[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

This post simply gets dumped there, it is just a matter of time.

sorry I see your point but this bothers me. Do your math, boy.
12k of 1-10 mil would be 1.2 to 0.12% (or 0.5 to 0.05%, respectively if you take the lower number), so considerably high if you see that only a vast minority takes the time to run to the forum and write about their stuff

I think we as a community need to stop it with the constant generalising of hero preferences being the cause of certain issues. It just promotes bandwagon hatred and promotes toxicity.

Let’s just chill out and think reasonably.


Yes, she is balanced and that is the point.

No, we shouldn’t balance to the .0012% of people on the forums

But definitely the .00028% of top 500



My bad :stuck_out_tongue:

No we shouldn’t.
The game needs to be balanced around top tier for the health of the game. Specially when they want an esport to spring from it.
Balance around gold and see how far the game gets.

You seem to forget that its not just golds on the forums

No it’s not.

For me the issue is twofold.

First, balance is not the end all be all. The original Street Fighter was the most balanced of the bunch because there were 2 characters that had the exact same moves. No one plays that anymore really. Why? Because perfect balance is not fun or engaging. That’s where Mercy is right now. Thing is… Her current strengths as a character are insanely uncompelling. Most consistent? Easiest? Zzzzzzzzzz. Why would I play something that is boring?

Second, I used to love Mercy’s play style. The play style that Mercy used to have is gone. Straight up gone. I know all the arguments as to why it needed to go… Thing is though, that doesn’t remove the fact that they straight up removed something that I loved from the game. Why on Earth would I be willing to invest in a game that is willing to remove things like that?


I don’t think she is even balanced at this point. Like, why have a Mercy when you could have Moira with way more potential.
She is so lucky that Ana is still complete garbage, but I can say this now, the second Ana gets a good buff, Mercy is dead.

Mercy works well for me, i realy dont understand what you guys want mercy to be?

Yeah you cant use Ress in any situation but thats totaly ok because that means you and your team has to think what you are doing.

Her ult saves often and helps me if the tank has gotten in problems or my team tanks to mutch dmg while pushing or i get simply attack by a flanker.

I still love mercy and i love it that she is now more harder to play the before :slight_smile:


Soldier’s damage was buffed by 3 points after launch and then eventually brought down by 1, he has a ridiculously small spread and high damage potential. Not to mention he can heal his teammates at 40.8 hp/s for 5 seconds.

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“Rest assured, if things aren’t playing out well on the PTR, or if things happen to go live and they’re not playing out perfectly or to the community’s liking, we will go back and keep looking at these things.”

That’s what he actually said. I always see people misquoting Jeff on this.

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So 1 damage per bullet is not a nerf? They OP clearly said “No nerf”. Not to mention the damage nerf came slightly before the monkey/dva dive dominance that put soldier on the backburner anyways.

The forum is a sample of the community. It may be a small one, but it’s a representation of what the community wants.

If you take a sample from the majority, the sample is very likely to reflect what the entire playerbase wants.

There are far more than 12k players who are unhappy with the rework. They just don’t come here to voice their opinion.


Agreed. Mercy feels boring and dull atm. But I guess at least she is balanced.

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My issue with Mercy is that when she was reworked we were told part of it was because she needed a more active playstyle, but after like, 11 nerfs she was the same as before–Dependent on Resurrect

It is a nerf, but it so insignificant, he’s still a better DPS then almost every other character in the offense category.

The OP’s quote was a combination of two separate quotes by Jeff.

When Mercy was originally reworked, he said they can always revert her if things didn’t go to plan.

And after the latest nerf is when he said, “if we nerfed her too much, we will bring her back”.

No it is not. If balance was all we also could just remove all abilities and give everyone the same weapon and damage. Would be balanced and that’s all we need huh?

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In what world? Soldier and Mccree have both fell victim to this dive meta and are in the worst place they have been since launch.