[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I’d argue bringing your team back up to a 6v6 instead of fighting 5v6 is a pretty hefty spike of power, no?

I also don’t see how you wouldnt say valk isnt a spike of power. Giving you twice the range, flight, instant regeneration and a huge aoe to your entire kit sounds like a pretty good spike of power… no? If not then I honestly dont know what classifies as a spike of power. It massively improves her entire kit, hell even her blaster.

Healing throughput. 60 HPS is double Zenyatta’s, it takes no skill, you never have to reload and you don’t run out of energy like Moira. She also has a lot of mobility, Zenyatta and Ana both have none and mobility as a healer is very powerful since it can get you out of situations.

You’re telling me then by the same logic Soldier: 76 is the worst DPS hero? Because he has consistency but he has no spike of power?

Also why are you even considering Mercy without Resurrect? The kit is clearly balanced around the power of that ability so taking it away, yeah, she is going to be weaker than she is. What is Reinhardt the best at when you take away Barrier Field?

That “potential” 300 hp/s is nothing vs actual 300 hp/s from transcendence. And supports are supposed to be annoying, just like tanks - it’s their job to make kills harder to get.


I mean rez is her motif, is it not? Maybe I’m not stating it clearly…
Valk is basically fly to the sky box and hold down healing or damage boost.
I just want her to be more then a glorified supercharger/zen ult. Sure it “sounds worse” and maybe the connecting beams could just transmit weaker healing/boosting to the rest of the team, but she should still have something to do while just floating there, thinking about her life.


But her base kit also has the same issue but no one complains about that? She just stands there, healing, thinking about positioning, same with Valkyrie.

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Oh, I completely agree that valk is superboring to use now. Hell I could probably use valk, fly to a safe place and turn off my monitor for 12 seconds and it wouldnt be too noticable.

I honestly don’t even know how you’d make valk all that interesting and fun, to me anything short of a redesign of it feels pretty meh.


This is something that I certainly haven’t and a lot of others haven’t even spoke about yet and it’s one of the biggest parts. When playing Zenyatta do you actually make use of all of that 300 hps? No. The chances that you do are so extremely thin it’s very rare.

Mercy has the unique ability to spread that value out, toward everyone nearby and make the most of it, unlike Zenyatta.

Valkyrie doesn’t require much thought in terms of positioning, it’s mostly “go up and don’t let Soldier, Widow, or McCree see you”, and heal priority doesn’t exist, just “heal the one closest to the center of hurt people”


I enjoy mercy outside of valk a lot more. You first of all have shorter range and have to be closer, you have to choose who to heal/damage boost, you have to be a LOT more aware of your positoning as youre ground based and guardian angel around as youre targeted since youre pretty squishy(no instant reg). It’s a lot more frantic and enjoyable than sitting in a corner of a building in the air shifting between left and right click.


We’re all entitled to our own opinions and boring/fun are all subjective. I’m not going to say anyone’s opinion is inherently wrong but the thing is, how do you turn Valkyrie into something that isn’t boring? Balancing around something like that is really difficult since feeling is nowhere near balance most of the time.


You make most of it by negating enemy ultimate. Valkyrie can’t do it, because any smart enemy will focus fire one specific target.

That’s whole point of support ultimates - to protect team from enemy ultimate.


Yet part of the reason for Resurrect being changed was that it was disheartening, and it had nothing to do with its strength ;-;

Exactly my point tho. Her kit isn’t really boring at all, but her ult removes all form of beam management and prioritization, as long as everyone is relatively grouped up.

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Not really. The rework happened because it gave incentive for a playstyle that felt very wrong as a main healer. Telling them to stop doing their job and go hide in order to actually successfully use the ultimate was strange. Everyone dying in one place was hard to coordinate.

Not inherently ultimates, just your team in general, and Valkyrie does that in it’s current iteration.

No insta rez, if you wanna fix your teams mistake shouldn’t be that easy, get behind your tanks. It feels just as bad when you get a clutch kill and a mercy just comes along and removes that

Yes, that was the other big part of it. I’ve discussed this at length in the Mercy Megathread, but “Hide and Rez” was ineffective. You wereentering a team fight 5v6 with no main healer, and the Resurrects that those Mercys would get would boost their SR. The most effective way to play was to actively heal and to Resurrect the 1-3 key targets that fell early, which many players did, especially those who didn’t care about comp. People who demanded big rez just didn’t know what they were talkin about, not everyone’s an expert on every hero after all.
Edit: Big Rezzes happened, especially if there was an enemy Zarya, or an incoming team kill was predictable. But more often than not, “Tempo Rezzing” was more effective.


Yet it was also rewarding, especially if teammates baited enemy ultimates before dying. And it was not wrong - you don’t stay to die with your team, if incoming damage is too high to heal through.


What about a rez heal on cooldown where you can stand on a dead body and very slowly give them more and more life for as long as you are willing to risk. So if you stood there for 6 seconds, they would be fully healed and rezed but if you only stood there for 3 seconds they would have like 20% life. If you’re interrupted, there’s no rez.


Would it work if the more people you rezd with ULT the lower everyone’s health is?
Ult Rez 5 people with 10 hp each up to one person with full health. That way you would be constantly analyzing the risk/reward.

Also, it was never “I have Rez, die on point” – it was “Hey, I have Rez, so stick together. If they kill you, I can bring you back” or “Hey, I have Rez, we can be aggressive.”