[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

And how much it is? I’m curious.

I just said, The I-frames could go. But she’d still need at least 50% damage resistance during the Rez.

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LoS limitation would have eliminated a common complaint about mass res “I have to go looking for Mercy”. Due to the fact she could res through walls. So if there was a room she could duck into and res through the wall then she would be relatively safe from being splattered before she could res.

This is why a LoS restriction would have worked wonders, because its easier to counter the Mercy by hooking or sleep darting her out of her linear fixed movement GA or time a teamwipe ult for a rekill then it is to know when res is going to be done when you cannot see her to time throwing an ult to rekill the enemy team or CC her so that you can burst her before she ults.


you aren’t a dev, you can’t confirm that they aren’t gonna change mercy.


I still disagree.

Does Genji get reduced damage when he ults? Does McCree? Soldier? Lucio? Rein?

Absolutely not.

Mass Rez is not only fight defining, it was Match defining, and you think damage reduction is fair?

No. Absolutely not. Adding I-Frames was the stupidest thing they ever did.

Yea… i hated getting insta killed by rez…

You mean it simply brought back characters on the enemy team?

Well, if i’m skilled enough that isn’t a Huge problem, Definitely not Something i couldn’t handle.

Basically, You have to be Good To counter it, And not Waste Ults…

If i’m skilled enough to get a kill once, i could get said kill again…
As long as i don’t rely Completely on Ults to secure Kills…

(And yes, i played with the Huge rez way back when, And it Was Balanced. -.- Mercy was Even called “Underpowed” by multiple Pro players)


Except you cannot fade while coalescence is running. So your entire counter argument is based on not using coalescence to counter tactical visor. As that is the only way to still be able to fade to avoid being killed by it.

And if she does burn fade and then use coalescence he can just focus her and murder her then go back to killing some other squishy.

So ultimately coalescence is not a counter to tac visor, unless the soldier 76 is terrible at target prioritization.

Mass Res was required. Yes you can counter it, but if you could not look at what it did to team balance, and hero balance, thats simply on you for failing to analyze the game properly.

Even now, with 1 Res, and Valk, Mercy was one of the top picked healers in Stage 2.

Wonder why…

Best part about the rework is that it sets a precedent to **** with other kits in the future.

To change a character to this magnitude should not be tolerated at all. Yet we have somehow justified it.


the opinion from the vast majority of whom? Mercy mains? I can assure you that most Mercy mains disagree with Mercy being unable to shoot while healing like other supports do as well… just saying

Here’s the problem, multi rez is incredibly frustrating to play against, we saw an incarnation of Mercy with 2 rezzes where she had to fly towards the target in order to revive, the end result? massive winrates and pick rates, it was only 2, TWO rezzes made Mercy incredibly broken

Why wasn’t Mercy considered broken before then? I know it’s complicated to understand but the game shifts as a whole, buffs and nerfs to other heroes affect Mercy as well, the addition of Moira would probably increase mass rez value by a ton as well, ALSO, the rework brought a lot of people to play Mercy who was labeled as unfun (read that, people labeled old mercy as unfun) and they would stay away from her, when they realized the power on rez and how much healing she was able to output, they optimized how she played and found this monster who was sleeper OP in front of everyone’s eyes

You Fade, then immediately afterwards start using Coalescence. Tactical Visor has a 1.4 second cast time, that’s enough time to get away from him, and start ulting yourself.

Ok, be honest, Lucio really should, with how easy it is for him to die during his ultimate.

This depends on positioning. If you Coalescence behind the next practical target, soldier cannot shoot through them to get to you. Tac Visor, despite being an aimbot, doesn’t let you ignore targets between you and the one you really want. This is why Coalescence could potential counter Dragonblade, but doesn’t usually. Genji CAN ignore everyone else and target Moira first.

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This makes absolutely no sense…

Mercy simply Isn’t As “Required” As you might think, bud.

If that were true, then wouldn’t you have a Lot more hours on her?
Hmm… I wonder why you don’t then…

The fact is, Mass rez wasn’t even a “Problem” On Console.

Go get 500 hours with a Joystick camera, Then we can talk about what was “Required.

Mercy was more often Picked out of the sky, then she was “Mass Rezzing the entire team” But when she DID Get the rez, It was Beautiful.

All she needed was Slight Changes. Not the near complete removal of a character defining Ability.


Its because you used to nuke her, if she went for that greedy POTG res. I-Frames, terrible idea.

See, I dont think he should. I dont particularly find it cool when I lose my ult from that random spam that killed me either while I’m in the animation, but I-Frames are a terrible idea.


"You have already been addressed."
This is often said as a reaction to someone who inquires as to whether or not our concerns about Mercy are going to be addressed. The person saying it then refers to this post by Jeff Kaplan on the previous Overwatch Forums:

"We have no plans to revert Mercy. We also feel like she’s not in a horrible place or unplayable.

It’s still to be determined if she is exactly where she should be because it has been too soon and the dust needs to settle. Her playtime in QP and Comp is still incredibly high. Her winrate is still above 50% but more in line with what we’d expect.

But I’d like to put the notion that Mercy is going to be reverted to rest.

Also, we don’t agree with the statement that all supports are weak. Support heroes are extremely powerful and impactful in OW."


Before I focus on the quote specifically, let’s refine the word “address” into something that is easier to apply in this circumstance.

In order for Jeff Kaplan (or any developer, for that matter) to address a group of individuals that have a common complaint, they must first A) know what the complaint is. After they have been made aware of that complaint, they must B) publicly acknowledge that they are aware of what complaint of that particular group is. Once they have done A and B, they must C) express that action, or no action, will be taken to make amends and fix the problem.

By this point, I’m betting that you, the reader, know where I’m going with this and love me for it, know where I’m going with this and hate me for it, or you do not know where I’m going with this. I’m also betting that one of you is in the process of locking this thread and tossing it into that place to be forgotten along with everything else.

Now that we’ve reduced “address” to more workable parts, let’s see how well that quote holds up.

Did Jeff Kaplan know what the complaint was and still is? We can’t really tell. Supposedly he does, being that he said this in the previous megathread on the old forums:

“Thanks to everyone for taking the time to write up thoughtful feedback here. We’re reading the responses daily.”


Although “we” is pretty vague and could simply mean “someone at Blizzard” which doesn’t provide us with any additional information. We know that moderators are reading the posts; “we are reading it” =/= “someone with authority in balance is reading it”.

The fact that we can’t really tell if Jeff is aware of Mercy’s problems shows that he obviously failed with B. Looking at the quote, we can see why:

"We also feel like she’s not in a horrible place or unplayable.

It’s still to be determined if she is exactly where she should be because it has been too soon and the dust needs to settle. Her playtime in QP and Comp is still incredibly high. Her winrate is still above 50% but more in line with what we’d expect."

Nothing he said in that quote is related to our complaints. He’s talking about balance, not how fun Mercy is to play or how she’s practically had her identity removed and replaced. So far, we don’t know if Jeff has done A, and we know that he has not done B. Has he done C?

Kind of… Sort of… Not really…


“We have no plans to revert Mercy… I’d like to put the notion that Mercy is going to be reverted to rest.”

They don’t want to revert Mercy. That’s great to know, but what are they going to do? Rework her again? Modify her from where she currently is? Sit around and look pretty?

Knowing what they don’t want to do isn’t helpful.

  • “What’s your favorite color?”
  • “It’s not purple.”

I’m bored, so I’m going to make another analogy. Let’s pretend that I ask my parents if we can get a pet cat. My parents then reply with “We need more dog food for our dogs”.

The reply doesn’t address the request. It’s irrelevant. They are both about pets, but the similarities stop there. This is where we are with communication between us and the developers.

The developers haven’t truly addressed us because they refuse to acknowledge our concerns. Rather than acknowledging our concerns, they constructed a straw-man argument and acknowledged that in an attempt to make it seem as though they have addressed us without actually doing so. Seeing how many people fell for it, I’d say that the charade worked.


Stage 1 disagree’s with you fundamentally.

I didnt play Comp while she was broken, because I’ll never play her seriously, she’s never appealed to me, and I dont make my teams suffer, out of my personal choices.

I would RATHER NOT PLAY, than play Mercy, and Mercy WAS required, if you cared at all about team success.

EDIT: Love your posts Titanium, but I’m not going to be able to respectfully address your posts, they are too long to do justice in a response.

I’d actually be interested in seeing the average Mercy rankings across over the various seasons post-balance.

I think you may be on to one very plausible reason for a lot of the outburst. :thinking:

mods are sleeping. they haven’t locked this thread yet.

Clearly, you haven’t read the actual complaints, as you would know that balance is not a concern of ours if you did. We want a version of Mercy that is fun to play back, not one that is overpowered.

The most fun version of Mercy so far? The pre-rework one. You know, the one that never had a meta to its name.