more reliable then other 3 healers. They are Ana, Mercy, and Moira:

  • Ana for the most part isn’t a reliable enough and too susceptible to dying to dives.
  • Moira doesn’t provide any unity to the support role because she is a DPS-Healer with a healing resource meter that if drained renders her more liability to a pro-team then an asset. Moira’s damage might seem much in Comp games, but her damage can be outpaced by DPS heroes. With no other unfitly, Moira just is a more risky choice much of the time for Pros.
  • Mercy offers more reliable healing and utility then Moira, and Ana. This is something Pro-teams want since they don’t need their main healer to make plays or turn a fight. Mercy also offers Damage Boost which is a good utility for many DPS to help finish off targets that would otherwise get. Resurrect as an ability right now is best not used since it gets in the way of the above healing and damage boost and is a great risk.

The problem with the idea of rezzing teammates at any less than full health is that Mercy gains ult charge from healing.

A smart Mercy would be able to min/max that version of rez, using it in a way so she can get the next one much faster and snowball throughout the match

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I like I say. The best times to Rez are when they matter least because the risky Rezzes don’t offer a good payoff for the risk taken.

Its better to just have a teammate walk back from spawn.

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Valkyrie is a McDonald’s Dollar Menu of an Ultimate: it has many options and all of them are cheap and not particularly healthy either.

Mercy is all about thoughtful play around your team to keep them in the fight (while avoiding death yourself). Valkyrie doesn’t reinforce thoughtful play for the most part it detracts from it. However, that doesn’t mean rework is ungood, but I would say a different behaving Ultimate is a more workable solution because there is nothing in Valkyrie that can be buffed to really change the below issues.

Valkyrie removes reward in her play by doing several things that you could already do well outside of Valkyrie with better management of your abilities.

They say “Valkyrie enhances Mercy’s abilities”, but it really should be termed “Valkyrie extends Mercy’s abilities”. The difference is very important to note in terms of “thoughtful play”. Lets go through Mercy’s core abilities to see what this “extension” of abilities does in terms of limits & reward:

Section 1: Healing Beam

Healing Beam - doesn't feel more powerful it feels less involved to use (expand for details)

Healing Beam – as I say: “Dance the Beam, Around the Team, so they Teem (with life)

  • Problem: multiple teammates missing health
  • Limit: you can only heal one at a time
  • Challenge: restore everyone’s health
  • Method: predict your teammates moves (their ability use and positioning relative to danger) and your enemies’ priorities and determine who is healed when and how much

Chain Healing – as I say “Click n’ Fly

  • Problem: multiple teammates missing health
  • Limit: nope, everyone can get healed the same at once
  • Challenge: nope, Mercy does the work for you
  • Method: click n’ hold because there is no need and no way to change how you heal for 15 seconds

Section 2: Damage Boost

Damage Boost - loses the need to prioritize teammates in Valkyrie which makes require less thought and less informative to tell who is successfully making use of it (expand for details)

Damage Boost Beam – my default beam choice, but it can be situational. It requires you to consider weather it is better to choose Healing or Boost and who should be prioritized:

  • Situation 1 - easy: teammate health bars are in safe ranges (you as Mercy determine what is safe) use it.
  • Situation 2 - more to consider: some teammates are missing health or have low health, but your DPS has a teamwipe Ultimate ready and you really need to clear the point (so you determine.
  • Situation 2 Method 1 – Boost’em: don’t prioritize healing instead boost the DPS Ultimate (if you trust they will use it well), the point is cleared (hopefully). Some teammates may not make it, but healing them may not secure the point and may be too dangerous anyway.
  • Situation 2 Method 2 – more the merrier: forgo the tempting choice to damage boost and heal your teammates that need it (especially when you don’t trust the DPS you be boosting).
  • Situation 2 Method 3 – a little of both: dependent on what the DPS Ultimate is you only need to boost when damage is applied, so if timed well you can heal first then boost right as the damage applied by the DPS Ultimate.

Chain Boost – it’s there, it’s everywhere… use it more because the chain healing cannot save anyone, but dead enemies cannot do damage (except for Junkrat, and a few others).

  • No need to think too much about its use since you can just flick between chain healing and chain boost as you see fit.

Section 3: Angelic Descent

Flight is a more awkward, but OK change to Angelic Descent (expand for details)

Angelic Descent – the falling hover

  • Easy to use, but thoughtful use makes it more useful as it allows you to reach many locations especially when combined with Guardian Angel which for example can allow you fly upward vertically and then reach a second floor level quickly (situational use).

Flight – the non-falling hover with WASD

  • Now you don’t need teammates to get where you need to, and that independence has been the nicest part of the rework. It’s a bit clunky at times, but it’s pretty good.

Section 4: Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel - has extended range but doesn't feel better in Valkyrie (expand for details)

Guardian Angel – I’ll be by your side (if it’s worth my time)

  • Your mobility is limited by your teammates positions choose wisely where you fly to and fly past. The increased speed is very noticeable from walking speed.

Valkyrie Guardian Angel – extended and a bit faster (it’s a buff)

  • Same situation as the regular GA, but feels slower because you are already fast, so it more about the extended range. It doesn’t feel bad, but it doesn’t feel great either (the difference between Valkyrie Speed and Valkyrie GA is too subtle).

Section 5: Regeneration

Regeneration - goes from reward to just there (expand for details)

Regeneration – it’s the reward for being evasive

  • It’s a passive reward for finding good cover in whatever form that may be.
    Example: h ttps://imgur.com/a/Syymu :wink:

Uninterrupted Regeneration – it’s just there

  • It’s just there to give you chance to survive flight because without it you would just die as you become a noticeable target.
  • It’s just useful, not amazing, and there wouldn’t be an improvement in the fun if it were made more powerful, if anything it would just take away risk that should not be taken away.

Section 6: Resurrect

Once a game defining moment it is now just in the background (expand for details)

Resurrect is what you worked to survive for, so that you could turn a fight after your healing was outpaced by enemy damage.

For a character such as Mercy who usually will not be taking out the enemy team members, the Resurrection Ultimate was the one moment when this otherwise in the background character made an impact on a fight that could not go unnoticed.
For the Mercy it was what you did everything in preparation for to make a clear and concise punch in a fight.

Most important is that it was spontaneous and was Mercy’s one independent action that could count if the timing was right.

Now however, Mercy doesn’t have that one, spontaneous, independent ability, that could turn a fight. Mercy just has independent flight over 15 seconds, and everything else: Damage Boost, Healing, and GA are dependent on the team to make good choices with, but the Mercy cannot make the fight intervention any longer.

Resurrect is an after and before fight ability used exclusively behind cover of some kind or its just a gamble on the RNG of a single teammate.


I really want to help people understand. I see many who say they don’t see how it could feel “less fun” or even “unfun”. I would like to reach common ground of understanding.

Valkyrie gives Mercy all the tools to buff a team fight, and spectate the event unfold below. However, there’s no hero moment.

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OWL Stage 3 Pick Rates:

The only two heroes with a higher pick rate than Mercy are D.Va and Zenyatta - both of whom were nerfed. Does Mercy need another nerf to be balanced?


No, she is fine, though to the many who are vocal, a bit bland


Damage boost and healing stream should be nerfed

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God no, No one needs a nerf just because they have a high pickrate. DVA doesn’t need one, Zen doesn’t need one, Genji doesn’t need one, tracer doesn’t need one, winston doesn’t need one, and God knows Mercy doesn’t need one.


This is gonna be good… :popcorn:


The stage 3 maps are pretty Mercy-favored overall, but even with a different map pool she’d probably still have a strong pickrate as long as antidive, Zen/Mercy, and Widowmaker remain strong.

She’s fine and a very powerful hero.


Remove the I-Frames. She doesnt deserve them.

she is even better in matchmaking but people dont really understand why. they keep playing zen, lucio or even ana.

Absolutely not.

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No? She’s one of the game’s most balanced heroes. Why would you want to nerf her?


The range is too far, and damage boost should boost slightly less, that way she takes more skill to play