[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Would make her resurrect split between teammates, when Valkyrie is online. It was claimed to “enhance your abilities”, so it should do it without exceptions.


Ok, so to clarify:

You’d keep her non-Valk form the way it is.

When she Valks:

Res cooldown reset?
Res is no longer single target, but area of effect?

Is that right?


No it would be if you have Resurrect available then it’d be enhanced when in Valkyrie.
Edit: <-- This was my idea! :smile:

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Correct, her non-Valk form is decent.

When she uses ult, resurrect is multi-target with increased range(slowdown and cast time still in place).


S*** yeah! I could get behind that.

Her recent nerfing I felt was necessary as she became a must pick, and I think that’s shoddy work on the devs part. But your adjustments sound like they could be worth while.

Cleo stealing my idea :sob:

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You sure you didn’t steal mine? Mine was healing beams connecting to dead teammates, so you can resurrect them. :ok_woman:

So, if i’m getting this right… Valkyrie, Would allow for a Multi Rez?

Where do i sign up for this?


You keep copying and pasting it into this forum until they notice it LOL!

Mine was exactly what you explained <-- (Which didn’t involve her beams). :wink:

At least they would notice it so I can get off these forums for good!


This is the fix I want to see for current Mercy.

You can refer to your own post now, your thread was moved here :expressionless:

I know rip. :sob: :sob:

I think Mercy should still be allowed to have multiple res charges (2 preferably). And her res movement speed could be increase a bit as well as the mobility she has while casting res (being able to crouch jump, etc.). I also think while ulting, there should be some sort of overall buff to her res (making it faster, making Mercy invulnerable, or something of the sort).
Her ult at the moment is kinda sad. To just fly around and heal and to dodge the Soldier, McCree, Widow shots. It just sucks.

See, no one seems to understand this. If your team combos grav, highnoon, riptire, dragons and earthshatter all at the same time, and the enemy Mercy mass rezzes, you don’t get to complain.

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I’ve been suggesting this around Overwatch players in my university’s game lounge. Everyone I’ve spoken to has said they’d prefer this over the current state of Mercy.

Hey guys I’ve been thinking, since Blizzard is too stubborn to even consider a Revert to one of if not the most iconic ability on the game, why don’t we at least consider taking what we already have and just making it less boring? Something like:

  • Valkyrie:
    • Duration Reduced from 15 -> 8 seconds
    • Healing increased from 60 -> 110 HPS
    • Damage Boost increased from 30 -> 35%

This shortens the ultimate, but makes it much more bursty. It actually makes a difference against ultimates like Dragon Blade or Tactical Visor, and more importantly you could actually feel the impact the ultimate has instead of the too-subtle to notice current Valkyrie.

I don’t know if this has been suggested before, and as you can imagine I just can’t read all the posts here, specially with the infinite scrolling system. Either way, what would you guys think of that?

This. This is literally most times I use Valkyrie to, well, heal people. It’s literally only good to push in, and even then, that’s basically letting everyone else show off their skills while you… hold down LMB/RMB?


Im actually so sick and tired of this “balance” team not being able to balance the game.

IF they dont want to revert Mercy… whatever… at least make her better than what she is now because right now she is LESS fun to play than she ever was before.

Flying around in the sky is NOT fun…

Reduce the range on the beams during Valk
Make the beam only split twice, healing only 3 people at a time, MAX
Primary target gets 120HPS, the other 2 get 60HPS
Rez is instant cast during Valk
Valk only lasts 10 seconds

Valk is boring and weak and doesn’t even feel like an ULTIMATE ABILITY! Youve gutted my favorite hero in this game and youve taken all the fun out of her.

Im mad.

Her ult line should have been “I will watch you”…

And now you are changing it back to Heroes Never Die? Really? Because with current Valk thats literally what happens… you just watch heroes die.

Rez needs to be instant during Valk for that old voiceline to even make sense anymore.